Rishi Tea
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This was one of my first forays into green tea. I remember thinking to myself “If all green teas taste like grass then I don’t think I like green tea.” I quickly learned most Japanese green teas taste grassy because they are steamed, as opposed to a variety of Chinese green tea which is pan fried. The moral of this story is if you like fresh grassy tastes that pop out at your taste buds then you will love this tea. If you like tea that has more subtle flavor that is less grassy in taste go for a chinese green tea instead. I can’t give this tea the worst rating because it is good quality for the type of tea it is, I just don’t like steamed green teas.
I remembered to use only one green cardamon pod. Still pretty cardamony but also now gingery. Perhaps I just taste cardamon too strongly? I’m thinking about adding some black tea next time to see what it does to the spiciness. But what kind?
1 cup water. 1 tbsp natural cane sugar. bring to boil. 1 tbsp chai tea leaf. simmer 5. 1 cup milk. bring to boil. turn off heat. let steep 8 min 30 sec.
Backlogging. Last Saturday morning.
We got some not entirely unexpected bad new last the night before. So I let myself sleep in some and have a mug of chai, which is a bit of a treat for me. Made stovetop method, it was spiced and yummy. Again, the cardamom was way overpowering. I didn’t check my previous tealog before making it or I’d have known to use less green pods.
1 cup water. 1 tbsp natural cane sugar. bring to boil. 1 rounded tbsp chai tea leaf. simmer 6 min 30 sec. 1 cup almond milk. bring to boil. turn off heat. let steep 10 min.
I really wanted chai tea this morning steeped Takgoti Stove Top Method (TSTM). But life got in the way. After a yummy pepperoni and garlic pizza dinner, I could not help myself from making some even though I knew I shouldn’t have the caffeine that late.
This is the first time I’ve steeped this chai using TSTM. And it came out GOOOOD! It tasted strongly of cardamon, then cloves and cinnamon. I suspect that’s because two green cardamon pods ended up in the sauce pan. Next time I shall make sure there is only one pod in there. I should also try setting my burner higher as I bring to boil and return to boil as it took longer than I thought it would at where I had it set (4-4.5, try 5 next time. 3-3.5 for simmering worked.). I think that’s because when I heat soups in the same small pan, I usually walk away and don’t notice that that much time passes.
1 cup water. 1 tbsp light brown sugar. Bring to boil. 1 tbsp chai. Simmer 5 min. 1 cup milk. Bring to boil. Turn heat off. Let sit 10 min.
This is the first time I’ve had Rishi’s Masala Chai tea. Upon opening the canister, I was hit by the yummy spicy smell and the lovely assortment of spices. There seemed to be more of spices than actually black tea. I’ll begin by saying that it was indeed a yummy tea but my preparation of it needs to be tinkered with. I brewed it by the “cafe style tea” instructions on the canister. The amount of tea seemed like a lot to me but I thought I’d try it. I can safely say I’ll be using at least half of that amount next time I brew it. The tea came out strong and I had to put in more milk and sugar than I’ve have liked to use. I think my rating will go up a bit once I figure out the optimal brewing method for me.
Large, round, light blue-glazed pottery mug. 2 tbsp. 3/4 water, 1/4 milk.
Yummmm! At first I wasn’t sure what to think about this tea… I started drinking it because I was sick (hence choosing an ayurvedic blend)… and it hit me differently. This is probably because when I drink “tea” I think of more “tea”-like flavours… but this is a botanical blend, and not one that I necessarily thought would appeal to me. BUT I LOVE IT. Especially with winter settling in here in Milwaukee, I’ve really come to depend not only on it’s healthful properties, but also on it’s really unique spicy, sweet, zingy taste. The most dominant flavours are of the lemongrass and the licorice root. I highly recommend it. And it’s still completely lovely if you feel a cold coming on, and want to steep it extra long to get the real benefits of the tea.
This is a very good tea. The scent of the jasmine is amazing. The tea is normal green tea which loses a lot of its scent over multiple infusions but that wont make you like this tea any less. I imagine how many flowers it took to get the tea smelling that way and how much work it was to hand roll all of the tea leaves like that. Just imagine those thousands upon thousands of flowers!
This is a very good everyday drinking tea. Make this for people who aren’t fond of the grassy notes of green tea because the roasted rice gives the tea a very nutty flavor instead. I do agree with the previous comment about Rishi having good tea, but there are better versions of this. I think http://www.teatrekker.com has a better tasting genmaicha.
This tea has a very light peachy flavor to it, which is not overpowering. Some of the peachy flavor comes through to the glass but not too much. This is a pretty good tea for when someone wants a light tea with a pleasing scent. This is a white tea foremost with accents of peach I would say.
I like ginger in small amounts so I gave this a try. My impressions of this tea are not very stellar. The ginger is so overpowering that it masks the flavor of the tea leaves. A little ginger goes a long way and they used way too much in my opinion.