I’m not as over the moon about this as some people are, but it does smell and taste really nice. What really gets me about this tea is how is smells so much like real cake – there’s a vanilla-y, eggy, bready sort of undertone to this that I really like. Also, the spoonful of leaf I used contained a whole, unbroken star anise. Impressive!
However, the aftertaste on this is quite sour. I can’t tell if that’s because of the chocolate or because I added a half spoonful of agave nectar to the brewed tea. But the smell and the taste are very close to the dry leaf, which I appreciate.
I have a few chocolate chais in my collection, but I think this may be a contender for restocking once I go through them all. Also, this is yet another tea I should try steeping directly in almond milk.
Flavors: Cake, Chocolate, Custard, Vanilla