One of the occupational (recreational?) hazards of being a Steepster junkie is that you read about so many kinds of tea, you’re armed with preconceptions when you try something new.
Had the rare treat of trying this one blind this morning. Never heard of it, never tasted it, got to figure out the flavors from my first taste test. I’m still figuring. We’ve got a floral thing happening—that was when it was fresh and hot. Now it’s about half cool, and there’s brown sugar and caramel. Then I peeked and the description mentions nutmeg … yeah. A lot going on here for oolong-lovers.
This is really too light for a morning tea; fortunately, I am blessed with a rare don’t-gotta-get-up-and-start-running-first-thing morning, so something gentle and tasty is OK. But I do gotta-start-running-soon … three writing deadlines before October 1, which is looking scarily close … so (deep breath) off I go!