I filled out the survey :) cross my fingers!
i have lots of new tea cant wait for this to get started!!!!!
drinking the last tea I have to try tonight while looking through everyone’s entries since I finally have a chance to :D then hopefully start getting an idea of the order!
Ok couple random questions
1. this one is for anyone in Canada: how much is it to send a box that’s probably around 800g to the Europe? I’m trying to decide who it might be cheaper for to send over there, a US person or a Canada person
2. I’m going to do just a US box and then one that will go out of the country and back. So I just need one US person to just completely outright be the one to ship internationally and claim it here.
3. Is there anyone who really wants to be at the top because it’s been awhile since they had the box? I’m struggling LOL
3b meant for Sil and Indigobloom – I know you guys meet up and do stuff a lot, do you guys want to be next to each other in the box or one of you be first Canadian and the other be last (or 4th if you don’t want to ship to the US — let me know if you don’t so I can add a 3c) to slightly mix the box up?
uh no idea on the shipping to europe www.canadapost.ca would have it. I know it’s ranged from like 10-20$ when i’ve sent things over there depending on weight but also the dimensions of the box.
in terms of IB and I…that’s a tough one, saves on shipping but then we also swap a lot so….break things up? (unless IB is partial to keeping us together)
Just to make your life more difficult….you could always call IB and i the same person and add another new person to the box as a 10th she and i can then split the box/shipping and you could make us the “person” who ships to europe since there are 2 ppl sharing the cost…though i haven’t asked her if she’s ok with any of this LOL
ok got it
Canada to UK if it’s theoretically 700g is $16.80
US to UK is just over $20 because I can’t math so yeah you guys get that one
also I will ask her lol I’d have no problem with adding another person
That works for me. It may take an extra few days, working between our two schedules, depending on timing. Otherwise, I think it’s a great idea!
that’s totally ok, box A last time around had a in-person meet up and it took a bit longer but it’s more awesome that way!
agreed! and it’s another excuse for a Steepster meetup :D
and here is who was chosen by the randomizer COME ON DOWN
YAAAAAAY I’ll be in touch once I get everything sorted a bit. you may also answer #3 lol
Rats. Missed out on this one. Well, if there’s a next time I’ll take a shot at it again. But then I should have lots more tea in my stash to add if necessary. Lol.
that’s the spirit! haha, I will probably do it the same way again, it makes it easier for me for sure.
Ah man! Have fun and congrats to the chosen :-)
I am so excited! Thank you for setting this up!
i’m so excited!! like seriously! i’m gonna take so many pictures haha
Yay! :) This is exciting! So happy!
sneak peek: we’re gonna keep the weight at 700g for international, which is roughly 24 oz for those in the US
right now I’m working on box A and it’s at 640g with 27 teas in it, I’m planning on 30 if I can figure out how to tetris them all in here.
box B is going to be the US only one so it won’t really matter, I’ll just stuff tea in it until I can stuff no more.
Ok so Are the people from last time not in this one ?
yeah they are, if you told me you were going to participate you’re in. I’m still working on the list, this was just the people I added to replace the ones I didn’t hear back from or said they were out this round so others could be in.
ok lol did i was just like what :( hehe its ok thanks for the update!!!
IF YOU PARTICIPATED IN ROUND 1 AND YOU TOLD ME YOU WANTED TO AGAIN, YOU ARE IN. I’m worried now that two people have assumed they aren’t in, YOU’RE FINE. I’m still trying to logistically work out box B stuff so that’s why nobody’s really been contacted.
So if you are: ssajami, Sil, BoxerMama, tattooed_tea, Indigobloom, DaisyChubb, Jillian, Meeka, Alphakitty, TeaEqualsBliss, Tea Sipper, Sare, Terri HarpLady, or Rachel Sincere, do not fear!
Yay!! This is gonna be an awesome round, I can feel it!!
Saw the update. Thanks for including me, these boxes are fun!
I saw the update. I’m first in line! :-)
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