3010 Tasting Notes
Last sample pack. This was golden-toasty, bready, and basic this morning … a perfect accompaniment to what’s going to be a day of small celebrations: assembling furniture, putting our socks in the proper drawers, hanging curtains, making beds. I haven’t comparison-tasted other golden monkeys, but I’m thinking that this or a similar one needs to be part of my permanent menagerie.
Shared a few Thanksgiving thoughts elsewhere, but you’re welcome to take a moment and celebrate with us: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=676601907#!/notes/gg-mathis/home-with-thanksgiving/10150468282005219
I hope today you are home for Thanksgiving and home with thanksgiving.
First, big news: last night we slept at HOME. New House, yet to be christened with an official name.
Carpets cleaned in preparation for furniture move tomorow, laundry in the machine, knees sore from kneeling and peeling out 30-year-old contact paper from kitchen cabinets, so I am sitting in my rocker and enjoying a celebratory afternoon cuppa. This tin, a much appreciated gift from ashmanra, I’ve been waiting to open until a special occasion.
So much going on and I haven’t found the timer yet, I let this first pot go a little past due. Base is bitter-ish. Even so, I am enamored with the fruit blend—there has to be a ton of strawberry—that stays in the mouth after each sip.
Now off to wash bird poop off the walls. (Former owners had parakeets.)
C.S. Lewis lovers, doesn’t the lion on the box remind you of Aslan? (You can never get a book long enough or a cup of tea large enough to suit me.)
My cups of tea at Shabby House are numbered. Hallelujah and Jehovah Jireh (with a little bit of the hora thrown in), we have a house waiting for us. Modest and humble, but OURS. Keys should be in our hand tomorrow and moving process should take about a week. I’m finally letting myself believe it and PACKED the loose tea filter.
So I’m down to whatever I can drink out of a bag, and this crumpled box looked like it needed me.
Vanilla Comoro fans, this is really, really close on the super vanilla pastry-like sweetness; just a rooibos base instead of the black. Great for tea and cookie break on a raw, windy afternoon.
Sounds like you are having a pretty good day youself! Conrats on the house. Do yourself a favor and move the tea stuff yourself. We spent years looking for some of our stuff when we got our house. Family moved us. Gotta love them but sure would have liked a little more organization.
Hooray! Is this the house you looked at that felt like home on the first visit, or did you choose another? I am excited for you!
Best bagged (sacheted) Darjeeling I’ve tried. I see lots of “woody” in previous tasting notes, but not fruity, which I thought it was. Lip-chappingly dry, too.
It’s been ages since I’ve had this tea. I ordered the 7 oz tin yrs. ago & loved it! I rememver it being crisp and fruity (moderately so). YES…I do remember a dryness to it. Thanks for reminding me. I know exactly what you mean! Had a pot at Special Teas Tea Room near us (now OOB)—sadly so. :( When I had it at the tea room the last cup was bitter, b/c they left the leaves in the pot, but it was fine, as the tea was really good with the food and scones.
Tail ends of samples tend to be a little lopsided…lots of dust and whatever the “small” ingredient is; not as much of the big, good lumpy things that tend to give a blend its flavor. Definitely the case here; whole and new, it’s a nice, slightly fruity herbal, but this last cup tasted more like dandelions and that’s about it.
Oh, well.