I think I am starting to become aware of the scent of rooibos and honeybush teas, because when the tin is opened you are hit in the face with a distinct honeybush scent followed closely by red rooibos. As for orange or caramel scent there is nothing there, but I have never been let down by a Safeway product yet; so onward I trudge.
I went for a cold steep today, since it is FLIPPING hot out and I can wait for this while I sip what is left of the passion tea lemonade I made yesterday.
This tea is pretty to watch as it cold steeps, all the loverly amber colourd liquor slip sliding around the icecubes to pool at the bottom of my glass is almost mesmerising (I even forgot about the knife I was holding while making salad for din-din) Once I stirred and added a little simple syrup, I was fully let down by the lack of orange and caramel flavours I was waiting to taste.
But I will not shelf this one indefinantly just yet, as I am thinking a hot steep tonight will bring out the caramel and orange flavours.
Same teabag, steeped with hot water, as soon as the hot water hit the leaves I could smell caramel and orange… My rating just went up!
Blech, that’s too bad.