Celestial Seasonings
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By far my favorite Celestial Seasonings tea, and the only to have gone so quickly in our house. The Vanilla is firmly present, but not at all as overwhelming as in other red vanilla teas. This is my go-to tea whenever I need to unwind.
This tea has an overwhelming lemon taste. I drank it plain – no sweetener or milk. I don’t get any real impression of the tea. I don’t think I’d brew a whole pot of this – it leaves a rather sour aftertaste. It probably would taste good if I had a cold, when I seem to crave lemon, the more the better.
Long overdue sipdown, not because I don’t enjoy it—odd duck brew that it is—but because I tend to save it for raw, cold evenings when I’m bone tired. We’re having one and I am. First wintry cold spell of the season; a little snow yesterday; a long workday. Chicory and subtle herbal alchemy all doing a good job of warming me up and un-knotting the knots.
Did you find this at a grocery store? It sounds warming, is it available only in the winter like Cinnamon express?
It would’ve come from one of our two local health food grocery stores (Natural Grocers, possibly). You’re likely near some larger grocery chains that might carry it. Think of it as “Teeccino Lite.”
I will look for it in my travels, I am boycotting Teeccino as they jacked up the price of their advent without having a good explanation when I asked.
I’ve kept boxes of Roastaroma around for so long, I guess it’s become a cupboard staple without my realizing it. Down to three bags, but I’m glad to have them this evening. It’s downright nippy outside. Frost advisories tonight. I brought in the last of the Juliet tomatoes and a few scrawny but viable banana peppers. They had a good run.
You influencers have spoiled me by introducing me to Teeccino to meet my un-coffee needs, but truthfully, this is just as satisfactory. None of the spices come on obnoxiously strong, and the chicory/carob sticks nicely to the palate and to your ribs.
Your first review of this was fourteen years ago! I was just about to join Steepster then. Time flies.
I discovered Steepster while noodling around on my laptop on vacation. Reviews were about two sentences long then. It takes me a whole paragraph just to clear my throat now!
My former neighbor and still (though distant) friend, Sandy on here, told me about it and sent an email invite. I am glad she did! I am not sure how she found it, though.
With apologies to those of you who are farther north and even colder than I am, this kind of weather makes me tired, tense, and anxious. So the last thing I needed, even after stepping out in -22F wind chill to start and run my car for a bit and take a turn at snow sweeping, was a heavy hit of caffeine. But the thing I needed most was something with meat on its bones to warm me up.
This is a good compromise. While it would never fool anyone into thinking it’s coffee, the chicory is dark and just a little sweet; the cinnamon and spice is enough to warm you up and recharge your draining batteries.
None of our cats are in a cuddling mood this afternoon. Roastaroma is as close as I could get to a purring hot pad.
Something about the snow has my cat a ball of frisk today!
When I bought this condo I was told our monthly HOA went into them providing snow removal. I have yet to see this in action. After trying to clear a walking path in 6"+ packed snow with a house broom to get to the grocery store, I finally bought my own shovel, convinced this “paid snow removal” service is a unicorn. Harumph.
Rogue rural redneck here…I’ve never thought very highly of HOA’s, but as hubby and I get older, yard service does sound more and more appealing.
As to the cats…ours have mighty, mighty cabin fever. The kitchen floor is a muddle of pawprints from one-minute “let meow-t, no let me in!” runs and the living room has lost the Battle of the Catnip Mice.
We are getting a very welcome couple of surprisingly cool, wet weeks, and while I’m not a fan of rushing any season, come on, fall!
It really has to be fall to properly enjoy this chicory and spice blend. Back in the days when I didn’t pay much attention to the additive tea ingredients, I didn’t realize that cinnamon and star anise were part of the blend (not a fan of anise; it’s awfully pushy). But in this case, the other ingredients bully it back into submission, resulting in a really nice coffee with spice scent and taste. (Note to self: buy a pint of half-and-half. It’s time.)
Stressful days so far this week, and more ahead; woke up with heart beating fast as a hamster (I seem to have a rodent thing going this week) and concluded more caffeine probably wasn’t smart. This at least gives the strong taste illusion of something with a kick. More dark than spicy. It’ll do since I’m, unfortunately, in gulp-and-go mode instead of sip-and-savor.
Cold, wet, rainy, and mopey….feeling low enough I really could’ve used a cup of coffee (sorry, sacrilege!) but a cup buzzes me clear to the ceiling these days. So this is a fair substitute with a little half-and-half. The chicory has a nice chocolately sort of feel.
I really wanted to love this tea. The pear aroma is incredibly cloying and intoxicating, but unfortunately, if you let the tea steep for longer than a minute, it becomes incredibly bitter.
For someone like me, who lets the tea steep infinitely long, this is a huge drawback. Also, I’m quite suspicious of the white tea hype in general, and this has proved to be once again disappointing.
Quite sure that I’m addicted to this stuff; I have several cups nightly. I don’t know if it actually induces any sensation of drowsiness, but it’s a lovely tea nonetheless. When I first tasted it, it was a bit too different from my regular fare of oolong and green teas, but I persisted.
Its warm steam travels like velvet with an oh-so-slight kick to clear any clogged sinuses. Very full and rich on the tongue – as much as hot water plus herbs can be.
Welp! The Corporate Bullies have done it again! I’m stressed. I thought I had another/different brand with stress relieving qualities somewhere but I can’t find it. So…I am stuck with this. I still can’t bring myself to say I like this tea but at least I am not dumping it down the drain either. I tried understeeping today with the same result.