The third of four new matchas for me to try! This one was on my short list because I love love figs, and it got several very good reviews. Red Leaf’s fruity matchas can sometimes be a little candy-ish (as opposed to real fruit flavor), but I’ve never had fig candy so I don’t think I will have that association! The aroma of the powder is sweet and fruity, and it smells kind of like fig jams or fig butters that I’ve had in the past.
I ordered this one with the classic (starter) matcha base and a robust level of flavoring, which are my go-to settings, from here:
My first sip is awesomely figgy and delicious. As it cools and I am able to taste more and more, the flavor continues to intensify, and now I have a bit of natural sweetness hanging around on this one (no sugar added today!). The fig flavor is strong. Tasty, but very strong at the robust flavoring level. I’ve tried enough of Red Leaf’s fruit flavored matchas now to think that I could probably go with the distinctive level on most of them. Still I will have no problem finishing this one up and I can’t wait to mix it with other matchas I have as well.