I really wanted chai tea this morning steeped Takgoti Stove Top Method (TSTM). But life got in the way. After a yummy pepperoni and garlic pizza dinner, I could not help myself from making some even though I knew I shouldn’t have the caffeine that late.
This is the first time I’ve steeped this chai using TSTM. And it came out GOOOOD! It tasted strongly of cardamon, then cloves and cinnamon. I suspect that’s because two green cardamon pods ended up in the sauce pan. Next time I shall make sure there is only one pod in there. I should also try setting my burner higher as I bring to boil and return to boil as it took longer than I thought it would at where I had it set (4-4.5, try 5 next time. 3-3.5 for simmering worked.). I think that’s because when I heat soups in the same small pan, I usually walk away and don’t notice that that much time passes.
1 cup water. 1 tbsp light brown sugar. Bring to boil. 1 tbsp chai. Simmer 5 min. 1 cup milk. Bring to boil. Turn heat off. Let sit 10 min.