Tea Guys
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Thanks to Shmiracles for this one!
This smells carrot cake spicy mixed with rooibos. Which, according to the description, is exactly what it should smell like. Fancy that.
Well it’s definitely one of the better rooibos teas I’ve tried but still there’s that medicinal taste. A sweetness is coming out as it cools. It doesn’t exactly taste like carrot cake but something is reminding me of carrot cake.
I really need to try this tea on its own, but not today! The first time I mixed it hot with Tea Guys’ Maple Sugar and it was amazing, so I decided to experiment a little bit more. Ads for Teavana’s Pineapple Blueberry Pop mix keep popping up, and it seems like a good flavor combination but their teas are so expensive. So, I made my own—2 parts Persimmon Tree’s Tropical Pineapple, 1 part Wild Blueberry (since the flavor is a lot stronger). I cold brewed it overnight, and it’s just what I wanted—juicy and sweet from the blueberry, tropical with a slight hint of tang from the pineapple. They both have a green base so the flavors don’t clash but work together in harmony. Very nice!
I am taking tea with Ruth (ashmanra), again, today and this was one of our selections. It is a very nice chocolate tea. It brews up a medium brown and both dried and brewed smells deliciously chocolatey. It is more of a bitter-sweet and nutty chocolate to me when tasted without milk. Adding a bit of milk blunted some of the nuttiness to me but did bring out more of the chocolate. Adding a bit of sugar makes it a sweet chocolate treat.
This was the final tea of tea time today. The aroma is very nice, and my guest really loves coconut so she especially liked this one. We took it plain, but I think this is one I might like best with a wee bit of milk and sugar to enhance the dessert tea qualities. Though it was proclaimed “very good”, I don’t think I would be inclined to buy this one again. I would go for a pound of Harney’s Soho blend instead.
I have had this tea a few times before, but today it was sandwiched between Chocolate Delight and Organic Tropical Paradise. Though it is a very good tea, that was an unfair position for it to be in. To bring it up to the level of body and flavor the other teas had today, I had to add milk and a bit of sugar. Still, a very good tea, especially if you like coconut and a hint of chocolate. Milk and sugar make it a strong hint.
I was given a whole bag of this tea, minus one teaspoon, by a friend who ordered it but loved their Chocolate Delight too much to cheat on it with any other tea. What a great thing for me!
We were awed by the aroma. Great coconut aroma and flavor, nice and smooth, and it didn’t get bitter as it cooled. I am glad I have a whole bag of this! I really have to try more from the Tea Guys. Both of their offerings that I have tried so far are quite addicting!
This was new to my guest today, though I have had it once before. It was very well liked. Youngest added sugar as always but was surprised by how sweet the tea is naturally and had to add more tea to cut the sweetness a bit. Everyone else took it plain, and it was quite good. I really get a lot of chocolate flavor, and a smooth vanilla flavor, though the coconut is the top note in the aroma. The teas were paired with warm apple cobbler…lazy pie, actually, if you know what that is, and a wee scoop of Breyer’s vanilla ice cream.
We loved the Chocolate Delight tea from this company so much that my friend ordered that one and a new one to try! (Thank you, Doulton!). The aroma is heavenly. I had only snipped the seal on the bag, hadn’t even opened it yet, when that wonderful coconut/chocolate aroma filled the air. The tea is very fragrant, and I felt the dominant note was chocolate rather than coconut. I found there to be a strong vanilla component as well. It is smooth, not astringent. We drank it sans additions and enjoyed it immensely. I plan to serve this for Wednesday tea party and I think it will be a hit.
I am almost out of this one. GASP! Open the pouch and sniff and you will swear you are sniffing a box of rich chocolates. The ingredient list is even more complex than the description at the top. The label says there is green apple in this, and yogurt.
This isn’t a cloying chocolate but a complex one. Delicious plain, decadent with milk and sugar.
This is a required tea now when my friend comes over, and we have nearly polished off that big bag sent me by DOULTON. I will definitely be placing an order with this company, and so will my friend. First, their ingredients are organic. That is always nice. Mostly, this tea is pure awesomeness. The chocolate aroma is so natural, and the blend is rich and delectable. Happy, happy sigh. This was served with Rich Tea Biscuits lightly smeared with Nutella and topped with fresh strawberries.
So I got a message from my friend that I was to bring this with me to a birthday party tonight? I guess have to place Tea Guys order, because my iend loves this tea so much it would make her sad if I ran out. I think I will also get their vanilla black tea and maple tea. Does anyone have any other suggestions from this company that I shouldn’t miss?
This tea MAKES you stop and take notice! There is so much body and flavor you can not drink it absentmindedly. The tea will stop you in your tracks and tell you to slow down and experience the cup. The ingredient list is long and very unusual compared to teas I have had before, but everything plays a part and it all blends together into a wonderful cup of tea. This is a tea I would serve to a visiting coffee lover and be certain they would like it! My friend who joined me today said we MUST order more!
It was paired with pound cake and Nutella, which made for a very satisfying tea time. Thank you, again, DOULTON!
This amazing tea was our first for tea party today. It was paired with whole wheat pound cake (made from freshly ground Southern white wheat so not yucky!) that was served with Nutella and strawberries. The combination was very pleasing. That is an understatement – I could still almost drool on my keyboard. This was my first time having Nutella, and I really like it! The fat content is excellent as it keeps the glycemic index low so you don’t get a sugar rush, and it doesn’t take much of it to make a real treat.
There is so much in this tea! I have never seen an ingredient list like this one, but everything plays ots part so well. This was a real winner today! Thank you again, DOULTON, for introducing me to this tea!
I served this one today to a friend. We had it with a Cadbury Dairy Milk Whole Nut bar that my daughter brought from Ireland. This tea is so delicious with cheese and chocolate, and probably much more that I haven’t tried yet! My friend is very put out with me today because I have given her two new teas that she loves and now she wants them. I told her that thanks to Doulton’s generosity, I have enough to share! Smells like chocolate, and a rich vanilla rises to the forefront as it begins to cool. I used a shorter steep time today, but I think the longer one may be better. Love it! Thank you, again, DOULTON!
Wow. This is another that was sent to me by DOULTON, and it is another fabulous tea! Though the name is chocolate delight, the ingredient list gives away how complex the flavor of this tea is going to be. Black tea, green tea, cocoa beans, vanilla, barley, apple, toasted rice, and yogurt, all combined in one lovely cup. This does not taste at all like Harney and Sons Chocolate Tea or Florence. I think I am tasting the toasted rice and barley, two ingredients i have never had in tea before. There is a depth of flavor to this tea, and though it is chocolate and rich, this is a grown up tea, not a kid’s treat. The tea is very smooth, the aroma is strongly of chocolate, but the flavor is far more complex than tea and chocolate!
No additions. This tea is perfect just the way it is. It needs neither milk nor sugar to be enjoyed. For some reason I feel like putting on high heels and a long strand of pearls, looking aloof and bored and waving people about to fetch me things.
I got a sample of this from a buddy thank you. I mainly taste the black tea with some honey and abit of almond. I did add abit of sugar but this does not need much. I really enjoy the honey in this tea. I think this tea is pretty good. And just what I need because of the annoying snow right now.
Another sample from LauraR. Thanks for sending all of these wonderful samples my way.
This tea tastes exactly like it’s name. Caramel Popcorn. It’s so buttery and sweet, like a kettle corn. Unfortunately my taste buds don’t like drinking liquid sweet butter. But it smells very nice and tastes very accurate. No rating at this time.
i put this is in champagne. like this.
you should do it too.
I should! I even have an unopened bottle of champagne sitting in the fridge! I’ll have to see what tisanes I have that might work.