Snow. Weird steroid-shot-injected night’s non-sleep-sleep. Nothing but the strong stuff will suffice. This is one of those bagged builders teas, Assam heavy, with a longer half-life than Twinkies, so I was hoarding my last few packets since the company has disappeared. However, this morning is one of the reasons I have been parsimonious with what’s left. Eyes are (half) open.
I hope you are starting to feel better! Taylors Assam usually perks me up. No shame in adding an extra bag to a cuppa.
I hope you are starting to feel better! Taylors Assam usually perks me up. No shame in adding an extra bag to a cuppa.
Improving, thanks! Throat feels much less sandpapery after my first dose of antibiotics yesterday.
Oh dear! I haven’t had a steroid shot in ever but I was a crazed snacking machine that did not sleep when I did have one. Hope you zonk out real good tonight and feel tons better in the morning!