Rishi Tea

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drank Jade Fire by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

Ever since teaplz had this as her work tea a day or two ago, I’ve been tempted to torture myself try this one again. I thought I’d try using a little cooler water so I put the water into the pot and let it sit for a moment before putting the leaves in and I left the lid off while brewing.

With the horror that is the second steep of this, I’ve forgotten how much I enjoyed the first steep. Actually, I think this is better than the other time I’ve had it because I can get a hint of buttery, grassy sweetness. There is a little brine-like tingle left on my tongue but it isn’t really salty – more like a salt lick which, if anyone has ever licked one (yes, I have*) have a mineral taste that doesn’t burn like straight salt and is a little… almost sweeter. Or at least the pink ones I used to give my hamster do.

As the tea cools, more of the salt-lick/mineral taste is coming out, almost overpowering the sweet grassy green taste I had at the beginning of the cup. Almost but not quite. But the dry taste it leaves in my mouth is stronger and not that fun. I’m bumping up the rating a little bit because even with that mineral taste, the tea is nice. I’m still going to try a second steep, but I full anticipate burning salty horror.

*For the record, I don’t lick a lot of salt licks. But you know, I was curious.

ETA: Second Steep @ 2:00. The not-brine taste at the end is more tingly but as long as the tea is still pretty hot, it is okay. But the second it starts to cool, I start making faces as I sip.

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Yay! Glad I could inspire you to um… make a very bizarre cup of tea! I’m not quite sure if my bizarre cup was even that bizarre, because of my water situation/problem/mess. Hrm.


Growing up on a farm (I did) … one learns what lots of interesting substances taste like, salt licks included.


@teaplz, Any tea-related inspiration is good! And actually, the second steep wasn’t bad! I just have to drink this hot and quickly and that keeps the mineral/salt taste down to a decently pleasant tingle. So yay! I’m not so scared of this one anymore!
@gmathis, Any idea if the salt licks for cows and other livestock taste the same as the ones for hamsters?


I kind of forgot if you liked the tea or not…I was too busy laughing at the licking of salt licks. My mom is a geologist, so I grew up watching her randomly lick rocks. Yes, I too have licked many a rock and a salt lick…but I think it was set up for deer to lick. I think I’ll pass on the salty mineral tea here.


My hamster lore is really rusty. I don’t recall providing salt licks for the various and sundry hamsters we had growing up, although a) family legend goes that Henry the Great (before my time) would ride in my older brother’s model train box car and b) we had a white one that liked to steep himself in his water bowl, then sit in his green-tinted litter (this was…uh…a while back…) so he was half green from the posterior up.


Okay, between picturing Steepsterites licking (then rating) rocks and multi-colored hamsters having little hot tub parties in water bowls, I’m cracking up.

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drank Jade Fire by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

I confess: I picked a little bit of this up from the store simply because the leaves were so interesting. Tightly rolled and so shiny! I haven’t had anything like it before.

It smells both grassy and honeyed, like it can’t decide if it wants to be a Japanese or Chinese green. Tastes quite a bit like sencha but with only a hint astringency and without the hint of turning bitter if I leave it in the cup for too long. As it cools, a more Chinese green taste comes out… I’m getting a honey taste that isn’t quite honey… I’m guessing the pinecone taste they mention? Don’t really get the orchid except for the fact that it is sweet and fresh tasting (not quite floral). I don’t get the briny taste I normally do when I drink Chinese greens. This is actually quite nice.

ETA: The second steep at 3:15 is crazy bitter/salty and the aftertaste is like I just swallowed a mouthful of ocean. I make a face each time I sip it. The rating gets dropped for not having a good second steep.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

So happy I’m not the only one who impulse buys items because they are shiny. Eww, salty tea sound nasty, but so does pine…


So is it a gunpowder tea?


@teafiend: I’m all about impulse buying tea – or shiny things!

@Jillian: No clue but maybe? The leaves look the same but I’ve never had gunpowder except in a blend and this wasn’t smoky like I understand gunpowder is supposed to be…

Okay, I was curious, so I searched and found this "The shape of Jade Fire is similar to gunpowder tea but it is considered by experts to be a much more refined and higher quality tea. " (http://www.peliteas.com/green/g_jade_fire2.html)


Cool, thanks. :)


NP. I love that there is so much stuff to learn – pretty much guarantees that I’ll never get bored with tea!

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Great earthy smell. Full-bodied and lots of deep earthy flavors! This is probably the darkest tea I have seen. Looks like a cup of coffee. If placed next to drip coffee I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. A very excellent puerh tea. I would definitely buy this one again.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Strong blueberry taste but too tart.

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drank Matcha (Powdered) by Rishi Tea
865 tasting notes

TTB Tea #10

Exactly 6 months ago I had my 1st matcha experience. This matcha. The only difference is now I’m making it myself.

I should say I think this is Rishi matcha… the TTB log book says Lena was the only one that put matcha in so far ( that I could find) and she didn’t list a # so I assumed she only put 1 packet in, which has already been claimed, but then I found this. So for all intents and purposes I’m calling this Rishi matcha.

Gosh this is a devil to get out… half is stuck in the packet- I’m sure from being smashed at the bottom of the box for ages. Poor bruised, broken matcha.

1 packet/6oz water as my favorite cafe makes it.

The matcha incorporates with the water very well, even before I whisk it. I’m disappointed that it does not foam nearly as much as at the cafe, but it still is one of the most foamy matchas I’ve had. I’m sure the lack of foam is completely my fault and not that of the matcha.

It’s been so long, I’m having a hard time comparing my 2 experiences- and the foam affects it as well… but it’s a smooth, thick, vegetal, bitter, sweet, GREEN taste and mouth feel that immediately makes me smile… until… Remember the “sludge” I lovingly speak of? Well, this isn’t it. The last few sips contain hard, chalky clumps of matcha that literally almost made me puke. But again- I am not blaming this on the matcha. I can only imagine what damage is done to poor, sensitive matcha particles in that box. I will try this again. Although I can’t see me buying this (in powder, not by the bowla at a cafe) more than once purely due to the stupid packaging.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Matcha (Powdered) by Rishi Tea
865 tasting notes

MY 1st EXPERIENCE W/ MATCHA! I had this at a new cafe my mom and I tried for dinner last nite… AMAZING! light and a touch grassy topped w/ a light froth that did not collapse when my lips touched it much like cappuccino or beer foam does. There was a little bit of delicious grassy sludge as I lovingly called it that I washed down w/ just an extra spash of water. Lovely. My new addiction.


I’ve been curious about matcha for a while. Just a bit deterred by all the equipment I would need to get along with it. If I were to try something with as much tradition and ceremony attached to it, I’d want to do it right.
I’ll have to get around to it one of these days. You’ve made me mighty curious. (Hey, brainwave! I could put the lot on my christmas wishlist!)


Start by going to a resturaunt/tea room that serves it.


That’s mighty hard to find around these parts, unfortunately.


@Cofftea, Did you try it sweetened or unsweetened?

@Angrboda, do they have Starbucks in Denmark? That was where I first tried matcha and even if they do sweeten their drinks too much, it might be a good starting point.


@ Jillian: Only in Copenhagen Airport as far as I know. We have a chain called Baresso which is up the same alley, but they’re very focused on coffee. They have only a few mainstream teas, and I’ve seen how they make those. Let’s just say that while I like their coffee drinks, even if they did have a matcha I’m too snobby to drink their teas.

@ Cofftea: The teamap only covers North America and the UK, so that would still require a wee bit of travelling. Good suggestion though.


@Jillian Sweetened matcha? And SBUX does NOT serve matcha. They use a sweetened matcha type powder for their green tea frappuccinos and lattes, but it’s not real matcha.


@Jillian, I double checked w/ the cafe and it was UNsweetened. Although it did taste slightly sweet. I can’t imagine why anyone would sweeten matcha…

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drank Jasmine Pearl by Rishi Tea
1 tasting notes

perfect & relaxing

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Brews a deep orange color. Fresh, light, and clean, a bit fruity, grassy / straw-like, and with a suggestion of a seafood-like quality. Less earthy and less sour than red rooibos.

I recommend a very long steeping time. I like this one a lot.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Lychee Red Tea by Rishi Tea
236 tasting notes

What can I say except yum! It’s a wonderful lychee-fragranced black tea that chimes my bells.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Lychee Red Tea by Rishi Tea
236 tasting notes

I’ve had the flu and been unable to write and without an appetite for much of anything, including tea. Today I feel almost human and I’m celebrating with this delicious lychee tea. Lychee is one of my favorite fruits and this tea does a reasonable job of bringing the lychee flavor to this mild black tea. Overall it is quite nice.


Yay, I’m glad you’re feeling better! :)

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drank Earl Grey by Rishi Tea
240 tasting notes

Had a pot a Saint’s Cafe in State College, PA. A solid EG, if a little light on the bergamot for my tastes.

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
240 tasting notes

Last of my most recent batch. A solid, everyday drinking wuyi.

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
240 tasting notes

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
240 tasting notes

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
240 tasting notes

This has good stonefruit, but was a little more subtle than I expected. Good for the price.

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drank Pu-erh Vanilla Mint by Rishi Tea
236 tasting notes

My Rishi Tea Mannong Manmai Sample set came today and this was in it. Oh my these are big bags for samples! I’m used to Golden Moon samples (only enough for one cup) or Upton Tea’s samples (enough for 4-6 cups).

I am feeling sick (fever, sore throat, cough) and while I normally do not desire Pu-erh, and indeed I normally have to use my Be Brave days to try new pu-erhs, today I crave it and crave mint. Strange.

The tea brews into a nearly black liquor with the envigorating smell of mint and the classic earthy pu-erh smell under that. Strangely enough it smells really good to me today. The taste is nearly all mint with a dark, chocolate taste underneath, but softly, softly. The mouth-feel is quite full-bodied and it has substance on the tongue, almost a creaminess. Also it takes Silk Creamer very, very well. Overall I like tea. It is a good tea for someone sick.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Pu-erh Classic by Rishi Tea
8 tasting notes

Does anyone else like to drink this only as iced tea? When I first bought some I made it hot and I couldn’t stand the taste. My next batch was made as sun tea and it was really good. Like it was a whole new taste.

Iced 7 min, 45 sec

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I like this tea – very clean white tea, pale yellow with a very light scent. Slight taste of melon, but not overpowering. I prepared this by heating my water to 175 degrees and steeping it about 4 1/2 minutes.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Mate Mint by Rishi Tea
2 tasting notes

This is one of my go-to morning teas. I like to steep some as soon as I get to work. The mint really adds a nice balance to the zingy flavor of the Mate. Overall a solid choice, but not my favorite by any means.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Green by Rishi Tea
7 tasting notes

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Now that this was the last spoonful of leaves from the tin, I find that I like this tea much more than when I first got it.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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