Celestial Seasonings
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I love this tea. In my opinion, it’s one of the best herbal teas I’ve had. Drinking this before doing yoga, or before bedtime makes me one happy gal. After going to Boulder, CO a couple months ago and touring the Celestial Seasonings factory, I am impressed by how organic their teas are. They work with farmers all over the world for the best ingredients. Never though I would digest catnip! :)
So, I didn’t drink this one plain – I used 2 teabags of it, and 1 teabag of Bengal Spice, in a HUGE mug, and added a splash of milk to make kind of a cinnamon apple chai-type thing. I was prepared for the spice to potentially overwhelm the apple flavor, but it was pleasantly surprising when I took a sip and got both the cinnamon-spice and the apple flavor. Going to consider the experiment a success!
I gave this box to Mum, who likes mint tea. I don’t, really, but kept two bags for myself: one to try hot, and one to try cold. If I loved mint tea, I would probably like this quite a lot. It’s a simple, straight-forward thing, with a soothing, pleasant flavour. I took a few sips and then dropped in an orange Airborne tablet, since I’m still feeling crummy. The resulting orangey, minty brew tasted better than “meh” but not as good as “num.” The important thing is, though, that it made me feel like I was giving those cooties a paddlin’.
Tea amount: 1 bag
Water amount: 6oz/~175mL
I do not like what I think is the amount of stevia in this blend. (I do not make a habit of using sweeteners other than sugar, so I could be wrong.) It’s just too darn sweet, artificial tasting, and there’s nowhere near enough pumpkin. I literally had to drain the cup after two sips, and now I am stuck with a box of tea I hate. Boo. :(
This came in the herbal sampler pack. My friend bought it for when DEV came to sing at our school, but DEV didn’t want it, so she gave it to me instead.
I didn’t really know what I wanted for tea, but I picked up this box, and there was a peppermint.
It doesn’t really taste like peppermint, though. It’s minty, but at the same time there’s a weird taste to it. It’s like it tastes like there’s tarragon and licorice in there as well. Maybe it’s not good quality peppermint? I never have this problem with Harney.
Oh well.
the only tea I’ve ever returned to the store. YUCK it stinks like a wet tiger.
You know, years ago, before the interwebs, when tea in this tiny dirtweed town was limited to the grocery store, I tried a box of something from CS that was good, it had a built-in sweetness, and I liked it, went back for a second box, and they’d discontinued it. I even called the company, but it was gone forever. Wish I knew what herb they used to make it sweet like that.
So I picked up a box of this junk and it was sincerely dreadful. Took it back to Safeway and never bought their stuff ever again. That was about 10 years ago, and I can’t believe this ‘tiger wee’ is still available, but my mystery blend isn’t. But then again, I might turn my nose up at it now… and I certainly would have to hide it if I had any, as I wouldn’t be caught dead with Celestial Seasoning in my kitchen
I’ve traditionally been drinking green and white teas, but this morning I found a treasure trove of forgotten teas in my cabinets. This was one of them. Because I really want to catch up on my rest I felt that an herbal before bed was best. Even though the teas were older they were brewing just fine.
I was pleased with my drink and enjoyed the fruity flavor. I also like that there was chamomile in the blend as It will help me sleep. I was tempted to pour it over ice but still enjoyed it hot. I think I might buy a new box after I use this up. :)
I had this one as my before-bed tea last night, and I have to admit that I was almost expecting it to be terrible. It smells like candy canes straight out of the box, and upon brewing, the scent is pretty close to that of a certain kind of melt away soft mint I like. The flavor is almost spot on for it too. It’s very tasty, at least if you like candy canes or those soft peppermint pieces. I found it quite relaxing, too :)
Another cup of this one this morning- it’s too cold, but I love this weather. It’s still gingerbread-y and good. Yummy! Just thought of something: It reminds me of Ginger Snaps! Super yum!
My first cup of the day. I was afraid it would taste too strongly of ginger upon opening the bag since the smell was SO STRONG. It made me sneeze. But, brewing, it started smelling just like these ginger cookies I like from Wal-mart. Alone, it’s ok, but with a bit of sugar and some milk, I get almost that exact flavor. Pretty tasty! The ginger is not so strong that you gag from it, but it’s most definitely a ginger tea. I like a tea that is what it’s supposed to be and carries it well. That can’t really be said for a lot of teas. I know, it’s just Celestial Seasonings, but it is still GOOD!
I love pears and this tea is absolutely the best pear flavor tea ever.
Most people who think this tea is too bitter or not good at all brew this tea with too hot water. (Trust me I’ve been drinking tea over 29 years ever since I was in my mom’s belly-I’m from Korea)
You really need to brew this with low temperature water.
1 tea bag / 300ml (about 10oz, 1 1/4 C) water : 160 F or 70 C/ 2 min 30 sec
I’ve been drinking this tea for years and am too sad that Celestial Seasonings stopped making this tea. It’s one of my favorite flavored teas ever.
If you still have some tea bags, try with what I suggested. It’s really sweet and mellow. Even my husband(who thinks every tea has the same taste which is leaf flavor) loves tea. Actually it’s his favorite and only tea he drinks.
I am just beginning into the world of tea. And this is one a friend of mine had, I tried it and fell in love. I have made it a few times myself and never looked back. I am now venturing off into the land of tea. Hopefully I can find more like this!
thank you so much momo for the amazing package of teas! Holy stevia! They should call this one stevia flavored. I’m definitely not a stevia fan. I feel like CS thinks the stevia tastes like pumpkin or something, so that is their idea of pumpkin flavor. The first tea I ever drank was a Celestial Seasonings chocolate chai, so there is some nostalgia there. I do enjoy some of their blends… the ‘Nutcracker Sweet’ especially. I was looking forward to trying the pumpkin as soon as I heard about it! They just went overboard with the stevia. The second steep has taken most of the stevia out, but probably much of the other flavor too. I’d say the second steep seems like it would have the normal amount of stevia you’d find in other teas. I don’t think they put much or any stevia in their other blends, unless they have started doing that now. That’s too bad, because it might have been a decent blend. I wouldn’t have minded all the spices with a better pumpkin flavor without stevia. I’m always up for trying though, so thanks again, momo!
Hmmm… Welllll, it’s not quite what I hoped for. It’s not very lemony, at least not that I can tell. I can SMELL the lemon, it just doesn’t translate into tasting it. And it smelled SO good when I opened the box :( Oh well, there’s always tomorrow for another brew. I’m going to keep working on this one until I like it. I normally love lemon in tea.
I like the taste and this tea does relax me and help falling asleep, but I keep having these horrible nightmares when I go to bed at night and nap in the afternoon. I’ve had this tea 3 days in a row, steeping two bags in my 32 oz teapot for about 3 minutes and everytime I go to sleep I’m dreaming of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Does anyone else respond like this? And if so do you know what is causing it?
Another from my CS Fruit Tea sampler, since it’s 4am and I may as well!
Had it sitting steeping right next to another mug with the True Blueberry in it (for the boyfriend), and the two together made a very pleasant smell. I went ahead and added honey to this before tasting, since I was planning to just have it iced. But I miscalculated the size of my cups, so I now have half a mug of hot peach and a full glass of iced!
Another reviewer mentioned peach-flavored oatmeal – that is exactly what this tea hot reminds me of! It has something non-peachy in it that smells more like a baked good. Like others mentioned too, it’s definitely not tart. It doesn’t taste very much like peaches either though, to me. A lot like the blueberry one, this is really thick and syrup-y, and ends up reminding me of a peach syrup/jam. It tastes like something that would go well on pancakes. Like also happened with the blueberry, I’m finding it difficult to finish this one hot.
Iced though, it’s fairly nice. It’s diluted a bit and the whole tea is much lighter. For some reason it seemed to go a little melon-flavored on me when iced, in a not very pleasant way. It makes it somewhat sour, so I’m guessing that may be the hibiscus finally coming out.
I had a box of neglected Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride sitting in my cupboard so I thought I’d give it some love today. How shall I describe the smell? Dry and brewed it smells exactly like the inside of a donut. Just a plain donut not even a sugar glazed one. When I took a sip I had to do a double take because I tasted nothing but hot water. I thought I forgot to put a bag in but I did.
Now I remember why I don’t reach for this tea more often. Instead of Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride, they should call it Donut Dough. I am debating whether I should chuck this in the bin. If I gave it to someone, they would probably hate me.
I was pleasantly suprised by this tea! It’s a cold brew tea, so I just left it in the cool water for 10 minutes. Okay, i lied 14 minutes because I forgot that I was brewing it :). It’s a beautiful reddish pink color and tastes nice and sweet. I couldn’t imagine this as a hot tea at all. For a bagged tea, I really enjoyed it. Nice and sweet, something that I can imagine having daily in the summer.
This is actually the second time I’ve had this tea. It smells so wonderful straight out of the box, honestly like sugar cookie dough. Then steeping, it’s like an actual sugar cookie. The taste, though, is a little lacking compared to the smell. It’s a good solid tea, I can taste the sugar cookie, the orange peel just a bit. It’s tasty, just not as yummy as the smell leads you to believe. Nothing to throw it out over though. This is a great evening tea!