230 Tasting Notes
O… M… G!!
Sweet! Literally. I wish it had been tasty enough to keep my attentions long enough to finish it. But I will admit this would make a fabulous weekend tea (if only because of the sweetness)
I did not detect any other flavours, but I would not doubt that I either understeeped of the water was not hot enough – I was a little distracted this morning: “Are you kidding me?! A December Rain Storm in AUGUST!!?! WTF?!”
This tea is up for a swap, as it is not my fave and I would hate for it to go to waste.
It was purchased early July 2011 and is stored in a well sealed tea tin. This is a delightful tea; I am just not a fan of all the licorice flavour in this tea.
32oz tea pot ~ Check
Nepal Black ~ Check
An hour to myself ~ Check!
I only put two perfect scoops into the basket this time, because last night I noticed that when I put three scoops of black tea in to the basket I ended up with a brew that is “too much tea” that I had an espresso black liqueur.
I could have used maybe a half perfect scoop more? Or maybe not? Right now it is perfect enough with 2 perfect scoops to not need any milk or cream. I should have bought a pot long ago because I am finding that I am brewing delicious pots, this tea has gone up a few points for me.
So, I know that I mentioned the last of the Watermelon tea was mixed with this one… as a result, and because the Luscious Watermelon was a donated tea to my Summer Camp site, I brought the Goji Pop/Luscious Watermelon mix with me to work.
Again we used the Rubbermaid pitchers, and again we used 3 T-sacs per pitcher (this nearly drained me of Goji Pop and I will have to make sure I head into a DAVIDs soon for more.
The children preferred the “pucker power” of the Goji berries, and some of the children who have been drinking herbal teas with me all year, noticed: “HEY! Hey Erin! You can taste the watermelon on the (varying parts of the mouth)”
And quite a few of the children left begging their parents to take them to DAVIDs again, for some more yummy teas!
I tried a sip of this when I was in the store to find out why another tea is no longer doing what it is supposed to do. And found this to be an enjoyable green. Enjoyable enough to take home 10g to see if I really care enough for this tea to add it to my cupboard.
I ended up using the entire 10g in my new tea pot, I brewed this up and this morning it is GONE! So at least I know either my husband woke up incredibly thirsty and downed the entire 1lt of tea in one shot, or he just did not realise he was drinking MY TEA! He can have his “poisons” but seriously he should leave mine alone!
sigh so sad that I did not get to try this one at home!
Oh, Oh WOW!
This tea was in my to-go cup yesterday and WOW! I must’ve steeped this one perfectly because it was so good, so-good! That I did not have to add milk or cream or anything to it really. And I actually finished the entire cup! When I get to work the kids are so busy that I usually forget my tea and end up sipping it cold and if it is black I make a “sour pinchy face” (or what the kids call the: we’re not eating that for snack face")… No I clutched this travel mug to my body until the last drop!
I don’t remember what it tasted like, but oh dear God, I just know that if it was good enough for me to hold on to until the last drop, I know it is good enough to take the next empty tin into DAVIDs and ask for 100g of this!
This note is based on what happened at my Kids Klub Site while making Sun Steeped tea with the children in my care.
Again we used the Rubbermaid containers, which I filled with hot tap water, and we placed three T-sacs full of tea into these containers.
The children were more taken with the scent of this tea, unsteeped to the point they were willing to try and slip the watermelon chunks into their mouths. “Kids, if you eat the watermelon it will just be a red apple tea…” – “But it smells like melon bubblegum!”
We used the same steeping process again, leaving the tea outside in direct sun light between 8am and 1pm, then placed the tea into the fridge and not removing the T-sacs until it was snack time (the tea still steeps a little as it cools in the fridge)
This time the children did not ask for juice because I brought my Agave and added 1 perfect scoop to each pitcher.
This one got rave reviews to the point that children were begging their parents to take them to DAVIDs for more tea. There were some eyes that glazed over, but I told parents the fruit and herbal teas at DAVIDs are really fool proof and with the help of their knowledgeable staff they’ll be able to make perfect pitchers at home.
I went to Walmart and purchased two clear plastic Rubbermaid pitchers with black lids for my Site almost as soon as I was given the tea from DAVIDs. (I can’t Thank DAVIDs enough for their generosity, I am sure they are happy because their generosity has made 5 new DAVIDs customers, WHOLE FAMILY customers!) and I bought a clear glass botum.
I had the children help me to fill T-sacs with tea, and gasp! tea was spilt, but that’s life, at least we did not loose the whole 100g tin in one go! They helped to fold the bag over, and we tucked them into the top; as I snapped on the lid children were already screaming excitement: “Look! LOOK ERIN!! Yellow!! IS THAT THE TEA?!”(I purposely used hot tap water to start the steeping process) We placed the pitchers on the front step of our site and I explained to the kids: "If we leave the tea until after lunch it will make a perfect pitcher of tea. (please note only 3 T-sacs full of tea were used for each pitcher)
The children screamed out to the playground and played the morning away, when they came back to observe the tea before lunch they noted the vivid yellow colour of the tea. “Look that colour is the same as my Granny’s birthstone!” I asked: “Oh so Granny was born in November?” – “No just a long time-a-go”
At this point I put the pitchers into the fridge and told the kids we needed to cool the tea down so that it was “iced tea” and also let them know that when the tea was served they could ask for a taste first, if they were not sure, as well as “a splash of juice to sweeten” if they needed.
When snack time came this tea disappeared faster than the veggies and dip! I love that I am creating “little tea monsters” – It is my master plan for ruling the world! (insert terrible mockery of evil laughter here)
Needless to say the children want more of this tea next Summer Camp!
Sounds lovely to me.. both the tea and the rain. We have a lack of “weather” here in Southern California. sigh
I just hope the rain doesn’t mean our rainy season is starting 10wks early
I love this tea!! You should try their Black Nepal Tea, it’s even sweeter tasting.