Backlog from a few evenings ago.
My sister came over on Sunday so we could all celebrate my brother-in-law’s birthday, and after a stupendously large meal, I asked if anyone wanted tea. My sister asked if I had green tea.
Of course, incredulous, I said “yeah, yeah, what kind?”
She said she wanted jasmine. Now, I love my sister. So of course, I give her this jasmine tea, the good stuff. I’m not gonna fob off any sub-par jasmine tea on the woman who taught me how to read when I was an itty-bitty kid, am I? Of course not!
I don’t think she enjoyed it much, though. She waited a long time for it to cool, and by the time she left I don’t think she finished the 12 oz mug I poured her. I probably should have given us all 8 oz mugs and then shared some with a third person.
I stored the leaves in the fridge overnight and then steeped them a second time yesterday morning (I don’t often resteep, but this is one of the ones I do) but it ended up tasting a bit tinny. Ah well.