Tea Desire, what have you done to this tisane’s soul? I don’t think too many people would want to drink beet juice. I took my first sip before even checking the ingredients. When I got beet juice, I thought I was losing my mind. I mean, geez, other tisanes have had beets in the past to give it the colour, but I’ve never ever tasted it. This tastes like cold borscht.
Beets are great and all, but I wish I tried this before I forced myself to drink the bottle of Sobe I bought on sale. That blueberry one or whatever. Tasted horrible, like pure sugar. Their drinks suck now. Anyway, I’m sure if I mixed it with this, it would have calmed down the sweetness of the Sobe and covered up the beet taste from this.
Don’t let the smell of the dry leaf suck you in.
The first line. :P I actually love beet juice haha! But not when it’s disguised as Blueberry Cream tea. I have an issue with tea names and flavours not matching up.