3010 Tasting Notes
Top half of the cup was hot, strong, and welcome—this doesn’t have any singular characteristics that separate it from other breakfast teas, but is a good, reliable pantry staple.
Bottom half was ruined; my fault…dumped a whole Land O’ Lakes “Mini Moo” creamer in (which, for a super-pasteurized coffee additive, generally isn’t all that bad) and that’s all I could taste. Oh, well.
I really am digging the additions to this blend that balance out the tartness—the vanilla and lavender, particularly.
When I was a kid, Mom would take the leftover pie crust dough, flatten it, daub it with butter and cinnamon and bake it until it was just barely crustie. I called it “pie goodie.” I’m wishing I had a slab to go with this. The two together would make fruit cobbler.
I’m liking this a little less each time I taste it … was handy at work today; was a nice complement to frozen/microwaved potstickers, but still a little medicinal in nature. Drank more out of duty (can’t stand to see a homeless tea sachet go to waste) than for pleasure.
Talbot Teas Orange Creme Dreams + Harney & Sons Vanilla Comoro
In about 1/2 and 1/2 proportions. The Orange Creme is such a nice mild citrus blend (aka no hibiscus :) that I think it’ll be a wonderful mix in. It certainly was in this case! Lots of body from the Vanilla C — really does make the creamsicle thing happen.
This is a lovely quality black tea I reviewed for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, so I’ll save detailed comments for later. Suffice it to say that, since East India Company was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth I to bring her swag and goodies and has a reputation to maintain, it’s royally good.
In the meantime, I believe I’ll add the East India fine foods store in London to my fantasy bucket list. (See all the treats at http://www.theeastindiacompanyfinefood.com.) I’ll take the Queen Elizabeth 1st Empire Trunk. A mere 3,500 pounds.
Been a while since I’ve sampled this one. Decided to reacquaint myself with whatever it is that has you Comoro junkies absolutely mesmerized. Duh! It’s that candy-sweet vanilla that smells like a Brach’s Milk-Maid caramel and makes you think you’re getting away with murder close to bedtime :)
I did toodle about and leave my cup to steep a little too long this evening, so the black base went a little bitter on me. Splash of half and half took care of that right quick. Tasty, tasty, tasty!
This was very light (and I mean v-e-r-y; prep recommends a tablespoon and I had to turn the bag inside out to make a full teaspoon) and cereally. First verbal imprint when I tasted was “rice water.” Had I made it properly, though, probably would’ve been a nice variety for those who prefer green tea that tastes less green.