The box arrived yesterday! It was a long day with appointments galore so when I finally got home and saw it, I kept thinking, Oh, no, I didn’t order anything from Verdant! (That’s the box that was used.) I opened it and SURPRISE! Tea box!
I have only pawed through it preliminarily and have pulled out the ones that look promising to me. I’ll spend more quality time with it today.
DINOSARA, I’m going to look in my old messages to see if I still have your address from swaps. Otherwise expect to receive a message from me soon. EDIT: DINOSARA, I have your address. :-)
If anyone has a hankerin’ for anything in my cupboard, it surely doesn’t hurt to ask. I’ll check for any requests by tomorrow noon. As long as it isn’t something I have promised to someone in trade, I’m willing to share anything.
Huh, somehow this post never showed up on my discussion screen. I’d love to try any of your Simpson & Vail teas, if you have enough to share!
Come on, NOBODY has any requests? :-)
well if nobody else has any requests, not that it’s likely to make it to me but hazelnut from S&V or caramel sundae escape from talbott’s :)
(peeking at your cupboard right now)
I second both of Sil’s selections, & the Bossa Nova sounds interesting too! :)
Bump, so this doesn’t get lost. And people can go ahead and feel free to request anything from my cupboard since I am next in line.
Some Lupicia and Dammann Freres teas would be nice. :)
I’d love some Bangkok Blend :)
Can do on most of them but I’m afraid that I only have about a cup-worth left of the Bangkok Blend. Sorry!
Is this on to the second person now?
Boxermama!! Where you been, baby? We’ve missed you!
I didn’t realized I was missed! lol
I’ve been bouncing between opening a new store (it’s like some kind fitness boot camp torture) and being at home with my ailing dog. I’m still here though, I’m still checking this site almost daily. :)
of course we missed you! silly goose!
Hey guys, I’m still around and the box is still here! I’ve got it safe and all ready to go. Very excited about the contents of this one. :-) I just had an unfortunate series of events (job loss last Monday and cat vet emergency this week) that leaves me with NOOOOO money until tomorrow. I’ve been digging change out of the car ashtray for 2 weeks now. LOL Thank goodness I have enough tea to drink! I’m sorry to extend the wait for you good people.
Man, I’m glad I checked and that you haven’t sent it yet, because I realized that you have an old address for me. PM’d you my new one.
sorry to hear that rachel. I hope things are on the up swing now
Sorry to hear that! :( Hope your kitty is okay now and I’m sure the job loss just opens new doors!
bumping to keep this closer to the first page
any news on this one going out soon?
Just got a message from Rachel; she’s been sick lately but the box went out in the mail and should be delivered on Monday. I’ll let everyone know when I get it!
The tea box is here! Waiting for me in the mail box this evening. Can’t wait to dive in!
WOOT! enjoy! it should be super exciting :)
This is the final call for requests from my cupboard to put in the box. Box should be going back out tomorrow… speak now or forever hold your peace!
And it’s off again! Sent to Terri today, should arrive Saturday!
Hey everybody!
I just got home from Tony’s house & the box is here!
I read through all the journal entries from this round :)
I also took all the teas out, just so I could take a look at them. There are 33 samples in all! I’ll be out & about tomorrow, as I have 2 Mother’s Day Gigs to play (a brunch & a tea), but I’ll try to start sipping & sampling no later than monday, & my goal will be to get the box back on the road by the weekend. Now’s the time to check out my cupboard & let me know if you have any requests! :D
If you have any Three Friends to spare, I’ve been wanting to try it!
I have some of Sil’s Special blend, Two Friends…
And for you, some Sichuan Caravan that I promised to send awhile back :)
i can’t in good conscious request anything else from your cupboard..but you know if a single cup of steven smith made it into the box with my name on it i wouldn’t be upset lol
Already in the plan, Sil… :)
I take care of my friends!
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