Celestial Seasonings

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I have been drinking a cup of this with some sugar. And this very good. And tastes like peppermint with some vanilla and habit of cinnamon. I really like this and this tea is comforting to me.

PS marzipan could you please pm me first about the tea sampler.

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Backlogging. I added some sugar this is a really good tea. And tastes like peppermint and some vanilla. This was good.

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I had a cup of this earlier today. I added some sugar to it. This tea is good and comforting to me with peppermint and some vanilla and cinnamon. I still think this is a really good tea.

My birthday is today I am 26 now. I wen’t to olive garden yesterday for lunch. And today had a peanut butter chip/chocolate brownie from a mix I bought.


Happy Birthday!


Thank you very much Gmathis.


Happy birthday! You can never go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate. :)


Happy You Day!


Thank Veronica and MissB.

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This is a really good tea to me. Easy to fix and comforting. I added some sugar. And this tastes like peppermint with some vanilla mabe abit of cinnamon and touch of green tea. This is really good.

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Backlogging had a cup of this tea earlier today. Added some sugar. Good peppermint and vanilla with abit of cinnamon taste. This is really good. I been having a bad ear ache and tooth lately and will have to see a denist the first of the week. Which will be no fun.

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Backlogging.I had some yesterday evening. This is a good tea peppermint and I tasted some vanilla. I also added sugar.

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This is a good tea. Some good tasting peppermint with some vanilla is mainly what I taste. And I added some sugar.

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Backlogging, this is really good and nice when you just want a tea bag that is decaf. I taste is a medium strength peppermint with some vanilla. I added some sugar. This is pretty good and is comforting to me and nice when I am feeling lazy and wan’t something quick.

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I have been drinking a cup of this. a really good balanced in terms of flavor tea with a medium amount of peppermint and some vanilla. I added some sugar to. I can’t not have some sugar in my teas. This is a good tea.

One of these days I need to get all the teas I have added to my cupboard and drink more.

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Backlogging had this earlier this morning. This I think is pretty good. minty with abit cinnamon and some vanilla and the decaf green tea. All goes together really well. And handy when you just want a teabag.

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This tastes like peppermint,the cinnamon and a touch of vanilla and green tea. This is pretty good balanced and sort of refreshing to. Merry christmas and happy holidays to all.

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The dry tea bag had a slight sticky feeling, not sure why, and smelled strongly of the plain Sleepytime tea variety. It is pre-sweetened with stevia extract, and the final result is a little sweeter than I usually make my teas, but probably preferable to kids. The brewed cup had a natural tea color, almost like apple juice, and the grape scent was buried beneath a spearminty spice-drop type of smell. The taste is interesting. Minty, with faint artificial grape, though the main flavor is sweetness – a very faint spicy flavor in the backround makess this tea better. Wouldn’t drink it every day, but definitely worth keeping and sampling when bored of the usual cups.

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It actually seems a little like juice due to the fruity sweetness. It’s a nice, basic cherry flavor so it does the trick.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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I love that the only ingredient in this is peppermint! The aroma peps you up, no caffeine needed. Only fresh peppermint leaves would be better.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I use this when I’m feeling a cold coming on – I swear by echinacea and zinc as cold prevention remedies so this just makes a good addition to the supplements I already take. This is nice when you’re feeling a bit crummy and a hot cup of tea sounds good. I actually find it very similar to the Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer, but perhaps a bit more minty in the aftertaste. I don’t drink this very often because I prefer to have it on hand when I feel like I’m catching a cold.

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Normally I shy away from the black cherry flavor, but this smelled so great when it steeped that I couldn’t stop sipping.

175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more

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Dremel-ed the toenails of five dogs within an hour, cannot breathe due to nail dust. So here we are. Even if the holy basil doesn’t really help my sinuses, sticking my head over the steaming cup is working a bit. Tasty too.


eeeuuuuu get a mask next time…..euuuuuu


I am definitely thinking about it!


I had this tea yesterday for the first time ever and did it really help me. I suffer from chronic asthma and it helped me like I was actually taking meds. I couldn’t believe it aI was in shock!! It helped me to breathe a little bit better and it did relax me and in about 30 minutes I was asleep. If you have upper respiratory problems I recommend that you try this. I wish you well.

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I recently moved into my new place, and my new roommate has a box of this so I thought I’d give it a go since she said I could help myself.

The first time I tried this the other day, I actually enjoyed it. I let it steep for about four or five minutes then took the bag out, and it was like liquid cinnamon heart candies. I don’t recall any other spice. If they’re there, then they’re clearly being drowned out by the cinnamon.

I thought I’d try it one more time now, and I left the tea bag in the water for longer, more like eight minutes, and boy, is it abrasive. It’s like I dumped a few teaspoons of cinnamon powder into my mug and swirled it around in the boiled water. It tastes a lot drier this time around, as it lost its candy sweetness. It’s also burning my lips this time.

Hey, I like spices, but this is a little too single note for my liking. Neither the nutmeg nor cardamom showed up to the party. I has a sad.

205 °F / 96 °C
Dylan Oxford

Here, take this happy, I has an extra.


w00t thanks, I has a happy again!

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I steeped this with near boiling water for 30 seconds.

This has an odd taste to me, nothing like tea. Maybe it’s the stevia, but I don’t like it and am having trouble finishing even one cup. Definitely not my cup of tea.

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

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I needed a new tea for the office and thought I’d try out the infamous Morning Thunder from Seinfeld. The roasted, smoky flavor is really intriguing. It made me feel quite alert yet relaxed at the same time if that’s possible. I’m definitely developing a taste for maté.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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I am an herbal fan so I really enjoy this one. I’ve found (by accident) that the longer you steep, the sweeter it gets. I don’t have to cover it up with sweetener. It’s definitely heavier on the ‘cinnamon spice’ component than the apple component.

190 °F / 87 °C 8 min or more

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First I tried this tea hot and didn’t like it. It tastes artificial. Nothing like pomegranate. I tried it tonight iced and it tastes much better. It tastes fruity but smells like cough syrup. I will finish off the box now that I know it’s good iced, but I will not buy it again. As a long time rooibos fan, I am disappointed.


Just opened my box and was hit with the artificial right away. Thanks for letting me know it’s better iced!

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