3010 Tasting Notes

drank Gong Fu Black by Zhi Tea
3010 tasting notes

This was a most welcome surprise, courtesy of The Divine Miss JacquelineM (hope you like Bette Midler:)

This was phenomenally good; essence of dark, dark chocolate in the first steep, and even though it dissipated in the second, it was deep and winey and rich. Excellent!

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drank English Breakfast by Carrington Tea
3010 tasting notes

OK, what do you expect for a 97-cent box grabbed from Wal-Mart out of desperation?

Can’t really pick up any flavor at all. Sort of mucky-muddly. The bags have no strings; at least I can make eye compresses.


…and if you ever need any stark white fabrics dyed a nice antique color – these will do the job!


Strangely, it got a little better as it cooled. Maybe a little root-beerish, even. Then again, my taste buds may well be out of whack.

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drank Green Tea Decaf by Bigelow
3010 tasting notes

Another involuntary weekend away from home…my dad is two for two on Fridays (last week, hospital for kidney stones; this week, hospital for clots in leg). Had to pack fast and my bagged stash is low, so I grabbed this at the farm to drink en route to hospital.

I rarely meet a Bigelow tea I don’t like, but this one was really washed out. Almost soapy tasting. Green teas are light enough I think trying to further decaffeinate just washes out the flavor.


Sorry to hear about your dad! Did the meds for the kidney stones cause the blood clots? May better tea and times come your way SOON!


He’s just got an on-call dr. this weekend, whom I missed, so I have only the vaguest details.

The tea hasn’t improved…I picked up a cheapie English breakfast at WalMart…review to follow; I’m having to grab wifi fixes at McDonalds. How do you spell pleaugggggh?


I think you nailed it!

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drank Elyse's Blend by Harney & Sons
3010 tasting notes

Thought this one might have a bit of a throat-coat effect because of the honey element; sniffles + dry air = raspy and ratchety.

I’m discovering that this one, when left to sit in the tumbler a while, bitters up pretty quickly. Note to self: drink it fast.

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drank Lemon Drop Cooler by 52teas
3010 tasting notes

Catching a cold—I don’t have time to catch a cold. This caught my eye as I was rummaging around my stash. Let it go nice and strong, it’s hard to ruin rooibos, and it was pleasant and smooth. The lemony combo isn’t sharply tart, it’s smoothly tart, like the Luden’s honey-lemon cough drops we used to sneak to school in lieu of candy.


I may need more … was minding my own business in Shabby House and suddenly heard a series of explosions that sounded like they were right over my roof. They were—-we’re just 2 blocks from the football stadium and there was a mass band concert, 1812 Overture, and 4th-of-July quality fireworks. So there I stand in my flannel nightgown and a blanket in the damp chill watching them, post-nasally-dripping to beat the (ha!) band. Time for another cup.


I’m trying to not get sick as well! I’m putting matcha in my green juice, drinking my homebrewed kombucha, and I’m doing a two-day cleanse. What else can a gal do? Fell better you :)

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drank Chance Combinations by Custom
3010 tasting notes

Adagio Mambo + Davidson’s Lemon Ginger

Separately, two good teas. Together…just don’t go there. Trust me on this. Blecch!

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This is actually packaged by Savannah Tea Company in Nashville, but I think they use Metropolitan and slap a pretty label on it.

It’s more “strong black mint tea with an implication of possible chocolate” than " chocolate tea with mint in it." But passable all the same. Wonder what a little creamer would do to it …

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drank PG Tips Loose Leaf by PG Tips
3010 tasting notes

So much going on to distress and distract (today, car wouldn’t start; isn’t life messy?) I’ve ruined more cups of tea than I’ve gotten right over the past week.

Therefore, I turned to my old friend, no-fail, can’t-mess-it-up-no-matter-what. I’m sure I have a few more of those that would qualify, but this one was the first that came to mind and to hand.

How about you? Other teas you can’t goof with whether you understeep, oversteep, or use the wrong temp?


Pure mint. : )


Bet your battery croaked because they like to do that in chilly weather and you are having some of the first low temps! I hope that it all it is!


Oh, Ruby 18 simply can’t go bitter! What a great tea! Also called Ruby Black at Shui Tea. Highly recommend.

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drank Temple d'Angkor by Dammann Frères
3010 tasting notes

This one has the potential to be phenomenal, but like last time, I didn’t watch the temp closely (did water in the Hot Shot and let it cool, but obviously not long enough) and messed up the green tea base.

Even so, this is the most unique set of fruit flavors I’ve ever had in a green tea. Bitter or not, I shall drink the whole cup and endeavor to get it right next try. Hmm. That’s not a bad life philosophy, eh?

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Unscheduled overnight at the farm last night (father hospitalized, mom convalescing and can’t stay alone, lousy night’s sleep due to items a and b) so I was glad to have this neat little sachet bag to throw in my bag. Left well past its prime, it was still good and bready, but definitely dark rye or pumpernickel instead of a nice golden wheat.


I’m so sorry to hear of your parents’ troubles. My best wishes go to you and them.


Thank you! Trying to maintain grace and humor; at least I’m receiving heavenly confirmation that I chose the correct line of work. I wasn’t wired to be a practical nurse or cook :)


Praying for you and your parents!

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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