Tea Guys
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Another from the reddit travelling tea box
I got 72 hours with this teabox, so I’m chugging what I can. This one is quite nice – pumpkiny smooth, spice, sweet, nutty and creamy. Apparently there is candied peanuts in this so the flavor is very unique to a pumpkin spice tea. The only thing I don’t like is there is a stevia sweet aftertaste, but probably because I don’t like stevia. I am also at the bottom of a sample pack, and from my experience on stevia’d teas that weird sweetness seems to be stronger at the package crumbs. The rooibos is fine in this and the blend isn’t watery.
Thanks to the lovely Ost for sending this my way. I was painfully curious.
It smells freaking amazing in the bag! Not a big fan of rooibos, however, so I went in with some trepidation. I used 1.5tsp for 10oz of water and steeped it for a good 9 minutes. It tastes like carrot, cinnamon, and some nonspecific pastry item. No cream cheese icing that I can tell, though it is awfully sweet. Not bad. It’s close! Unfortunately it left a medicinal rooibos taste in my mouth afterwards and that is a thing I can’t stand. I might keep the rest of it around as a before-bed dessert tea, but I won’t be getting any more. Maybe I’ll try it with milk and sugar next time, see if that helps!
Flavors: Carrot, Cinnamon, Medicinal, Rooibos, Spices
i have like 2 minutes, then i have to get back to my final project. don’t believe the number other than mine! lol. this blend is great! very biscotti, very rich, satisfying. funny…. i like it more than the full sized bags i bought. typical!
i have the rest of the sample set aside to go to yyz! hope she likes it?
they sent me a sample…. cucumber mojito…. sounds whacko, tastes great. i need to review my decision making skills.
bye again!
i am studying for an exam that i have only had 2 classes before. i was not in the mood for surprises. i wanted this tea. everything was fine- it was exactly the same as the last time i steeped and reviewed….. except this time instead of tea with cream and sugar i got curds and whey?!!!!
i refused to drink it on principle. my steeping parameters were identical. the tea was identical. it was sitting in a cool dark area in a dark glass container with a silicone seal. there are no excuses, at least none i am prepared to hear.
my response (after chucking the clumpy mess down the sink)? ‘i want butiki’.
why? because i can count on it.
tea guys, my number is dropping by 20- that’s how ticked i am. and my recommendation is changing from yes to no. if your product changes under controlled conditions in such a short period of time then you either need to a) check product quality or b) issue a statement saying as much so people aren’t surprised.
Looks like they’re still in business – http://www.teaguys.com/
I like the company for the most part but only got four samples. This was my least favorite.
oh no! i just caught sight of miss ifjuly’s review!!!! usually we are so evenly matched in our tastes, lol!
i like black currant. i like the aromatic nature of this blend and the slices of plum cut into it. i don’t get smarties, lol…. i do get a sense of the candies people carry in their purses somewhat though.
i really like this tea! i have every intention of doing a cold steep— i think it will be brilliant. oddly i do not like this blend in between hot and cold— it is LESS impressive when it is just warm, though i cannot say why.
smooth, fruity, aromatic, elements of deep mulled wine with black currant and plum.
i will also say that after i went to check out i was hit with an astonishing 29$ shipping rate….?WTH??!!!!! i made a call. they knocked 10$ off and put it in a bubble envelope instead of a box, packed it carefully and made it affordable.
(i’m okay with 19$ shipping for 38$ of tea given today’s prices) thank you teaguys for making the effort!
I haven’t had oolong in a. very long time. I had forgotten how delicious it is. Sweet and smooth and not bitter at all. Brewed with 1.5 tsp leaves with about 8ish oz of water. At my altitude full boil is 200°f. So this is the temp I used. I rinsed once and steeped for 1.5 minutes. Best flavor was not experienced until the tea was abooy 140 or so but lovely throughout.
I did a second steep for 2 minutes and it was even better. Fruity and floral but none of that “perfume on the toung” aftertaste I got with a cheap oolong from the market.
Tasted great right through to stone cold in my cup.
Third steeping was a bit of a wash. I was aiming for 2.5 minutes but got interupted. 8. minutes later I finally got to pour.
The beautiful layered flavors were gone but the tea was still quite drinkable and even tasty. This seems like a good tea for anyone who wants to try brewing oolong but is afraid of mucking it up. A very forgiving tea.
I didnt attempt any more steeps from that pot but I have no doubt this one ccould go on for quite some time.
Dry, like bad smarties-ish candy; steeped, like cat pee. My husband mentioned it and after that I had to pour mine out and make some Chocolate Eclair instead. Eugh.
I’m really torn by this tea. I think it’s beautiful and delicate tasting. I absolutely love the flavor. The mango, for me, comes more as an after taste on the exhale, and the rose is the initial flavor I pick up. I really, really love floral teas, and this one is right up my ally. Just a little funky smelling out of the bag. I’m noticing that with a lot of Two Tea Guys Teas, not sure I’ll be ordering from them again, but this tea is worth trying for sure!
When I ordered all my TeaGuys samples, this was the tea I had the most hope for. Much to my surprise, I did not get any spice from the ginger OR the peppercorn in this tea, making it a bit of a let down. It just tasted like a mediocre strawberry white tea. I’ll definitely be sticking with Strawberry Paraiso for a similar flavor. If there was more, or any spice to this tea, I probably would have liked it more.
It’s good tasting, but not what’s advertised.
Nice medium range oolong. Very sweet and clean taste. Great for multiple infusions, I did 5, and still had a nice flavor. Great for iced tea as well. Comparable to Teavana’s Six Summits Oolong before they added all the artificial stuff to it.
I was pretty excited about this tea, because I absolutely LOVE nutty teas. It did smell fairly artificial when I got it, and sadly MUCH more like coconut than the description led me to think.
Once brewed the tea smelled much more natural like walnuts, however, I after taking one sip, I dumped the cup, because there was a copious amount of oil sitting on the top.
Resteeped it after, still a little oil, but not as much. Got through the cup, but I won’t be using the rest of my sample. Too bad, as this sounded promising.
I’ve been kind of…I dunno, not disappointed exactly but not bowled over by most of the Tea Guys samples I’ve tried over the weekend (they often smell fantastic dry and at first in the cup, but the flavor is unbalanced towards tart or bitter, with a base of totally unremarkable tea), so I was expecting to be meh about this otherwise fantastic sounding blend for afternoon tea. R came home out of sorts—had a terrible day at work, complete with another fight breaking out in his classroom—so I tried to cheer him up with my favorite Dead Authors podcast (the one with Nietzsche and Lovecraft!), open-faced toasted apple tahini sandwiches, and some of this. It was better than the others I’ve tried so far (Maple, Chocolate Ginger Bourbon which was actually pretty good leftover cold, I forget what else). Very strong honey aroma and the pistachio’s definitely present too. Still an unremarkable tea base, but I didn’t mind so much with such flavor and aroma. Quite nice, and amplified from the honey in our sandwiches. I’m not sure I’d bother ordering again from Tea Guys unless some of the others are better too, but if I did, I’d get more of this. It wouldn’t surprise me if their stuff generally makes for good fragrant rubs or marinades, or other culinary/cocktail steeping tasks as they’re always fragrant at least.
I like tea blends that have chamomile, but they have to be done well. This one makes me a little nervous because of the licorice, but I’m hoping that the vanilla and chamomile will be able to hide that flavor. The blend is quite heavy on the chamomile flowers – I almost can’t see any of the other ingredients except for the lemongrass. The scent is light, slightly herbal and sweet.
Sipping… the chamomile is the first thing that I taste. It changes quickly into the nicest combination of flowers and vanilla. The finish is sweet, but a little strange. I’m getting some notes of licorice (that throat-coating sweetness) and stevia. I wish that this blend could just be the vanilla and chamomile because that mixture is lovely. The stevia and licorice finish ruins the cup, in my opinion. It’s not undrinkable, but leaves a gross feeling and flavor in the back of the throat.
This tea smells of coffee, kukicha and toasted rice. I feel like I’ve smelled this before in other green tea blends, so I’m almost expecting this to taste familiar. Sipping… this is a very smooth and sweet green tea. It actually reminds me of marshmallow treat genmaicha, only less toasty. I don’t really taste caramel or burnt sugar, but a soothing and sweet green tea. Nothing is overwhelming or unbalanced. The flavors of this blend are in harmony, but they’re not that special. I wish that there were more caramel, but it is a quietly soothing cup for this evening.
I had been wanting to try this one for so long! I finally bought a little sample of it and I’m quite happy that I did. Plain, this tea is a bit like spice cake with a hint of carrot. The spices are prominent and I do detect some carrot towards the end of the sip. After I’ve added a splash of milk, it turns into a more delicious dessert tea — creamy, cakey, carroty. There is a little bit of that sour finish that I found was present in the other Tea Guys rooibos/honeybush blend. This tea would be even more tasty without that sour note, but otherwise, it’s a very nice dessert blend. If I ever buy more, I’m definitely going to have it exclusively with milk. The added creaminess takes it to another level.
The scent of this tea is spot-on eggnog. It smells creamy & spicy. I usually don’t like nutmeg in anything, but I can usually handle it in eggnog. After water has been added, the spices come to the front rather quickly and the creaminess of the eggnog is lost. The cup turns into a bit of a cloudy, orange cup with a decent bit of oil on the top. It smells quite spicy now – nutmeg and cinnamon being most prominent.
Sipping… this one’s a little weird. The first thing I taste is something almost fruity? It reminds me a little bit of apple combined with the tartness of apple skin. The sip carries on and I pick up some marshmallow. The end of the sip finishes with some sweet rooibos. Not bad… This is certainly drinkable as I’m now about halfway through my cup. I think that this tea would probably work well with milk because it might tone down the tart, almost sour, note that I’m getting. The spices are there, but they stay in the background and lend a sweetness to the cup. They actually make me think of a spice cookie in the way they are present, but not dominating. I can detect a little bit of maple as an aftertaste, but it otherwise doesn’t show up.
This is a nice blend for the holidays. I’m going to try this with milk, perhaps as a latte and will write an updated note. For now, I’m not crazy about the tart flavor & want more of that marshmallow/creamy flavor to come out.