Do the people who still want to do this want to just join the other box, I honestly at this point do not even care what happens to this one. Granted that one isn’t exactly moving either. But I’ve about had it with organizing this, so if someone else wants to just take it over, fine by me.
I was looking forward to taking part in this, as it was fun last time. But I understand the time and effort that goes into the organization and handling of all this, and so if you decide not to continue with this one, it’s ok. As for joining the other box, I have the added complication of being overseas, which I’m not sure will go over well with the other participants. Thank you anyway for everything :)
Did the box ever get to tattooed tea?
ok well guess it’s dead. thanks those of you who participated in both rounds sorry to the people who haven’t quit this round, I’d say I’ll add you to the other one but I have no idea what happened to it and honestly want nothing to do with these anymore.
May these threads pop up when 3 years from now someone else thinks they should start a box and be a great warning that the mail hates you don’t do it.
So I take it you don’t want me to make up a replacement box then? I can still do it – that way we could at least finish the round.
boooo :( just discovered today that we may have a tea miracle. My brother went to my place & there was a package from Vancouver. The tea box is the only thing I am expecting from out there. So I figure that is what it is.
either way I’m willing to send it on to whoever wants it next.
Wow that would be awesome! I know Terri put in something for boxermama and I so if it makes it to Indigbloom I can get those from her and make sure she has enough replacement tea to send it on to the international folks. I don’t think she dropped out.
OMG – that’s awesome! Is it undamaged?
Sorry guys I’ve been super sick the last couple days, my body hates me.
The box is in my hands & It’s fabulous!!!
YAY!!!!!!!! I hope you feel better soon!
Yay about the box!!
Sorry you’ve been sick though. Get well!
Ok does anyone who dropped want to return? I’m definitely not adding people in given how much of a problem this has been so far but at the same time I’m like it only going to 3 more people is kind of a bummer.
Since its going to IB/Toronto , I’ll be adding things to the box via her. That will also allow me to pick up the gift Terri added for boxer mama and myself and make sure that the box gets tea equal to what we take out :) don’t want to take tea out without making sure more gets added back!
I’m going to be away for huge chunks of august and sept, so I probably shouldn’t come back in :( I’m sorry! A true party pooper, sigh
I’ve gone through everything, taken out what I want. Now the task of figuring out how what I want to add will fit! UGH! Although I seemingly took a lot, there doesn’t appear to be much room.
I remember thinking the exact same the first time round! it seemed like everyone was so eager to put their teas in that they underestimated how much they took out, maybe?! Odd. Doesn’t sound right but… hmmm…
I had the same problem – I had to repack the box twice to fit everything without crushing stuff.
I take it everything was fine and nothing damaged then?
@Jillian— yup it was fine. one end appeared to be slightly squished, but over all it was in great condition.
I’m not even on this travelling box, but I’m glad to see it’s been found. So many people have put time and effort into this, it’s great to see the special “gifts” make it to their home.
Is this box going to Indigobloom next?
I will have it out by Monday. As I had said I’m not staying at home, so I have to get to my stash to put everything in.
IB or me…whatever is easier for you. She and I will be meeting up regardless.
Agreed! either way is great. yay tea box!!
Though it should be noted that I’ll be camping August 8-11
Send it to meeeeeee then! Hahaha
I’ll probably send off to Sil then, just to make sure it isn’t sitting anywhere for too long.
Have fun camping.
tea camping weekend sometime? :D
Someone will be home so it won’t spend much time outside on my porch etc. But better for the tea to be enjoyed during that weekend than spent waiting for me! :)
Thx Schmiracles and Tattooed_tea. This is lazy car camping, the best kind. Should be fun. I can’t wait!!
teacamping teacamping teacamping!
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