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drank Orange Pekoe by T2
2 tasting notes

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drank Chai by T2
2 tasting notes

delicious on a cold day to lift the spirit, deep and rich spices with a smart balance.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Chilli Kiss by T2
61 tasting notes

I also found this one at the T2 store. This tea smells like Big Red but not quite at powerful smelling as Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon spice. The box recommends brewing 2-3 min at 95C. This is actually a pretty good but doesn’t have the punch of the aforemention H&S tea. It does tase of cinnamon and has some low background heat.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Doesn’t sound like my cuppa tea, but I hope you enjoy it! :)

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drank Just Peppermint by T2
12 tasting notes

By far the best peppermint tea I have ever had! I love the sharp bite it has, and the soothing after taste. I find that it can really help to calm nerves or nausea and is a perfect choice for early mornings.

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drank Madagascan Vanilla by T2
12 tasting notes

Gentle and somewhat soothing. Can be sweetened for those with an insatiable sweet-tooth, though I find it unnecessary here (despite having one or two sweet-teeth myself). I tend to be too harsh in my rating of teas, and so have increased my rating for “Mad Van”.

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drank Madagascan Vanilla by T2
12 tasting notes

After a weekend away without my expansive tea collection, it was nice to come home and once more face the challenge of choosing which tea to drink. Like most of T2’s flavoured black teas, Madagascan Vanilla’s flavour is quite subtle, yet here this subtlety works well.

Although it may be considered dull, there are times when all one really feels like is something soft and soothing. This afternoon, comfortably relaxing back in my den, just happened to be one of those times.

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drank Pu-erh by T2
12 tasting notes

No matter how long or brief the brew is, Pu-erh lets off a pungent, earthy scent that could almost make you retch. Fortunately, it doesn’t taste nearly as bad as it smells. This deep and heavy Chinese black will not, however, ever find itself amongst my favourite teas and, bottom shelf material, I shall indeed keep it on the bottom shelf where it will be out of sight.

I suppose it is an acquired taste, one that I have certainly not yet acquired, and the sad thing is, I don’t think I ever will. It’s really a tonic, a detox regime in and of itself, and we all know that medicine never tastes nice, even if you do take it with a spoon full of sugar… or six.


I’m just wondering, did you rinse the leaves before brewing?

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drank Turkish Apple by T2
12 tasting notes

Although doubtful about its claim to the title of “tea” due to the fact that it is brewed by dissolving the sugary concoction into some boiling water, I have to admit that drinking Turkish Apple is quite an enjoyable experience. I would not, however, have purchased my own supply of it, had it not been for a discounted T2 Fruit Stack in which it was contained, along with Citrus Punch and Strawberries and Cream. Overall, pleasant either hot or chilled, Turkish Apple is a light, simple and sweet drink.




Honestly, I would expect dissolution from a “You’ll Love Coles” product…

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drank Terrific Toffee by T2
12 tasting notes

I’m down to my last scoop of Terrific Toffee, and can’t bring myself to use it. I prepare it with a dash of milk, preferably Vanilla Soy Milk, and a generous helping of honey, yet I find that it lacks depth. The toffee flavour is so subtle that it can be hard to pick up on it, yet like most flavoured black teas, if it is brewed for too long, the black tea will overpower the flavour anyway and can result in a bitter brew.

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drank Honey Green Almond by T2
12 tasting notes

Another evening pot of this soothing rooibos to get me ready for bed.

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drank Honey Green Almond by T2
12 tasting notes

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drank Honey Green Almond by T2
12 tasting notes

My attraction to honeybush and rooibos teas has been growing steadily since I first began drinking them, and I particularly enjoy them in the evening, as they are caffeine free and therefore won’t keep me awake. Initially, when I was considering purchasing Honey Green Almond, a friend told me that he thought its odour was like that of B.O., not the nicest of scents. However, I disagreed and went ahead and bought it. Indeed, my judgement did prove to be the greater, and I can often be found of an evening curled up in my den with a mug of this delightful tea.

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drank Sencha Quince by T2
76 tasting notes

I really like this flavoured sencha. The quince and cornflowers work really well together. This is definitely one of my favourite senchas from T2.

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drank Green Rose by T2
76 tasting notes

This tea is amazing. one of my favourite green teas of all time.

This tea doesnt sound that good, just green tea and rose… but it is so so so much more. It is a very fruity tea. so fruity infact that i think “green rose” is a bit of a silly name for it. The rose is sort of the last thing you notice about it, if you notice it at all. but thats ok because this tea is better than you would expect. I think it is the pineapple in this tea that really makes it great.

This tea is really definitely absolutely worth a try! I have bought it as a gift for many friends and they all love it. Its probably my second (maybe third) favourite green tea of all time (first being the tea centre’s japanese garden).

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drank Monk Pear by T2
76 tasting notes

This is another example of a tea that T2 stuffs up.

I love Monk Pear tea and have for many years now after buying the one from The Tea Centre. However, this version does the typical T2 thing and smells great but tastes like perfume. I was really really disappointed by this one.


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drank China Lichee by T2
76 tasting notes

Well sad to say I actually couldnt finish a cup of this tea and threw it out.

I have had some lychee tea which i absolutely love. A friend brought some back from the forbidden city in china and ive so far never found anything that matches up.

But this one was particularly bad and actually tastes like perfume. Its really aweful.

unfortunately i find this to be the problem with many of T2’s teas. They just taste like perfume rather than flavour. dont get me wrong they have a few teas i love (green rose for example) but if you are going to buy from T2 i strongly recommend you try the tea before you buy it. because they often smell completely different to how they taste.


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drank Raspberry Rush by T2
76 tasting notes

I bought this after smelling it in the store, but sadly i didnt taste it before purchasing it.

It does smell great but i just really dont like the taste. Ive given it a go several times and im just not a fan. I think it might be the raspberry leaf something just gives it a sourness that i really dont like.


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drank Fruit Royale by T2
8 tasting notes

Brew for 10 minutes-ish, wait for it to cool, put in fridge; when cold, add lots of ice and drink. Delightfully refreshing for a summer afternoon!

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Liquorice Legs by T2
1 tasting notes

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drank Buddha's Tears by T2
2 tasting notes

A highly aromatic green tea, great scent and a great taste. A little pricey at T2, search for Jasmine Pearls to find where you can get it online cheaper.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Honey Green Almond by T2
220 tasting notes

Ohhhh this blend smells incredible. Everytime I’m in my kitchen I have to grab the packet and take a whiff like some I’m crazed tea huffer. Its like dipping your nose into a honey pot! The almond gives it a little sharpness and stops it from heading into the too sweet category, but aside from that you don’t really notice it. Honey honey honey oh honey! Decandant on its own but I love it with a little milk before bedtime, I don’t think this packet will last me very long at all!

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec

You crazed tea huffer, you! :) :) :)

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drank Liquorice Legs by T2
8 tasting notes

The huge amount of liquorice makes this sweeter than sibling Tummy Tea, and with a little less subtle variety in flavour – but if you want something hot and sweet without falling into cloying, it’s great. Also good cold.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Gen Mai Cha Sencha by T2
8 tasting notes

Lovely nutty rice flavour, combined with more delicate sencha flavour. Great for having with food, or when you want a hot, flavoursome drink that doesn’t even skirt near rich/strong.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Monk Pear by T2
5 tasting notes

OM NOM NOM. also, added flowers!

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