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This tea isn’t horrible, but, like other Trader Joe’s teas, I wouldn’t say it’s good. It’ll do if you don’t have anything else around, but there are many other cheap English Breakfast teas out there that are significantly better. I like a lot of Trader Joe’s products, but I’m done buying their teas…not a strong area for them.

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drank Bedtime Tea by Trader Joe's
1 tasting notes

Great night time tea… doesn’t put you to sleep but relaxes you enough to remain asleep and not wake up in the middle of the night and being able to go back to sleep.

Flavors: Flowers, Mint

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 15 sec 1 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

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This is an amazing tea that I don’t understand why Trader Joe’s would discontinue. Has anybody out there found the actual manufacturer so I can keep buying it? I’ve already purchase 8 boxes from Amazon, but the price is going up and up!!!

175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
737 tasting notes

So back in the fall a coworker found out I love tea, and then she was telling me she liked to drink tea too, but mainly just when it was cold out. One day she brought this tea to work and was super excited about it because apparently at her Trader Joe’s this tea would sell out so fast that she had only heard rumors about how good it was but had never actually even had the chance to see the box.
She was ecstatic coming into work one morning with a bag of a couple tea bags of this tea in her backpack.
I didn’t think it would be all that great since I’m not huge on the teas from Trader Joe’s, plus it is a flavored green tea.
We ended up using microwaved water to steep it in (Yeah…don’t start with me about how bad that is. I know. But that was literally our only choice xD). Was kinda pepperminty. Couldn’t really taste the green tea either though.
It was just kinda there. She felt the same way. xD
Then like a month or so later I got a late Christmas package from the lovely Albertocanfly! And guess which tea she included! Yup. That’s right. This one.
I was kinda hesitant to try this one again since it was not great, but she mentioned that it was weak and it needed sugar so I gave it another try tonight.
Ended up steeping it for like 10 minutes before I realized that the tea bag was at the bottom of my full mug. So in the end I didn’t even need sugar. It was really really strong since I steeped it for so long. I’m surprised it wasn’t even bitter.
For the last tea bag of this one she gave me I am going to do the correct steeping amount and add sugar like she said. Maybe then it will be even better.
But yeah, still not a huge fan. It’s okay I guess.
I even liked Santa’s Secret from DavidsTea better than this one. xD Also I gave my friend Santa’s Secret and Christmas Tradition from Della Terra for Christmas and she fell in love. I am slowly working on converting her to loose leaf tea!! Muahahaha! Just makes it hard when we can only use the microwave at work for hot water…But that’s just a little bump in the road to making another convert :P

Flavors: Peppermint

Maddy Barone

Thanks for that review! We don’t have a Trader’s Joe here, but I was down in Minneapolis a few weeks ago and looked at their teas. A friend really loves their breakfast tea. I decided against getting any, as I have a bunch of tea already, and I used bagged teas mainly for convenience when I travel. Anyway, I guess I can cross this one off my list.

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
136 tasting notes

I have to say, I was a little too harsh on this one last time. It’s not a great tea, but it’s not bad. I had it today, I’m kind of neutral about the taste. It’s fairly plain, but the strength is good. It definitely fills the need if you want some caffeine. I gave this a 60 before, but I’m bumping it up to 70 since I kind of enjoyed it today…I wouldn’t recommend it, but I’ll drink it once or twice a week until I finish the 80 bags.

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drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
136 tasting notes

This one is nice and strong, but the taste is kind of bleh…it’ll do the job in a pinch, but not one I’d grab regularly.

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I was over at a friend’s and she offered me some tea. This was one of the very few non-Celestial Seasonings tea she had (not that I mind Celestial Seasonings, but I wanted something not herbal). So I chose this.

It was good. Not awful, but not amazing either. Slightly sweet, hints of vanilla and cinnamon, as advertised.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Vanilla

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So, when I went to Trader Joe’s before Thanksgiving, I grabbed a can of this. I also grabbed some of the pumpkin butter as well as the pumpkin ravioli that they had because back in the samples area, they were sampling the pumpkin ravioli with a sauce made with the pumpkin butter and browned butter and it was so good. That pumpkin butter has become a favorite ‘syrup’ for me, I mix it with equal parts half & half and it’s delightful on pancakes and waffles.

Anyway, this is pretty tasty. Sweet, yes. I wish it wasn’t so sweet, BUT I do like that I tasted pumpkin and I tasted the black tea and the spice. It wasn’t an overly spicy chai, but it was pleasantly, warmly spiced. I finished off the can in record time, so I guess I either enjoyed the convenience of the powdered chai latte mix or I enjoyed what I was drinking enough to polish off the can so quickly.

So, it’s good. I don’t know if I’ll be buying more when pumpkin harvest happens again at Trader Joe’s. I’ll definitely be buying more pumpkin butter though.


I wish Canada had Trader Joe’s! I always read about all the neat things you can find there. Pumpkin butter? Sounds delicious.

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Flavors: Cinnamon

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Just love this tea. I need to hoard what I have left of it. I don’t have a Traders Joe by me but found a box online (ebay) and had to snatch it up to try it. Love Green Tea and I love Candy Cane Teas. This one doesn’t disappoint. If you enjoy the CS Candy Cane one, you’ll like this one as well. Basically the same tea, but Traders Joe has (in my opinion) cuter graphics on the box.

Cold Brewed it and its still so very enjoyable. Love the convenience of this being a bagged tea for work. At home, I drink mainly loose teas but at work, that isn’t always possible or do I always want to mess with it. A good way to start off my work morning with with a smooth creamy delight!

Flavors: Green, Peppermint

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A cupboard staple. Basic and strong.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Pick this up at a whim when I was shopping at Trader Joe’s. In the tin the leaves are nice and big and you can see a little bits of lemongrass and coconut. The flavor is very earthy and grassy, slightly bitter with just a hint of the coconut and lemongrass, it says it has ginger too but I can’t really detect the ginger.

Overall it’s an okay tea easy to drink, not the best ever but still drink definitely drinkable. I probably won’t repurchase it but I will definitely drink the rest of what I have.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Another Christmas gift. Again, not something I’d normally drink, but I’m drinking it right now while I’m sick. There’s a whole list of ingredients in here, including hibiscus and chamomile, which are two ingredients which I’d normally stay away from. But the flavor is almost pure cinnamon with just a bit of indistinguishable fruity flavor lingering in the background. It’s not great, but it’s drinkable…with this list of ingredients, it could have been much worse!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Fruity

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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