1403 Tasting Notes
I bought a wee bit of this after trying an in-store sample.
When I steeped it up at home, it had a really really familiar flavour. It drove me crazy until I remembered that yes, I have had this exact same tea before: bingo!—-Toasted Walnut. Why yes, it is amazing that this black base tastes exactly like the green tea base.
I enjoyed it, but wow.
And there really should be an almond brittle in the flavour category.
Flavors: Cream, Nutty
All the good things that have already been said about this tea are true: cassis vanilla deliciousness.
Thank you, Sil. I was just waiting for the right moment, ie. when I had some tastebuds to work with and when I wasn’t flinging myself out the door in a mad dash.
Beautiful tea.
Flavors: Black Currant, Vanilla
The Bergamot is light. Not quite an Earl Grey, but again, damn. I wish comments could be edited. That, and I need to be better at typing.
The leaf is really pretty with what appear to be rose petals and floral dry bits.
A bit of a citrus scent to the brew, but a sort of generic mixed sweet spice flavour. The woody rooibos tails behind despite me having steeped it with cooled water.
I’ll drink what I have, but I don’t need to seek out more. More doesn’t appear to be available anyway on the site. I tried to find the tea information to enter in Steepster, but it is all gone without a trace.
Flavors: Citrus, Spices
Yep, smoke comes first. Like Lapsang Souchong light. And then, citrus zips along behind it. Delicious.
The scent of my empty tea glass is intoxicating. I would have another, but this last one may have overwhelmed my caffeine limit for the day.
I am totally going to enjoy this with a spoonful of homemade preserves that next time that I need a wow kick in the pants kind of tea.
Flavors: Citrus, Smoke
My tastebuds are slowly and thankfully remembering me. What a sad thing it was to not taste and smell! So grateful that these vital senses are coming back after this recent very long-lasting cold.
Interesting, this one.
The first steep is all tart and sweet pineapple with the marshmallow just a vague something in the background. The second steep leads with that lovely pillow of marshmallow vanilla fluff on that beautiful black tea base.I like it. A bit odd and unusual, but I like it. I predict that it will grow on me even further.
Sadly, upon cooling a bit, there’s soap. What? Where is that coming from? Pineapple preservative or sweetner maybe? Taking my rating down a bit for this most unwelcome rude awakening.
Flavors: Marshmallow, Pineapple, Vanilla
Tea for the cinnamon enthusiast.
Not being one, or rather much of one, I’ve got nothing else to say about this one.
Maybe I can turn this into a joyful, or at least bearable, cup with some milk and honey. Or maybe use this to tone down something else.
Flavors: Cinnamon
I needed a change from sick teas, so I reached for this. My tastebuds are still not happening a hundred percent.
Mint. Chocolate. Marshmallow. I had it straight up today. I think I’ve enjoyed this more previously, but then, I had tastebuds to work with.My rating is based on my previous enjoyment of this tea because it is a good one.
Flavors: Chocolate, Marshmallow, Mint
Still sick here. Tastebuds not what they should or could be, so I am reaching for teas that either don’t thrill me or might sustain and soothe me.
This tea is in the first category. The idea of it is fab, but the execution not so much in my opinion. Even when my tastebuds are a hundred percent, this tea just doesn’t do it for me.
Some sort of cinnamon clove vanilla artificial buzz through a haze of synthetic sweetener. Thankfully, I am saved to some extent from the full intensity of this at the moment.
Bah. I am very much on my way to bye Felicia with this one.
Is this the same thing in my cup that everyone else has?
Flavors: Cinnamon, Cloves, Vanilla
Oh no, I hope you get better soon! I wasn’t terribly impressed with this either. Looks and smells amazing, but you’re right, there is something artificial and just plain old off about it.
I think they changed this tea tbh. Last time I saw it on their website, it had star sprinkles and what not that my older stuff doesn’t have.
Oh yeah, the older version had glitter balls. I wonder if they just changed the sprinkles/balls or the flavourings in this too.
Ya I think they changed it. I tried a sample in store quite a while ago. I never would have guessed it was the same tea.
I am still sick with a bad cold or flu or something nasty. I might be getting better, but it may be too soon to tell. I was in two different hospitals and two doctor’s offices last week, so likely I picked up all the germs that were on offer.
This is good: the tea, not the germs and the experience.. My tastebuds are still far from a hundred percent, but I am enjoying this one with a teaspoon or less of honey. I imagine it would be good with a generous squeeze of lemon or orange.
I’d like the ginger to be far more intense though. Maybe that will happen when my tastebuds begin to come back.
Flavors: Ginger
Toasted Walnut is my favorite green tea blend that DT offers, so I’m even more excited to try Pistachio Ice Cream.
I like Toasted Walnut very much too. It’s an excellent afternoon and travel tea. Seriously, my first cup of PIC at home was EXACTLY like TW. Exactly. I will let you know how the next cup goes.