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drank Silver Needle by Teavana
3 tasting notes

A nice delicate flavor perfect after a day of ruling an Empire!

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drank Monkey-Picked Oolong by Teavana
3 tasting notes

Not bad, not a favorite but still good

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drank Ginseng Vitality by Teavana
18 tasting notes

Not my favorite ginseng blend. They could have done just a simple Ginseng and Rooibos blend, but they had to add apples, oranges and a bunch of other junk to make it appeal to the kool-aid palette. Wish I hadn’t bought as much of this tea as I did. Mostly a pass.

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drank Kuki Matcha by Teavana
14 tasting notes

Wonderful tasting stuff, gonna use some to make some ice cream this weekend

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drank Kuki Matcha by Teavana
10 tasting notes

Teavana has some great teas. But this one is out of the ordinary. Awesome taste, very smooth, and an earthy taste. Good for multiple steepings.

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drank Kuki Matcha by Teavana
10 tasting notes

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drank MateVana by Teavana
1629 tasting notes

My dad had bought this a while ago from Teavana, and I decided to try it out this weekend when I went home for Mother’s Day. Its very delicious. I love the comforting taste – creamy and slightly chocolatey (if that’s even a word…).

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drank Moroccan Mint by Teavana
22 tasting notes

I’ve tried this tea for the past few evenings and it has become one of my favorite Morrocan mint teas. It has a nice smokey flavor with the perfect touch of mintiness.

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drank Jasmine Oolong by Teavana
1 tasting notes

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drank Silver Needle by Teavana
55 tasting notes

This is my day to day tea (at the moment). While usually not a Teavana fan, my sister got this for me for Christmas – and I’m loving it. Very subtle, grassy flavor, fantastic color and scent. Really enjoying this!

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Silver Needle by Teavana
55 tasting notes

More subtle than the Adagio brand…light.

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drank Samurai Chai Maté by Teavana
31 tasting notes

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drank Rooibos Chai by Teavana
86 tasting notes

this is a great tea. it is smooth and would be a great drink with milk

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drank Six Summits by Teavana
3 tasting notes

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Very crisp and refreshing iced.

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drank Rose Marzipan Delight by Teavana
911 tasting notes

Thanks to TeaEqualsBliss for sharing this discontinued lovely with me! It’s probably the one rose tea I can really get behind… mostly because of the candied aspect to it. So tasty and it makes such a happy dessert tea for me.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Ya know I think I still have this one floating around somewhere.

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drank Rose Marzipan Delight by Teavana
911 tasting notes

This was sitting in my fridge for a couple of days. Oops. Drinking the second steep iced. I can taste more of the purple flower and rose compared to when the tea hot. Might actually be better iced. Not that it does me any good to discover this now as is it discontinued. Boo.

Rena Sherwood

Just out of curiosity, what does lilac taste like?


Well, it’s the candied lilac so there’s a sweeter floral taste that is sweeter than the rose (but just as floral). So I more taste the candy part of the candied lilac than the lilac. But yeah, sweet perfume-y flower. Sweeter than the rose and more… spring-ish?


And reading that back I don’t think it made any sense. Sorry about that!


You know, I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to blend something yourself that’s vaguely similar. For instance I have a very nice Marzipan rooibos aswell as some rose tea that is too floral for me to drink its own.


The candied purple things are actually candied violets :) So yummy! I like to eat ‘em and try to convince the folks at Teavana to fish one out for me from the various teas. :-/ I don’t think they have any teas left with candied violets, tho’.


@Suzi: Oops! Violets then! Some purple flower thing. Hehe. I knew I got lavender and lilac mixed up, now I need to add violet to that list!


This sounds delicious! Does the marzipan flavor come across strongly? I love macadamia nuts, and I could see myself eating them out of the dry tea mix. :\


This is discontinued? Really? awwwwwwwww. I really need to try it somehow.

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drank Eastern Chamomile by Teavana
23 tasting notes

First, you get a lot for your money. The tea itself consists of the entire chamomile flower, pretty. It has a great flavor and is really calming. Also, because of the mild flavor, I often mix these flowers with other loose leaf teas I have around. Yesterday I tried it with Lavender, awesome!

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

My black tea stash is depressing right now. I like this stuff, but I so miss some of my old standbys that I’ve recently run out of.

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

Making a pot of this for a long, fun day of lunching and shopping ahead! I love that this gives me my caffeine without being overwhelming.


Ahh.. tea + lunching + shopping = <3


oooh, sounds like a wonderful day!

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

Remembered yesterday how much I loved this tea, so drinking again.

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

Mmmm, I love this tea. It’s so chocolatey and smoky and coffeey. Even though I hate coffee.

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

Today I’m going to use my brand spanking new gym membership for the first time, so I need a little kick to wake me up before I go.

The other big project for the day is planning my itinerary for my trip to Austin next weekend. Zhi Tea’s HQ is on my list (yay!) – anyone have any other places, tea or non-tea-related, to recommend?

Pamela Dean

I’m in San Antonio. Here’s my Austin tea places list (other than Zhi):

The Tea Embassy
900 Rio Grande St. 78701
512-330-9991, Fax 512-480-4202
[email protected]

The Steeping Room
2406 S. 2nd Street 78704
[email protected]
specialty tea shop and tearoom


Tea Embassy is on my list, as well. Hadn’t heard of The Steeping Room. Thanks!

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drank MateVana by Teavana
355 tasting notes

At work at 7:45, so I needed something strong. I love the chocolatey, nutty, fruity taste of this.

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