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This flavor in this tea is just a shade more subtle than I usually like. I adore the scent; that’s actually the main reason why I drink it. Is that ridiculous? Maybe I need to steep it longer, but I’m wary of over-steeping green tea. Sometimes I make a cup and it’s just like drinking a cup of hot water…you know, that smells delicious. Argh, that IS ridiculous. I’m going to have to experiment one of these days.
Phew. Okay. Better. I’ve never had that strong of a negative reaction to tea before. I cooled the water down a bit more and steeped it for a shorter time. The taste became a lot more subtle and it’s not nearly as bitter. In fact, I’m even getting the slightest hint of sweetness in the aftertaste that I like in jasmine tea.
However, I’m still getting a little bit of that spinach in the taste and the smell. Not that there’s anything wrong with spinach, I just don’t like it with my tea. And sometimes I get this strange, almost metallic taste sitting at the tip of my tongue. Bizarre.
Anyhow, can’t say I hate it, but definitely can’t say I love it. Pales in comparison to the Jasmine Pearl I had yesterday.
Pwwweh, bleeh bleh eeech.
I could smell the jasmine, but then the smell of spinach hit me right away. I tentatively took a sip, and almost spit it out. I don’t know if it’s because I just don’t drink oolongs enough or maybe I oversteeped it. Really bitter. Taste is extremely strong. If that doesn’t wake you up I don’t know what else will. BLECH.
I just took another sip. Why do I keep sipping this?! I guess I keep hoping that it’s going to get better. It’s like seeing the train wreck coming, not being able to look away, and THEN trying to run in front of said train before it collides. IS THIS THE TEA THEY SERVE IN HELL? Okay, okay, enough. I’m making a new cup.
It makes my mouth feel clean, and it smells amazing. The mint isn’t overpowering, which is really nice. A lot of green mint teas fall into the trap of attacking the tastebuds with the mint flavor and the mint flavor alone. This tea however, gracefully avoided that, you can taste the mint and the green tea, so yay.
It’s really tangy, and really nice to look at. I drink most my teas unsweetened, but I think this would go well with some natural sugar to help balance out the tangy a tad. This is only a suggestion if you don’t like tangy teas. I personally love it, but next time I’m going to try it sweetened and iced.
Love every second of it. Doesn’t need sweetener, although it would probably be delicious with any as the fruit mix is easy to compliment with either flavored (such as honey and amber agave nectar) or unflavored sweeteners (lighter grades of agave nectar and natural sugars).
This tea is a mix of red rooibos and green teas, along with papaya, apples, peach, raisins, and even carrot bits. They also throw in some flower petals, such as marigold and sunflower, just for good measure. It brews to a very pale yellowish green colour.