Traveling Tea Box: Group A - round 2 discussion
I sent the teabox out over a week ago, so hopefully it’ll arrive at the next person soon.
Just wanted to let everyone know that as of this morning there still is no box. :(
While we’re waiting for it to arrive at my place, does anyone have any requests?
I’m going to assume it probably wont now. Seeing as how it was mailed almost 3 weeks ago. :(
boxermama…maybe. My verdant order still hasn’t arrived and it was mailed on june 15th…so it could just be weird delays because of the holidays/customs
oh right..for some reason i keep thinking jillian is in the us lol
I wonder if she has the tracking number? I know canada post usually gives you one when it’s a box even if you spend the basic amount on shipping…
my friend works in a shipping department and said the flooding in Alberta’s been causing a lot of delays so that might be part of it.
Yup nothing yet. May have arrived today, but as of 9 this morning it was still a no show :(
Still have not received anything :(
I haven’t been spending time at home for a variety of reasons, but I have been back to check daily. As of 9:30 this morning, still nothing.
Sorry I haven’t checked back until now – has the teabox still not arrived at the next person? 0_o
Nope, we were hoping you had the tracking number so we could see what Canada post did with it heh
You know you’d think by generating the postal services of countries a little bit of money, they would be more considerate of our boxes’ adventures.
There is still no box. I can start a new one, but it wouldn’t be for a couple of weeks. Also I know it won’t be quite as diverse as the original. :(
We don’t have to EXACTLY stick to the order if someone else wants to make it and get things moving, if that makes it easier for tattooed_tea. And I’d be fine with it sort of looping around again to whoever makes it as long as you’re okay with the shipping back to me.
Okay I can’t find a tracking number, so I’m just going to go ahead and start putting together a new box.
Ok had someone drop. I’m not going to add anyone since this is already taking forever for the other people on the list.
If anyone else wants to drop you can just say you want to drop and not insult me and other participants in your message, I would really appreciate that, thank you. It is not a single person on here’s fault that this was too much of a hardship for the postal service.
I wasn’t aware that I had insulted anyone. Please do not imply that when it’s obvious that I’m the one off the list. I just said it was disappointing and never blamed anyone. Pretty sure I even thanked you for the effort you put into it.
I was going to say, might as well take me off the list and just leave Indigbloom up in my place. I swap fairly often with tattooed-tea so there’s less interest for me in continuing on with this since I’d mostly be sending teas forward.
I’m happy to just do a swap sometime in the future with folks from the list since we’ve had a rotten round of bad luck with floods and such.
I appreciate all the time and effort everyone has put in to this and hope we have a successful run another time.
I should add this is also due to life challenges that have come up over the past three months since we started this to where its will be a challenge for me to keep it moving when it gets to me.
I think I’ll drop too, mostly because I’m not sure if I would have the money to send it on it’s way when the time came. It’s no one person’s fault, I definitely appreciate everyone’s time and effort – especially you momo, for keeping it going!
Sorry it didn’t turn out this time, I hope me dropping doesn’t affect anyone in a bad way. Love ya’ll, enjoy life!
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