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drank Peppermint by Trader Joe's
33 tasting notes

Standard peppermint stuff. HOWEVER. :) I like to make a piping hot brew of this, and after pouring it in my teacup, I add a splash of rice milk and a bit of palm sugar. DIVINE!!!! The rice milk creams up the brew, while the palm sugar gives the liquid depth and a subtle layer of sweet earthy smokiness. Sometimes it’s not the tea so much as how you doctor it up. When I’m turning to an herbal break from the caffeine, this is now my first stop. :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Blueberry Green by Trader Joe's
69 tasting notes

It was milder in flavor than I thought it would be. I even put honey in, like someone recommended, to bring out the blueberry flavor, but I just couldn’t taste much. It was good, but I just was hoping for more blueberry. Granted, I also had blueberry oatmeal and a blueberry muffin with breakfast…

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Not very flavorful but not bad tasting. I actually preferred it iced tho.

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Another one from our host’s selection.
This one makes me think of a white version of Republic of Tea’s Pomegranate Green. The pomegranate has substance, but it’s not so strong that it overpowers the white tea. It’s nice and simple when I’m in the mood for fruit. It’s very good, but I think I still prefer blueberry with my white tea.

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
94 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this one in the morning for the past week now. Each time I make it, it’s a little different, but it hasn’t been as good as I remember it when I drank it last. But, since I’ve also been running late as well, I haven’t really been patient with timing. It’s more like, wake up, put the water on, shower, pour tea, get dressed, remove tea bag, add milk and sugar, and then head out the door. I’m kind of curious as to what kind of time duration my getting dressed actually ends up being. It feels like 2 minutes, but I’m sure it’s more like 5. Maybe I will time myself someday…

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
94 tasting notes

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
94 tasting notes

So I tried the tea by itself today. The color is nice and promising, but the taste isn’t really there, and I only steeped it for maybe 3 or 4 minutes, but already it was more bitter than I’d have hoped.

So in go the sugar and creamer, and you’ve got a nice cup for breakfast. =]

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
94 tasting notes

Tried my first bag as a milk tea today. I ended up putting too much SCM in cause I was using up what I had left. I’m glad this tea is so strong cause it stood up pretty well to my overdose of sugar. I’m gonna hold off rating it until I try it by itself, but at least I know that it’ll serve well as a milk tea base.


I love Irish Breakfast tea! In my experience, however, it is rather unimpressive plain, but your version may be better than the ones I’ve had. Just a thought in case it doesn’t turn out great…I think Irish Breakfast is just meant to have milk and sweetener. Let me know if this is good plain though, I would have to go get some.

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drank Bedtime Tea by Trader Joe's
94 tasting notes

Tastes mostly like chamomile, but there’s something else as well, cause I don’t enjoy straight chamomile that much, but this one is nice. And I actually did drink it as a “bedtime tea”. Not sure how much it gets me to relax faster, but at least it didn’t keep me up.


having one pretty similar to that one right now

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drank Bedtime Tea by Trader Joe's
15 tasting notes

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drank Chamomile by Trader Joe's
96 tasting notes

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drank Jasmine Green Tea by Trader Joe's
96 tasting notes

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
96 tasting notes

This is the first “plain” Irish Breakfast tea I’ve had (that I can remember) and I have say…I am not fan. It brewed up very dark and looked like coffee, which is neat. Surprisingly it wasn’t bitter at all.

But the flavor….gag me. I love English Breakfast and black teas, but this just didn’t work for me. To me, it smells and tastes like salty yams and garbage. Someone else’s tasting note said “sewage”, ha. I had tried Adagio’s Aries blend, and it had the same yucky taste, which I assumed was from the chai…nope. It must have been from the Irish Breakfast mixed in.

If this is was “malty” tastes like…well, I don’t think I like malt, then.


Eep. Not having tried this tea, I can’t speak to how I think it rates as a malt taste, but malt is often used in milkshakes, and some beers are malted. Erm…whoppers are malted, too. If you’ve ever had those Carnation instant breakfast things they can take on a malty taste.

Knowing this from listening to a recent podcast that was coincidentally discussing malt, malt is comprised of barley grains that have been soaked in water until they sprout. Then it is dried before they grow into actual plants and is ground up to make malt powder. Something to do with releasing certain sugars.

I need a shooting star with the tinkly music. The More You Know!

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
16 tasting notes

The only thing worse than Trader Joe’s tea is Trader Joe’s bagels. I mean really, have you tried those awful things? my friends have this story about the bagels.

So back in their old place i guess they used to have a raccoon problem. raccoons would break into the trash all the time and tear all that up. anyway one day i guess some raccoons break into the house and pretty much destroy the kitchen. they get into everything and eat everything they can get their hands on. everything EXCEPT for the Trader Joe’s bagels, which were totally out and they didn’t even touch them. those bagels aren’t even consider food for wild hungry animals!

so yeah the tea is almost as bad as those bagels.


That story is too funny.




Great story.

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drank Mango Black Tea by Trader Joe's
16 tasting notes

On it’s own this tea is pretty mediocre (what trader joe’s tea isnt!!). HOWEVER, if you like iced tea, i recommend this recipe.
4 or 5 bags of plain ole Lipton tea + 1 bag of this mango black = 3 quarts of some pretty decent mango iced tea. seriously, i can drink this stuff everyday.

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This is a decent green tea, can be a bit bitter. I really, really love the way it smells. Been having a difficult time finding it lately, wondering if TJ’s has discontinued it.

3 min, 0 sec

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It’s a staple in my tea cupboard… but I can’t say that I enjoy it black. It’s bitter, tannic, and incredibly strong.
But it’s great with milk and sugar. It’s English Breakfast’s stronger, meaner brother. For when you feel like punching Lipton in the arm.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Mango Black Tea by Trader Joe's
4 tasting notes

The mango is well pronounced and it is hard to over-steep black tea, so I am a fan. Also it is “effectively” priced at Trader Joe’s.

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drank Jasmine Pearl by Trader Joe's
4 tasting notes

Pretty tasty I must say, one of Trader Joe’s more costly teas, but not expensive by any means. Worth a try, it has a good aroma and is tasty but still light.

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drank Spicy Chai Latte by Trader Joe's
433 tasting notes

This is surprisingly good for a powdered/instant mix! I am always pleasantly surprised when I have some. Too bad it’s not a little bit lower-calorie, but don’t I always say that when it comes to chai?!


This makes me think of my best friend! I’ve only had it once, and it was a gift from her. The best instant chai w/ dairy I’ve had. Pacific is a close second which is good since I live nowhere near a TJ’s. Doesn’t hold a candle to Tipu’s (which does not contain dairy) though.


My sister (who sent it to me, since we don’t have TJs in Colorado) told me last night that they changed this blend and it’s not as good now! I’m taking my time finishing what I have, but now I’ll REALLY enjoy each cup knowing that it won’t be as good when I get a replacement canister!

I generally steer clear of these instant blends, because they’re way too tempting to have around the house and I don’t need the extra calories, so I don’t have many other powdered kinds to compare it to. The last one I had before this one was finished off many years ago!

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drank Spicy Chai Latte by Trader Joe's
433 tasting notes

My sister bought me a tin of this for xmas maybe two years ago, and I just re-discovered it, unopened, in my tea cupboard. I put off trying it because it’s pretty high-calorie for a drink and I hate wasting my daily calories that way! Anyway, I was skeptical because most powdered chai mixes are pretty lacking, especially if you just use water, but I actually liked this!

I didn’t use milk, and I didn’t feel it was missing anything. I was careful to only fill my huge mug part-way, because it said to add 6 oz. of water per scoop and I didn’t want to dilute it. It’s definitely very sweet (and the ingredients list 3 different kinds of sugar), but not grossly so. It was a nice treat for a not-so-nice day.

When looking for info. about this tea online, I read several comments that this has been discontinued, but there aren’t any Trader Joe’s in Colorado so I can’t be sure.

0 min, 15 sec

I looove TJ’s chai latte mix! The closest one is 2 hrs away, but I got some when I visited a friend last year.


I would definitely love to have one nearby! I think AZ is the closest location to us. :(


I think WA state is closer… but when you’re talking that far, who cares? lol. Sad day.


…enjoyed reading your bio/profile…I always get a raised eyebrow from my wife while shopping or travelling when she catches me holding ANOTHER tin of tea in my hands.Happens weekly…most of the time I give in and cry myself into sleep


Fortunately, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t allow myself to buy new tea (unless I’m replacing one I’ve finished off) unless we’re travelling. I have gone on a couple of binges with these Steepster Select things but mostly I hold to it!

Starla H

We have one nearby and I remember seeing it advertised around Christmas time, so I think they still make it, but maybe only at certain times of the year.


Only at certain times??? That makes no sense.


It could be seasonal (which I really wouldn’t get, because it’s just chai)—?

Starla H

Personally, I like chai year round, but I guess the cinnamon and spice of it could invoke holidays. I really have no idea if this is the case for TJ’s blend or not. Was just offering a theory. :)

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Agree with the other comments that this pomegranate tea hits the spot. Being a white tea, it isn’t overwhelming, but enough flavor to keep it interesting and it won’t get bitter if steeped for too long. It’s a great change up from the typical black tea!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
48 tasting notes

Smells bad, tastes bad. This is my first Irish breakfast tea and I wonder if they are all like this? I love English Breakfast and don’t mind a stronger tea but the sewage aroma is difficult to stomach.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

You mention a sewage aroma, that leads me to wonder if the quality of your water might play a part in your experience with this tea. This isn’t meant as a slam, but I only bring it up because I have had far worse bagged teas (even bagged Irish Breakfast Tea) than Trader Joe’s.


Ha, maybe. This tea was shared at our office ;) But the tea bag itself did smell not so pleasant. I was curious though! :)

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
58 tasting notes

Well it’s been a while since I’ve updated my tea log. Mostly because it’s been a while since I’ve had a new tea to drink. But in the interest of keeping up a vibrant community presence…

Blech. This whole box of tea has been really distasteful. No floral, no tobacco, no nothing. Just stale, and old. It’ll have to do for now though…

200 °F / 93 °C

Normally this tea is a good in-a-pinch tea, but this box in particular has been like drinking diluted spitoon juice. Well, I have no idea how that would taste, but it’s been just bad.

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