Trader Joe's
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I am always on the search for that perfect blend. The perfect breakfast blend (it’s LiberTEAS, in case you’re still looking), the perfect chamomile (an ongoing search), and the perfect Earl Grey-type blend.
teabird very kindly sent this to me. I’ve no Trader Joe’s around here, and loved the thought of orange with the bergamot.
The flavors do translate as “lemon” once they hit your tongue. It’s smooth, and has just the right amount of scent to let you know that, yes, it’s a member of the Earl Grey family, even though it’s the result of a rendevous with some scandalous lemony fiend, and the elders of the family put it in little bags and sent it off on its way.
If you can’t tell, I’m very impressed with it, and think that this would be a fantastic tea to keep on hand at the office, or to have tucked into my purse while on the road. I’ll have to find my nearest Trader Joe’s and plan a trek to pick some up…yes, I think it’s that good.
Oh nice, someone made a page for this stuff. I had a box of this last summer and used it all as sweet tea. It was actually pretty good, especially for the price. I mean, it’s not something I would sit and savor… it’s more like fodder for when I want to have something on hand in the fridge. It’s better than the everyday supermarket’s private brand, at least.
This tea smells amazing which complements the taste wonderfully. Usually I don’t like too lemony a flavor but this tea balances well! The only thing I would change was to add a tad more orange flavor but otherwise a great tea for the price.
Mm, very lemony. As in, I’m sure the bergamot and orange are there, but somehow it all comes together as lemon for me. Also, pleasantly smooth for a bagged tea. I steeped a little over 5 minutes and I didn’t try it plain, but it’s quite tasty with just milk (no sugar needed). At 10¢ a cup, I will probably buy this again. For those who have had TeaFrog’s Earl Grey Special, I’d say this is quite similar, though probably less good for re-steeping (I haven’t tried yet).
High marks for a bagged tea!
Trader Joe’s Earl Grey is my standard quick fix daily tea, the Bergamot oil is on the stronger side and I think that is why I love it so much. It has a bold, smooth taste and isn’t bitter. Loose tea is the way to go, but this is my favorite bagged Earl Grey!
Definitely green tea, albeit not entirely memorable. It’s fairly bland, which allows it to go well with honey. This could easily be imbibed all day since the flavour profile is straightforward and middle-of-the-road. And it’s ridiculously cheap to boot!
Tried this last night at soon as I got it home…I was super excited about the price. I used 2 bags with 12 oz. water. It’s definitely not bad, but I taste something more like perfume than flower. Maybe a bit “chemically”. I was able to get a second brew but wasn’t interested in trying for a third. So far Teavana has my favorite Jasmine Pearls. I did get my Golden Moon Sampler last night so I’m looking forward to trying theirs.
Maybe I’m not a tea connoisseur, just an ‘enjoyer’. Because I think this tea is quite good! It has just the right flavor for a good strong waker-upper. Completely fills the bill for me, and at the low price, the bill’s not too high! Brilliant!!!
Ah, pure green tea…This is the type of beverage I like to drink when I’m trying to focus. It is a little bit astringent, but I don’t find it particularly distasteful even after steeping it for a long time. And the faint bitterness helps me focus, just like black coffee does.
My husband loves this green tea (he’s more of a coffee drinker). I liked it, but found it a bit astringent as well.
Right! I think I also have a tendency to oversteep my teas…but I suspect it’s just a quality of certain plain greens that makes them so bitter. If understeeped, they taste too watery.
My favorites tend to be green tea blends, especially jasmine greens, but they serve a different purpose—bitter is for focusing :).
This tea oils my engine. It’s not the rolls royce of teas, however, when double bagged it packs quite a punch. It’s malty and is a workhorse for those who just want something strong and black. It needs cream and sugar. I cut open the bags and dump into a tin to use as a base for my homemade masala chai. It tastes almost identical to the Irish Breakfast tea I purchased by Fortnum and Mason. It does the job, no frills, just function.
I gave this tea 100 because it’s a workhorse tea that is inexpensive. I just get so tired of the enormous markup on teas.
I drink this tea all day long; 8:00am-8:00pm, M-F. I have tried tons of other teas, both loose and bagged, but I always come back to this one. It is convenient to procure, inexpensive, and tasty.
It is what it is. Strong, robust, malty, and caffeinated. Cream and sugar round out the flavor. It goes down easy, and is helping me to stay awake this morning. Kept the bags in the teapot, and the tea did not get bitter which is a major plus. Yes flavor is an important factor, however I’m willing to bet loyal drinkers of this tea do so for strength and systematic buzz to keep them going. Happy to be balancing my cupboard with dependable heavy caffeinators. Love the effectiveness of this tea. :)
This is some seriously good stuff. All the spices are culinary, I may just use the dry tea in a recipe sometime. Price is decent: box 20 bags for $1.99, about 10¢ per cup. The cat was curious so I let him lick a drop off my finger; I definitely wouldn’t do that with a caffeinated tea, but this is just spice.
I wouldn’t call it “Ruby red.” It’s more like a deep spice/clay red, Moroccan red. Beautiful colour, though. Henna fans should take note, this tea would be a good base water for it.
Taste is very gentle. I’m not a clove fan, but the only indication it’s there is a mild tingle on the tongue and the upper part of the throat.
I’ll have to to take away points for packaging the teabags in plastic, though >:( Yes, it protects the flavour but we need to cut back on plastic! Follow Celestial Seasonings’ example, wrap ’em in waxed paper.
Ooh, sounds like a good Earl. I’ll have to look for this at the trader Joe’s near me. I’d love to have a scandalous fiend of a lemon Earl in my cupboard!
These are my favorite discoveries here on Steepster; hidden gems sitting right out on the grocery shelf. I was surprised by the high marks a tea at Target has been getting and now TJ’s.