1403 Tasting Notes

Still sick. Still taste little to nothing. Lemon tea seemed the thing to wake up to. It’s ok. But right now, it is being a service tea, not a pleasure tea. Or maybe that’s just the tea.

I will refrain from rating for now.

Flavors: Dust, Lemon

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I hope you feel better soon. Until then, drink all the teas you are trying to get rid of :P

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you. It’s 8 pm. I just want to go to bed. Tea seems like such a bother at the moment.

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This, through my sick broken taste buds, is exactly like Constant Comment.
Does that tea still exist? I used to love that one a million years ago.

I will be finishing this one up soon, I expect. Just the thing with honey and a fleece blanket. Citrus and a mild spice hit—-what more could you ask for?

One of the teas that appeared in my WT subscription of which I have mixed feelings. Some teas were really really good and others meh. My biggest challenge with the company was poor communication issues, so I cancelled after several months.

If you are in the market for a Canadian tea subscription, you might want to give them a go though. Good value with occasional brilliant surprises.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cloves, Lemon, Lime, Orange Zest

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I’ve heard it still exists! Never had any myself. Feel better soon xx


Thanks for the heads up about the subscription! Never heard of these guys before.

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you, Indigobloom.

I first heard about them from a review Marzipan did some time ago. I have really enjoyed some of their teas that landed on my doorstep.


Oops, I apparently bookmarked them quite a while back but forgot. Either way, thanks for the nudge. :)

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drank Love Tea #7 by DAVIDsTEA
1403 tasting notes


Mind you, this was in a sampler box, so it may not be all that fresh. Being sick is the best time to drink all the things that you might not when your tastebuds are working.

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day, Steepsters.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Redberry Tonic by DAVIDsTEA
1403 tasting notes

I was perfectly fine this morning, and then, in a split second, I felt like I was coming down with the plague. Fab.

This tea, however, is making me feel better and I certainly like that about it. The tartness seems to be coming through a vanilla veil. Mind you, at this point in my day when I’ve located all the kleenex and found my biggest thermal socks and all the fleece and flannel, my tastebuds are not that great.

I am glad I was able to get some this week while taking advantage of the free 50g after a 35 dollar purchase. That store is like crack, seriously.

Flavors: Rosehips, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I’ve managed to resist thus far. Cleaned out some of my tea cupboard as well this weekend/swap box. Hoping that next weekend i can re-organise and weigh things again :)

hope you feel better!

Evol Ving Ness

Well done, you! So impressive, so impressive.

Thank you, Sil. Things are slipping quickly here. Tastebuds almost completely gone now, so I imagine I will be staying with sour red teas until I feel the need to go to generic black with honey and shots of rum. I have a plan, you see.


“That store is like crack”—-so true. I went in to try a few new teas and redeem my points…almost $60 later… lol
I hope you feel better soon!


hope you get better soon :(

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you. :)

Tigress, I hope got some cool stuff. I know, I do the same.

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drank Cotton Candy by DAVIDsTEA
1403 tasting notes

So. At the tea festival, I bought three clear glass travel containers: two with glass interior and plastic exterior and one with double glass. When I was living in China, I had a fantastic clear plastic one that was a daily workhorse. I haven’t been able to find one like it here, so I keep buying and hoping.

My intention was to use them for continuous in-jar steepings and cold steeps, the latter being a novelty for me.

This tea was not a hit for me hot, so it seemed like a good candidate for cold experimentation. And it was. Score!

I used about one and a half or two spoons per 14 oz approximately and left it near a frosty window overnight.

It tastes good. Very close to candy floss, with all the imitation flavours that one can expect from that as well.

And now this tea is gone. I won’t be repurchasing it.

Flavors: Candy, Cotton Candy

2 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

three! haha go you!


Which teas are best for continuous steeping? Top 5?

Evol Ving Ness

Generally, based on my experience in China, I find oolongs and some greens are good because multiple steeps which you can top up throughout the day . Silver needle is usually good. White bases usually go bitter, but it depends on the tea. Anything finicky that needs exact timing would not be a good bet. As for flavoured, I have no idea—discovering this just now.

Evol Ving Ness

Sorry I can’t be more specific yet. However, I will be posting my findings as I find them. :)

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Such vanilla deliciousness!

I woke up craving a straight vanilla custard type black tea and yes! -this is it. A big glug of milk provided the custard smoothness. Exactly what I was thinking about as I was making a tea decision this morning. The scent is divine, the taste intoxicating.

I am not a huge fan of Ceylon but this one is wow.

Flavors: Custard, Malt, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I didn’t see this one at the festival! boo

Evol Ving Ness

This one wasn’t at the festival.


Oh! haha. I’ve never ordered from them, but always meant to.

Evol Ving Ness

I am a bit slow making my way through my box from them. I tend to get stuck with ones I really like a lot and ignore or misplace others.

That said, through this company, I’ve discovered a lot about teas that I had decided I didn’t like previously. So it has contributed to my tea education journey.

The owner is a lovely human being with great teas for the most part, so I am quite happy to spend my money in his direction. Decent customer service makes a huge difference to me and tends to account for a lot when I make my purchasing decisions.


I couldn’t agree more! Most of the Assam’s I get (my fave) are from this company. The owner gave me a free pouch of tea last year just because (it was his display pouch and he didn’t want to sell it since it had been opened a few times). I would recommend this company to anyone!!

Evol Ving Ness

Your experience makes me happy. Lovely man. :)

Yes, I have some Assams from them that are currently wandering around somewhere here unopened. I’ll get there, I’ll get there.

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drank Apple Custard by DAVIDsTEA
1403 tasting notes

So very glad that I have a bit of this left now that the tea has been retired.

Despite my mixed views on this tea when I was drinking it straight up, steeped strong with milk and a dab of honey, it is just wow. Totally apple vanilla custard indulgence.

Hurray for tweaking mediocre and finding fabulous.

I suspect I will be drinking this night after night cuddled up in my flannel jammies and fleece until it is all gone.


With milk and some honey? I shall have to try it this way.

Evol Ving Ness

Yeah, who knew? Never in a million years would I have considered putting milk into a camomile tea, but then, custard? Well, yeah. I am still surprised at how good it is.

Evol Ving Ness

For 12 oz. of strong tea, I add about 1/4 cup, maybe a bit more, milk and then about 1/2 a teaspoon of honey.


Awesome. Thanks for letting me know and I’ll be sure to give it a try. This was good as an eggnog latte so I could see your method being very nice.

Evol Ving Ness

Oooh, eggnog!

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I steeped briefly using cooler water to work with the green and black blend.

To my taste, this tea is too perfumey. Not that I dislike floral teas, but this one is redolent of perfume shops in that sort of busy flavour kind of way. Perhaps it didn’t help that I added a big teaspoon of honey. Perhaps that complicates the flavour further.

I like the smell of the tea in my cup very much though.

This reminds me very of Fauchon teas I had a million years ago. Perhaps the base blend is the same or perhaps there is something very French in the way they build their flavoured teas. To be fair though, I have been loving black teas with deep rich dark bases lately. Perhaps this is tampering with my perspective too.

Maybe the second steep will be more of a pleasure

Thankfully, I have enough to try again with less honey if any at all.

Much appreciated, Sil. There’s a lot to enjoy here, but I don’t need to place an order for this immediately. Or ever.

The second steep is lovely. The perfume has calmed down, but the flavour notes are still present in the background. I didn’t add anything to the tea. Much more pleasant this way. Perhaps I need to underleaf next time to make this more to my taste.

Flavors: Citrus, Floral, Vanilla

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

the blergamot like taste to this one is something i don’t love. It’s not my favourite of the “breakfast” teas from MF.

Evol Ving Ness

I am not really getting a sense of bergamot in this one. Just perfume shop.

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This is one of the teas that I picked up at the tea festival yesterday. I like it. The flavours of strawberry and kiwi are straightforward. The strawberry is brisk and the kiwi presents itself as tanginess. Enjoyable cup.

The second steep is nicely flavourful as well. More so than I had anticipated.

Flavors: Strawberry

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Glad that you were able to attend. Hope you had a great time!

Evol Ving Ness

Yes, me too. It was lovely to meet our Steepster peeps and connect with vendors that I’ve purchased from. It was fun but overwhelming. I didn’t stay long today either.

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So the throngs at the tea festival became far too much for me.

I had had so much fun with the most lovely Steepsterites that I completely forgot that this morning I had dropped my laptop on my big toe. Just seconds after leaving the tea festival, flames of pain and sudden awareness of massive swelling accompanied me on the elevator ride to the main floor. Profound discomfort.

I’ve been on the couch with foot elevated since I got home, trying to ignore my throbbing foot which has now swollen to what feels like the size of a melon.

Today this tea is far less cheery than I remember it being despite having a cherry in my dry leaf. Still delicious, but I want more cherry. Especially today.

Why yes, I am whining, why do you ask?


Oh nos! got any traumeel around to help with the swelling? Feel better soon Evol! as in asap so we can chat more tomorrow! :D


Aww! Wishing you a swift recovery!


Hope you get better soon! I broke my leg a couple of weeks ago and my hard headed self went a week before I went to get it fixed!

Evol Ving Ness

Oh dear with the leg! I hope you are on the mend now. Thank you everyone!
I had some arnica cream handy, so I slathered that on and I am just heading out now after a few sips of one of the teas I bought yesterday. As long as I can get my shoe on my foot, I am on my way.


Oh no, hope it’ll heal soon. And same to you, mrmopar!


Well wishes to both of you!

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you! I was able to get around, so things may be better than I thought. I won’t be jumping around on that foot any time soon though.

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A monk sips morning tea

A monk sips morning tea,
it’s quiet,
the chrysanthemum’s flowering.

- Basho


Note to self—-you do not actually need any more tea.

My real tea obsession began in February 2015.

Not, sadly, when I had been living and working in China, though I very much enjoyed sampling a variety of teas during my travels there as well. No, no, that would have been far too sensible.

I am a reformed coffee drinker. I still enjoy a long double espresso with a good quantity or milk or cream from time to time, but for now, tea is my thing. All day.

*note—this is way out of date, so if we are doing a swap and you are checking to see what I like and dislike, mostly never mind what you find below. One of these days, I will update this. In the meantime, check what I’ve been drinking and use your own judgement. I like all the teas. Well, I am open to trying all the teas.

I tend to drink black, green, or oolong tea in the morning to early afternoon. Rooibos or
Honeybush or herbal in the evening. And perhaps some sort of sleepy-type tea in the wee hours.

This year, I’ve been discovering flavoured teas, so it may look like that is all I drink although that would provide a false impression.

Not a big fan of chocolate or mint in teas, but I will try them and, from time to time, have been pleasantly surprised. Also, usually I dislike a prominent cinnamon flavour, if untempered with other things, in teas. Again, I say usually, because there are exceptions.

Also, please note that haven’t quite gotten into the habit of updating my tea cupboard on Steepster, and it is unlikely that I will do this on any kind of regular basis.

I drink my tea black and unsweetened. If there comes a rare moment that I add something to it, I will mention it.

Finally, while I thank large and successful tea companies for tantalizing and beckoning me to the world of tea, I prefer to support independent ventures with real people, real enthusiasm and commitment, and real dreams.

Currently, I am researching monthly tea subscriptions. Perhaps it will keep me out of tea shops.

And here is Shae’s rating scale— which I am using with permission, of course— which more or less describes the way I have been rating teas. I am going to make more of an effort to stay very close to these parameters now.

Rating Scale

1-20: By far, one of the worst teas I’ve tasted. I most certainly will not finish my cup and will likely “gift” the rest to my sweet husband who almost always enjoys the teas I dislike (and vice versa).

21-40: This tea is not good but if I mix it with another tea or find another steeping method I might be able to finish it.

41-60: This one is just okay. I might drink it again if someone were to give it to me, but I probably won’t be buying more for myself.

61-75: This is a consistently good tea. It’s reliable but not necessarily special.

76-90: This one is a notch above the rest and I would gladly enjoy a cup of it any day of the week. I’ll likely be keeping this in my cupboard, but it isn’t one of my all-time favorites.

91-95: One small change and this tea would be perfect. I’ll definitely have a stash of this in my kitchen if you come over for tea.

96-100: No words can describe this tea. It’s an experience, an aha moment. Closed eyes, wide smile, encompassing warmth. Absolutely incredible. Perfect.


Mostly, but not always, Toronto, Canada.

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