230 Tasting Notes
After making a pitcher of this tea with the kids, there was enough of the 50g bag to make enough iced tea for the staff.
This is the life! Sending staff home on a brutally hot Summer day with iced Bear Trap tea and a splash of fresh squeezed lemonade. Mmmmm!
So today, I took yesterdays left over Bear Trap tea and added lemonade. And voila, fact that this group of kids enjoy their drinks “wicked sour”
But this 2 litre pitcher of tea lemonade disappeared faster than the tea on it’s own did yesterday!
I have had this tea, I don’t know how many times and yet I still refuse to purchase this?
I must say it is delicious, but still a tea that will only be a take-away tea from the store, I doubt I would ever be able to convince myself to purchase this and I worry the contents would settle and I would get nuts and none of the other items in my t-sac.
Oh, Oh this is “wicked-awesome” (to steal a phrase from a co-worker)
I loved everything about this, from the fact that I was able to steep 1.5 tsp twice and still was strong enough to pour over ice and not loose flavour!
I offered my hubby a sip and without telling him what kind of tea it was he sniffed and said: “I smell cinnamon, something citusy, cardamon? No, but defiantly cinnamon” and I will say that after that sip I was done sharing. I sip, savoured and drunk the entire cup to myself and was excited enough about this one to put it on my MUST buy list!
I can’t figure out how to do a rooibos in the travel press yet without a bunch of loose bits coming up the sides. Am I crazy?
Anyways – yay to this tea!
I got the DavidsTea Bodum one for my bday. I can’t find any reviews of people actually using it, so I don’t know if mine is an exception and most travel presses work really well! I just don’t know x_x
I have this one: http://www.davidstea.com/accessories/david-s-travel-press (in pink!). I used it a lot last winter, and never had any problem with tea leaves escaping. Of course, I’m also afraid to use it on anything but rooibos lol.
Ahhh that one! Maybe I should get that one too, I’m temped. I love the green.
This is the one I have: http://www.davidstea.com/accessories/davidstea-by-bodum-travel-press
I can’t do roobois, but I like to watch the leaves unfurl in my black teas etc!
Aisling how does it work? Do you pull the handle? I keep looking at that one. Daisy my mom has the one you have and I had wanted it until she got it. I figured it would press the leaves but there is lots of liquid left in the bottom of the mug so I assume that the tea would continue to steep.
Yeah I think the same thing Cattibrie. Sometimes I do it just right and there’s an air bubble, but most times it appears to keep steeping. I’m sticking to tisanes and forgiving teas like Movie Night until I can figure it out. OR until I get this one that aisling has, please do tell us how it works Aisling :)
It works like the others, there’s a push-down thingy in the middle of the lid. I’ve never tried anything other than a rooibos in it. What the girls at DT told me was the press pins all the leaves against the bottom of the cup and keeps them from expanding and steeping that way. shrugs…I’m going to test that right now because I’m bored.
haha you’re wonderful!
Thanks ^^
I think the problem with the clean one is that it leaves too much room at the bottom something, depending on the tea, so it doesn’t get a chance to smoosh them
Holy crap, it worked: http://steepster.com/teas/davidstea/16105-cloud-nine-organic?post=83667
I cheat, (it’s horribly unevironmentally friendly… but) I put the rooibos into a T-sac and then put that into my DAVIDs travel press, or my 8 cup Bodum at work…
Yesterday when I made some of this tea iced to take to the Managers meeting, I had two young lads race up the the counter and ask for a sip. I made too much for my travel mug and rather than put just a little amount into the fridge. I poured the last little bit over and ice cube (one for each lad)
I held my breath…
Lad 2 – “Erin, I know this is from your stuff, an-an’ I know e’pensive, but can we have this for Beach day tomorrow?”
And that is what we did today, Lad 2 helped me set this one up for a sun-steeped tea today, and it turned out really well! Rooibos sun-steeps so well and does not over steep (it would seem)… Not only that, but all 16 kids that showed up tried this tea, of the 16 over half prefer this tea over the “Bear Trap” we made and 2 requested this tea for Christmas Camp!
Verbatum: We could steep this and add hot-chocolate powder!! (Wow, I am creating evil tea genius’!!
I have had this one iced for the past three days straight. This is just the right kick of spice on these overly hot days. It has been a Summer where I have not been able to handle the heat, I don’t know if it is the weight gain, or the mild depression brought on by panic inducing financial stress… but this tea has a way of making me sip, slow-down, and relax, if only until the pot or cup is finish.
It is a shame this tin will not last me until September.
I bought this for the kids at work – What an expensive treat this one was! $6.50 just to make a JUG!
We did unintentionally over steep this one, but a little extra kick of apple doesn’t harm. And I was impressed when one of the kids mentioned: “This would taste better with fresh squeezed lemonade instead of the agave.”
On the whole the kids that were willing to try this tea, truly did enjoy it, but if I were to get this tea again for them, I would just add the lemonade and tell them it is “Berry Lemonade” instead – might get me more kids willing to drink it.
I am happy that when I said: “Sell me something that smells like bubble gum” the gal behind the counter gave me this one to smell!
A big thumbs down… Thippppph!
I enjoy DAVIDs Oolongs, but this one was a bust! BIG TIME! To the point that I am happy I only asked for 10g. It’s very vegital, though I don’t mind a veggy taste it really does not mix well with the intense fig smell or the melon taste…
I’ll be happy when this is done.
that’s what I thought when I first tried it!! but then I took a chance on a second and third infusion, those were much more appealing for me. Odd, I find that with greens, rarely with oolongs.
This Oolong left something to be desired, and I did three steepings and for the most part all I could taste was the carrots, they were over powering for sure.
(Please note: I combined this tea with Ginger Pu’erh, to make a full pot of tea)
Good Gawd! I really read to get more of this for my cupboard for evenings where a little cinnamon is needed to calm me.
I would suggest against enjoying a bath with this tea, as I could smell the less appealing notes of the pu-erh. But the cinnamon taste ran right along the center of my tongue, from tip to back, and it did not take me long to polish off the entire pot!
Note, I used 1.5tsps for agave to sweeten the 32oz pot.
You are so good to those kiddies! They are super lucky to have you and your “wicked sour” brew :)
LOL, yes, I have a staff who places “wicked” in front of everything to express how super excited she it with whatever it is she is excited about. Now the kids use it.
Is she from New England? It’s a very New England(er) term :)
I don’t know, I should ask.