Matcha Outlet
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I thought about having Caramel but the Maple looked so disappointed that I had to choose it :D (Caramel matcha I’ll have you when I get home)
the Maple refuses to let me have other matchas in the morning… however it seems to like the Good Morning Sunshine so there is peace in the house (for now)
Again another backlog since I’ve had a few cups and I am enjoying some right now! This is my favourite out of all the matchas I’ve tried :D SOOO INCREDIBLY YUMMY!!!
i need to pick this up once it’s not on sale at the moment lol gift certificate is a better deal than the current sale. I does sound delicious though
I made a delicious cup this morning and yummy! and as promised the poem I wrote back in high school for Remembrance Day sorry for the delay :D
I sit in the cemetery by a grave
Wondering to whom did these soldiers last wave?
Who was the last to see them before they died?
Who did they leave behind?
Who were these soldiers so strong and brave?
They died for freedom
They died with faith
Knowing that one day, we would be safe
Because of them, we are free
They rest now
That their job is done
Knowing we will not forget
As will those who come
To you!
Having a delicious cup of this right now! OH GOD pure yummyiness!!! I love this and no Red Leaf Tea order would be complete without it :D
OH GOD!! This is awesome!! I made this in my travel mug. I used two scoops for the Red Leaf Tea scoop, then filled half the cup with 185 degree Fahrenheit water, frothed it up with my trusty mechanical frother and Voila a really yummy hot drink for the bus and school :D I think it may have replaced the Pumpkin Pie… MMMM…mmmm…MMM.. yep this is a damn fine matcha. Too bad I only got a
Size: Small
Grade: Classic (basic whatever they call it)
Flavour: Robust (and boy is it ever good highly recommend this flavor setting)
Of course you can try this yourself if you go to the website
Hurry up and get some or I may just drink it all :D
This has officially replaced the Oh Canada by David’s Tea I just can’t see going back to that when I have this :D
Earlier today I made a iced matcha latte with this using some instructions I found in a discussion thread here, thanks to Stephanie. They were: 1/2 tsp matcha, 2 tsp sugar, 1 cup milk, shaken with ice. I don’t have a cocktail shaker (for some bizarre reason), but I did happen across a shaker bottle intended for making frappés (this particular frappé being a Greek instant coffee, milk and sugar drink that I grew fond of when studying abroad in Athens years ago), which works well.
It was super delicious! I will try it without sugar to see how it turns out as well, but the two teaspoons in this weren’t overly sweet. I need to get through some of my matcha because it is pretty old at this point, so this will be a great way to drink it up this summer.
The third of four new matchas for me to try! This one was on my short list because I love love figs, and it got several very good reviews. Red Leaf’s fruity matchas can sometimes be a little candy-ish (as opposed to real fruit flavor), but I’ve never had fig candy so I don’t think I will have that association! The aroma of the powder is sweet and fruity, and it smells kind of like fig jams or fig butters that I’ve had in the past.
I ordered this one with the classic (starter) matcha base and a robust level of flavoring, which are my go-to settings, from here:
My first sip is awesomely figgy and delicious. As it cools and I am able to taste more and more, the flavor continues to intensify, and now I have a bit of natural sweetness hanging around on this one (no sugar added today!). The fig flavor is strong. Tasty, but very strong at the robust flavoring level. I’ve tried enough of Red Leaf’s fruit flavored matchas now to think that I could probably go with the distinctive level on most of them. Still I will have no problem finishing this one up and I can’t wait to mix it with other matchas I have as well.
Red Leaf Tea Emperor’s Matcha is very Earthy, green and vegetal. This matcha has a very creamy, thick mouth feel…VERY UMAMI!!!
The only way I describe the flavor profile is a creamy-spinachy taste and vegetal to the palate. The flavor stays with you after finishing your portion; with a slight hint of sweetness undertone.
The matcha whisks up into a very thick, creamy, bright almost fluorescent green crema on top of a beautiful dark Jade green liquor…VERY BEAUTIFUL, exactly what you strive for when preparing and enjoying a bowl of matcha!
Best made as KOICHA, but can add more water to taste if desired.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this matcha if you are a connoisseur or are familiar with the proper preparation of this fine beverage.
Backlog from a few days ago.
I had this for breakfast after work in cold latte form. It was especially tasty that morning, extra cocoa/coffee notes and a sweet cakey flavor too. I prefer cold beverages to hot in general and the lattes are no exception – its sad because I almost seem to drink these too fast. Maybe I should just make them bigger next time? :)
Anyway, I’m working through the matchas I’ve got but I am absolutely looking forward to placing another order with Red Leaf soon – there are SOOOO many flavors I want to try!
I’ve done it! The ultimate cold matcha recipe. In a mason jar add the following:
1 tsp matcha, 1 tbsp hot water, whisk.
Then add about 12 oz. milk and some creamer to sweeten, if desired.
Close the lid and shake to combine.
This was so good. The matcha is older but I still got a lot of coffee and chocolate and a cup that was empty far too fast. Next time I may make this a few hours before I want it to let it sit in the fridge and see what happens to the flavoring. But I’m pretty sure cold matcha lattes are my new favorite thing.
Latte style tonight! I put this in a small empty Upton tin to store it and had a brief moment of panic that I wouldn’t be able to get it open without spilling it EVERYWHERE. It was stressful but ultimately no matcha was wasted!
This one is so good. The cocoa powder and tang of the cheese, and the ladyfingers are all pretty evident in the taste. It is the essence of tiramisu, really, and sweet enough without sugar. I love matcha lattes but I have to be in a special mood to take the time to put one together – sifting and heating and whisking and frothing dirties up a lot of dishes for the 5 minutes I manage to keep it in my cup!
But tonight it was absolutely worth the effort – tornado watches and bad weather and tv with the boyfriend. Yay for nights off!