Rishi Tea

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Have you ever had Pu-erh Palace… With gingerbread cookies?



’Tis the season! :)

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

Consider it added to my To Do list. ;)

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I added it to my Shopping List when I saw molasses in the description.


Yeah, tis the season for you to come up with another Rishi tea + food pairing that makes me salivate. You are dangerous!

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drank China Breakfast by Rishi Tea
161 tasting notes

As my sample size shrinks, the more I feel this tea will be missed. I’ve finally nailed the temp and steeping time, and it’s oh so good. I’m sure that I will eventually order some more, but I’m hoping 2010 will be the year of trying “new” teas. I foresee lots of samples!


So what’s the temperature / steeping time if you don’t mind me asking. (You made it sound as if it was different from the tin o.O). Delicious tea indeed.


boiling water – 4 minutes, steaming water (from my office’s coffee maker)- 5 minutes. no more or it will get really bitter. of course, all is forgiven if you add milk and sugar…which this tea takes very well.

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drank China Breakfast by Rishi Tea
161 tasting notes

Yep, I’ve got this one down pat. Yummy Yunnan goodness. It’s a nice breakfast blend and hits the spot with a little milk and sugar. Still not enough to change the rating though.

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drank China Breakfast by Rishi Tea
161 tasting notes

I finally got the right mix on this one. I think it has a 5 minute max steep time. Anything over 5 minutes (at least on the 1st steep) will yield some crazy bitterness. Taken with milk and a teensy bit of sugar, this ended up being a really nice cup of tea. I wasn’t blown away like I thought I would be, considering this is a 2009 award winning tea. But, it’s good.

I’ll tell ya what DID make this tea better. Dunking in a tea cake cookie. Since my husband’s knee surgery, he has taken up baking to avoid extreme boredom while he is off work. I highly support his baking hobby…both because the holiday goodies are made AND given out…and as it turns out, he is a VERY good at it! Yay for hidden talents.

Off to make another cup…and grab another tea cake.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Tea cookies make everything better :D Good for your husband for finding something productive to do while he’s stuck at home!


It’s always good to have a man-creature who knows what to do with food (other than eat it). ;)


Agreed, that this is a good cup, but nothing spectacular.


Ooooh, nice bonus with the baking!


:D Excellent idea, especially since trying Cofftea’s molassas chocolate crackle yesterday really made me want to make molasses cookies. Maybe I’ll do that today, when I have my second cup of this. I’m enjoying my first right now, and it’s as you say—-nice and unassuming, and very smooth, but nothing spectacular.

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drank China Breakfast by Rishi Tea
161 tasting notes

I just. don’t. know.

It’s STOUT! As dark as black coffee and a little bitter. My 1st cup was super bitter, but then again, I left it to steep for WAY too long. I’m drinking the 2nd steep now, and it has calmed down quite a bit. I’m still unsure about this one. I need to tinker around with it. I’d like to add some milk to it, but my milk at the office is all gross-ified and I refuse to use powder creamer. Ick!

In the wise words of Tim Gunn, I will “Make it work”.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Ew powdered creamer. NO THANKS. It sounds interesting… in a very rawr-like way.


@ teaplz – it was VERY “rawr-like”.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Love the Tim Gunn reference. =)


Anyone who doesn’t heart the hell out of Tim Gunn is no friend of mine! He just seems like such a genuinely sweet person!

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drank Citron Oolong by Rishi Tea
187 tasting notes

Woah. This tea is one of the more interesting ones I’ve had in a while! COURTESY OF AUGGY, who is amazing, if you didn’t know this already. Seriously amazing. Tea goddess. Not lying.

So I had a rough night last night, and as a result, I probably only got three hours of sleep. Can you say, “BRAAAIINNS?” Yeah, nearly comatose. I needed a pick-me-up. And since Auggy’s Citron Oolong was just sitting here, looking sad and neglected, I figured I’d steep some up. Cause that’s what we do at Steepster. We steep tea. Then think we’re important enough to log our thoughts. I don’t know where I’m going with this.

Anyway, I measured out the required 1 tbsp (and my eyes bugged out at how HUGE the tablespoon looked this morning – read: I AM NOT AWAKE) and dumped it into my IngenuiTEA. The leaves are little crackled-up balls, like someone made tea spitballs and then threw them into the mix. And there are lots of flowers. Lots. They’re very cute and delicate. The tea, overall, is very pretty dry. The smell was really citrus-y but light. Not like Lysol or a cleaning agent. I can’t really describe it.

Anyway, the tea did its little dance, and boy did the oolong do its dance. The leaves wasted no time unfurling and wriggling and becoming their gorgeous, russet-and-green selves.

The tea ate a lot of water. Because when I poured, my cup wasn’t as full as it usually is. But no worries! This might be one tea that actually smells better WET than dry! Mmmmm. It smells like the iced lemon cookies (those soft, squishy ones) that I sometimes have. Bake-y and buttery in a delicate lemon way.

The buttery really comes across in the smell of the infusion itself. The smell is mostly pure lemon, with this intense butter note. Hesitantly, I took a sip.

Okay, I can completely see the Fruity Pebbles comparison! Because now that I’ve read everyone’s comments, yeah, Fruity Pebbles, in sort of an awesome way. But I definitely taste delicious lemon notes, with a floral undertone. There’s a bit of orange in there too, but it’s hiding and it only really comes out if you concentrate on it with every sip. As for the oolong part… I’m not sure if I really taste it. Then again, I have little-to-no experience with oolongs, but I’m not tasting anything that rings soundly of teaness. Other people have mentioned that the oolong doesn’t really come through completely in this tea, and I’d have to agree.

I’m almost not minding that, though, because the tea is waking me up with its clean freshness and assertiveness. For all the citrus, it really is gentle, mild, and coaxing. Nowhere near the aggressiveness of something like bergamot. It’s not even really that sour or tart. No puckering here! Nor is it astringent, which is surprising, because sometimes citrus completely dries my mouth out. I’d have to say that this tea is female.

This is really, really interesting. I don’t think it’d be a daily drinker for me, but it’s fun, fresh, and eye-opening. I’m more awake and wired now than I ever was before, and I did it while drinking an awesome tea from Auggy (who is 3 for 3 with tea sent to me [that rhymed, lawl])!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

You seem extra hyper today (for only 3 hours of sleep, too!). I love the smell of citrus fruits, but the taste is a different story.


@Ricky, it’s the contest:)


Hope thing went well last night and glad this helped wake you up! This one is a tea that I don’t think I should like, but I do. It’s one I need to be in a certain mood for, but apparently that mood is not infrequent!


I think it’s a combination of the contest and a total lack of sleep. I tend to be overactive and then crash when I really can’t function like this.

It really is a strange little cup of tea.

Steepster is getting a FLOOD of new members intent on stealing that holiday prize away from me! BOOO. D:<


I gave this one a way cuz I just couldn’t taste the tea and didn’t think it paid to use a tea I could taste on it’s own to blend w/ it. This would be the PERFECT tea to drink when you’re sick though, maybe w/ a drizzle of honey?


It is an odd little thing but I’m coming to love it. Though I have added some oolong to it to try and get more of that taste to come out and honestly? Didn’t like it as much. Made it seem too heavy or something. So I speculate that the tea gives it just a little rounded flavor as compared to the citron bits alone.


Yep, to each his/her own- which works great because tea never goes to waste! After teaplz said she got this from you I went snooping thru your cupboard- some great stuff:)


Thanks! I think I’ve got some nifty stuff in there! I love playing in my tea pantry! :)


I know! This morning there were only 2-3 pages, I checked an hour later and we were up to like page 14 or something. Ahh, the flood of members! When you lack sleep, caffeine doesn’t seem to help =(

I keep middling with my cardboard box, aka my tea pantry. xD People keep throwing old mail into it though, I think I should really move it.

Sweet just used the delete, an edit would be nice, but I ain’t complaining.

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drank Jade Fire by Rishi Tea
124 tasting notes

Well, I only steeped 2 minutes this time, as directed. I’m adding a couple rating points, but I’m still not happy with the flavor. Maybe this is supposed to taste bitter. My mouth feels so dry after each sip that I want to chug a glass of water now.

2 min, 15 sec

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drank Jade Fire by Rishi Tea
124 tasting notes

Can’t really decipher the taste because I steeped it 2 minutes too long. Just bitter. Sigh. It was fun to watch the little pellets unfurl. The leaves smelled grassy when dry and are now a nice woody scent.

5 min, 0 sec

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drank Tangerine Ginger by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

Want more tea, don’t need the caffeine, having something herbal. Herbals have such big chunks that it seems they can be less than consistent, especially when making smaller batches. Sometimes this one gives me a good citrus taste. Sometimes, I get more hibiscus. Always I get ginger though so that’s nice. But I think I prefer to make this is larger batches because then the tangerine bit is more noticeable, the hibiscus less. When the hibiscus is not strong, it adds a nice tartness that couples with the citrus to make a good tangerine taste. When the hibiscus is strong, it just makes my sinuses feel stuffy. Anyway, I made two big cups so I’m having a nice experience with this one tonight. Not overwhelmed by tart. Makes me want to up the rating. Which I’m not going to do because it will start to be somewhat yo-yo-like since I think the last time I had it I dropped the rating (small, hibiscus-laden batch).

By the way, finally got my tea pantry all straight again. It’s absurd. http://bit.ly/bnWuYU

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Wow…yours outdoes mine by half! Now I don’t feel quite so bad about ordering more tea… >.>


Yes, order more tea! Help me feel less absurd! (I always look through takgoti’s cupboard on here to feel less nuts about my tea levels).


Oh, wow. That is impressive! So organized, too!


Wow, what a great selection! Is that basket in the corner the one that the Golden Moon sampler is in? I just ordered it last Thurday—can’t wait for it to arrive!


Erin, thanks! I wish I could say it always looks that neat but I had just straightened it up – too much of it was on the kitchen table!
Stephani, it is indeed! Even though most of the GM sampler is gone, the basket is great to collect other samples!




Haha, wow it’s really grown since the last time I’ve seen it. Looks amazing though =]


Haha! Thanks Jacqueline and Ricky!


I love your tins, too (on the right and the copper one on the left)… so pretty!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I want your tea pantry!


Lauren, the copper one on the left (on top of the purple Bolder Breakfast) is a Tao of Tea tins from one of their special edition teas. The other copper ones are all Samovar tins. The tins on the right – if you mean the purple and pink washi tins, I got those on eBay from japanesqueaccents (though they don’t have anything for sale right now). I have a blue one floating around somewhere too (hidden on the left).
Chrine, hah! Well, if you are ever in the area, I’ll let you meander through it and we can have a tea party. :)

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drank Tangerine Ginger by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

Picked up some of this yesterday from the London Tea Room (99% sure that their non-tea room created blends are Rishi). I’m a sucker for anything orange or orange-related so I HAD to try this. I’ve had no tea today and so I need something but I feel like it’s about 9pm (even though it’s not) so the thought of having something caffeinated makes me sad. Conveniently, I have this!

OMG, I hope this tastes like it smells. It smells like a just peeled a tangerine (I should know – I’ve been working my way through a 3lb bag of them the past week and a half). Honestly though, it’s an herbal. I don’t EXPECT to like this.

The herbal juice is a dusky rose/brown – which is good because I always end up with the bright red herbals and those taste like cough syrup. There’s a touch of warmth that I think is the ginger in the smell but looks like this won’t be too overpowering. We are on the right track!

Hmm. Well, after taking sip I check out what Rishi says is in this. Yep, hibiscus. That’s pretty much the cough syrup taste I fear from herbals. This has a slight hint of it but it is right on the front end – it hits the tip of my tongue. So enough that I know it is there but not enough that it makes this icky. Mmm, though taking a larger sip I get more tangerine taste. The ginger is warming and cuddly but not like eating pickled ginger or anything. And as it cools I don’t know if I’m ignoring the hibiscus or it’s fading but I’m pretty much fully on board with tangerine ginger now.

For an herbal this is pretty darn good. I can’t say I’m totally in love with it but I do like it and think it is good. I’d probably even buy more. It does make me want to experiment a little with blending this with a mild black because I think if I could get this flavor into a real tea plus the added depth of actual tea taste, we might have a winner.

ETA: 2nd steep @ 5:30. The tangerine is pretty much gone, but so is the hibiscus. Now this has a lovely candied ginger taste.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Interesting… I LOVE ginger!


Not hibiscus! Whenever I see hibiscus in the list of ingredients, it actually makes me feel sad. Just because I am starting to loathe its omnipotence!


I know! Especially since it seems to give things the cough syrup/TheraFlu taste I hate so. But this was pretty light, not overwhelming at all. So I can deal. And enjoy even!


@Auggy, Haha that’s funny… I had TheraFlu only once and actually liked it.


We should start a Hibiscus Haters Club or something. :D


I try to avoid hibiscus as well, it is rarely done right and makes most teas taste so sour…


Of any tea I’ve had with hibiscus in it, this was the happiest. Very faint, just a little poke on the tip of my tongue at the front of the sip. So I’m okay with it in this one. But yes, most are SO overly strong with hibiscus. Yuck!


@Auggy, since you’re an orange lover, did you try 52teas’s mandrin matcha?


No, I have yet to anything from 52teas. I’m not a big matcha girl – it’s too heavily associated with the Japanese tea ceremony for me to really want to drink it casually. Just a mental block I have on it.


Ok, just thought I’d suggest it.:) I’m exactly the opposite. I like to bring something special/fancy to every day life. It’s very calming and relaxing for me. Not to mention I get to drink from a bowl hehe.


*yet to TRY anything


No worries. If I liked matcha as a causal thing, I’d be interested in that one, I’m sure. But tea is special enough for me and is relaxing while matcha just carries too many heavy memories to me a normal thing for me. I think I’d be totally emo if I had matcha regularly!


It’s a shame that so many vendors abuse hibiscus. It does have the potential to be lovely.

Hahaha, emo. You’d have to put smudged eyeliner and a tight sweater on your monkey picture.

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I made a iced pitcher and I was a little nervous because I didn’t think I had enough tea leaves to coincide with the amount of water I had measured out (two thermos fulls), and I was probably right in thinking that. However, Ancient Emerald Lily comes off pretty nice when it’s cold and maybe a little weak. (But maybe my opinion is biased, I was dying of thirst when I drank it.)

Iced 3 min, 0 sec

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I always expect this to be bitter, but it’s always so smooth.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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Good for sitting at bus stops in the snow.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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On the first steeping I didn’t detect any real flower-like taste. However, on the second steeping there is most definitely a flower note, probably because the more nutty/savory taste is much more muted.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I found this tea very interesting. There is a definite sort of pine nut taste initially but it finishes with a very smooth, pleasant, almost milky taste. As it cools, though, the savory/nut taste becomes a little stronger and the milky finish fades.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

I really like Snow Buds. The flavor is very light, but there is a wonderful aroma. Great tea for a snowy, blustery day. Prepared using TasteTimer.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Maghreb Mint by Rishi Tea
124 tasting notes

Oh my goodness I’m in love. As I lean in to take a sip, it smells strongly of tangy ginger. But on first gulp, all the other flavors just slightly pop out. A little peppery, some cardamomishness, then it finishes with a lingering sweet mint on the roof of my mouth. Such a nice spice rack journey from ginger, to chai, to mint. I will have to buy more of this immediately.

6 min, 0 sec

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I’ve been holding these for two years, and I used a weird brewing process today (3 of these in a 32 oz teapot, three infusions) so this review might not generalize well. I rinsed these twice before brewing.

Musky and soil-like, with some coffee overtones and a hint of dark chocolate. The aftertaste is mild, with more dirt and a faint hint of caramel. Noticeably bitter, but at the same time it does have some of the pu-erh sweetness. As it sits and cools (or maybe as I get used to it,) the bitterness is subsiding and the sweetness is becoming more pronounced.

I’ve been experimenting with different brew settings for some time; today’s experiment was good but not the best. Similar settings once yielded a wonderful dark chocolate flavor — one the best pu-erh experiences I’ve had — but I haven’t been able to repeat it.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
124 tasting notes

I haven’t developed the palate or vocabulary to describe green teas, so I’ll defer to others’ descriptions here. The leaves definitely smell like hay (in a nice nature way, not in a way that conjures up images of horses and petting zoos). I keep wondering if I’ve under steeped because the color is so light, almost like white tea, and the flavor is slightly stronger than water. But I steeped for the recommended 6 minutes and I think I even used more leaves than recommended. So…hmmm…I’m undecided on this. I think I like it, but its not anything I’m going to crave in the future.

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Hrm. Only thing I can think of is to try a lower temperature? I know that I like to brew this at the lower end of the temperature scale, maybe a little closer to 170? It is definitely a light tea, but it hasn’t been flavorLESS to me, if that makes sense.

Anyhow, I hope it gets better for you but maybe it’s just not your bag. That’s fine, too!


Good suggestion. I don’t much attention to temperature since I just wait ‘til my electric kettle whistles. I’ll play around with that.

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drank Pu-erh Classic by Rishi Tea
175 tasting notes

This always leaves a taste in my mouth for the rest of the day. Like it’s coating my teeth or something.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Pu-erh Classic by Rishi Tea
175 tasting notes

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195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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drank Pu-erh Classic by Rishi Tea
175 tasting notes

This is my second steeping and the taste holds up very well. There is a very (very) surprising fruity aftertaste that seems to still be rolling around in my mouth.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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drank Pu-erh Classic by Rishi Tea
175 tasting notes

I’ve heard some people describe pu-erh as tasting like a moldy basement, so I’ve been hesitant to try it. I’m somewhat happy with this pu-erh as it thankfully does not remind me of a basement. I suspect that this moldy taste is from brewing a little too long, I was instructed to steep for only a minute and a half. It does have a tangy/savory taste and I see where people can taste almond and mushroom notes, but I feel the flavor is a little more complicated than that. Supposedly pu-erh is similar to oolong in that it is intended for multiple brews, and is the best tea for weight-loss.

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec

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