Once again, I am posting my review of the reblend of this tea in the original listing because other people have been doing that as well, and splitting off a new one now would be difficult. But I have to distinctly say that this is the reblend because I still have some of the original blend in my cupboard!
So first off, holy crap fresh Gardens of Anxi is bowling me over. Just the smell of the dry leaf is astounding. SO much orange and jasmine and loveliness. It is potent, especially compared to my old stuff. I will say that the old blend has more leaf and less “stuff” than the new blend (since I can compare them directly). But the new one just smells amazing.
Because of all the “stuff” I ended up using 3 tsp for my mug instead of my usual 2, just to make sure I got enough TGY in the cup. This is lovely, and still deserving of my super high rating. 99 is as high as I go (I’ve never rated a tea 100), and this was always one of my loves. This totally has the lovely candy-like quality I remember about the original blend. Buttery jasmine caramels. MMmmmm. With a good dose of bright, citrusy orange. Such a beautiful blend with a beautiful spring TGY. Thanks again to Verdant for letting me buy some of this tea so I can have a fresh version in my stash!
Flavors: Butter, Honey, Jasmine, Orange