Sometimes I get so invested in my Chinese blacks I forget that there are other teas out there that deserve my attention. I’m trying to sip down all of the 1oz and under teas I have so I thought I’d kill two birds and get out a few oolongs. I randomly picked this one first and, feeling lazy, Western brewed it for 2 minutes using 2tsp leaves to 10oz boiling water.
First sip leaves me with some incredible honey sweetness. Roasted peaches (or apricots I cant tell the difference) come in and mix with a good bit of roasted wood. Very similar to the notes you’d find in a Hoji Kukicha. Strong roasty quality while still being somewhat mellow. Not one of those roasted oolongs that is entirely overwhelming. If you’ve eaten grilled peaches drizzled with honey you’ll have a good idea what this tea is like. And if you haven’t… get on it! You won’t regret giving it a try.
Flavors: Honey, Peach, Roasted, Wood
I love this one so much, and I don’t drink it often enough.
Yum. I should buy it next time they have 50% sale. I love Wuyi oolongs