Celestial Seasonings

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5 min, 45 sec

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I’m having a lazy Friday – I don’t feel like messing with loose teas and the filter bags. I’ve had a rough work week and am SO GLAD it’s Freakin’ Friday. So I’m enjoying this cupboard staple.

I raised the rating slightly because I do love the mix of chai spice with vanilla and a hint of honey flavor. Steep it for about five minutes and you’re in for a spicy treat.

I added some sugar to reward myself for it being Friday. I also like to add sugar to balance and enhance spicy flavors. This one is no exception.

5 min, 30 sec

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I really do enjoy this cuppa. I’m starting my day with it as I crave some chai in winter. I’m trying to eat better and drink better, so that means drinking more tea. Now this is a resolution I can keep!

I love the hint of honey with the regular chai spices. I still don’t taste too much vanilla, but that’s OK.

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Grabbed this from Wal-mart the other day…I was seeking my Sugar Plum Spice but can’t find it. Horrors! Thought this was a new tea (it’s not) so I thought I’d try it out…

This doesn’t exactly taste like chai to me. It’s clove-y and spicy, but not overly chai. It’s still really smooth and delicate, thanks to the white tea base. I taste the sweetness of honey and a twinge of vanilla, but neither are overwhelming. It’s a nice medley of clove, allspice, a bit of nutmeg and hints of vanilla and honey.

I don’t know if I’d go out of my way to buy it again, but I’m enjoying this for the most part. It’s not my fave CS (that distinction goes to Sugar Plum Spice) but it’s not bad either.

If anyone cares to try it before buying, please let me know; I love sharing tea, because I can justify buying more! ;) (At least to myself, the hubby is no longer fooled.)

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I think I might like the regular sleepytime better, but this is doing the trick tonight. I don’t buy a lot of boxed grocery store teas (yes, yes, call me a snob), but I like to keep a box of sleepytime tea in the house.

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5 min, 30 sec

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Very smooth. I like the blend itself… it flows rather nicely together with a mint ‘cherry on top’. For me, this isn’t a ritualistic once a night thing… perhaps once a week at best, but it’s good at those certain times. It does make you sleepy though.

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My boyfriend’s mom has a few boxes of this in her cupboard and I have to say it’s my favourite tea to have while I’m there. I’m not usually a fan of teas with mint in them (I’ve always thought it tasted like toothpaste water). This tea however I seem to love because of the other flavours, like vanilla (I’m a vanilla freak), that seem to tone down the minty taste.

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If there’s one thing I can say for sure about Celestial Seasonings’ fruit teas, it’s that they’re easy. Hot, iced, cold brewed; teabag out after a few minutes or a few days; they’re impossible to ruin. With that comes a simple and sometimes dull taste, yes, but it’s not a bad deal overall. I got a variety box and I’m tempted to pick up a full box of the blueberry… because sometimes you just want blueberries, you know?


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6 min, 0 sec

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I find this to be much more enjoyable than the lipton peppermint. It has a much more distinct flavor that isn’t too overpowering. I’ve made this tea multiple ways before, but it seems to taste better when it is made with bottled water apposed to the tap. Living in Chicago we have very good tap, but it is better when bottled water is used.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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Like the many previous posters that Love this tea I too was surprised at how much I like it! For the most part I stay away from bagged teas, and if I am using a teabag it is generally the whole leaf tea sachet /pyramid type.

This is just like liquid happy!

The only negative thing I can say is that the green tea base basically imperceptible.

Got this on sale at Whole Foods.
It was 2/$4.00. Then the check out girl had a $1.00 coupon for me to use! What a nice holiday surprise to purchase this for $1.00!!

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Mmm, nice for this time of year. true flavor, sweet. seasonal. decaf

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I found a box at Safeway, and it’s almost May! WAHOO I am reunited with a long-lost love!

Scott B

One of my favorite teas of all-time!

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Love this. LOOOOVE. Way to go, steepster and co, for getting me hooked on this gem. Something nostalgic stirred in me after reading so many tasting notes on this stuff. I knew I had to try it. And thankfully Safeway had 1 box left!

For a bagged green, I love how I can’t taste the green tea. It’s peppermint and vanilla for me mostly, with that hint of cinnamon lingering at the end of some sips. I’ve been managing two long steeps from a bag.

I’ve plowed through a fair bit in just a couple days, all the while totally neglecting other teas to be de-cupboarded before a massive boxing day tea shopping spree. Needless to say I need to hunt down more boxes of this!

195 °F / 90 °C

This one and Celestial’s Sugar Plum Fairy are my two Chriatmases teas I buy every year as soon as they hit store shelves!


I was bummed that I couldn’t find Sugar Plum Fairy or that sugar cookie one with the blue box (the name escapes me). Gingerbread was kind of weird, but THIS is quite special. I can understand why most peeps like it.


Lindsay: Do you want me to send you some of the sugar cookie one? I purchased it and it’s not quite my thing. I LOVE Candy Cane Lane and am so happy with that cheapie find!


I would love some! If you haven’t already sent the pumpkin tea I would trade for that one. Thanks!

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It was great hot but when cold its affect wore off . the bag it self was bad because it had no string so you had to reach in and get it

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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Nom nom. Love this tea! The more I drink it, the more I taste different flavors (reminds me of Dr. Pepper in that regard). The cinnamon and cola flavors are definitely the strongest.

I am in need of a pick-me-up as winter is the season I dread the most. Why can’t the holidays be at the END of the season so it doesn’t seem as long?!


I agree. Even though I live in the South where winter is short and usually mild, once Mew Years Day passes I am done with winter and ready for spring!


I dread winter and I live in a snowbelt! Oye! HATE WINTER!!!

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The more I drink this cuppa, the more I like it! I started my morning off with this as I needed a serious pick-me-up. Winter is the season I dread the most in Maryland as I’m no fan of snow. It’s pretty and all but such a hassle. I’m from southern California, so I’m totally biased.

Anyway… this tea makes a hearty cuppa. I love the cola and cinnamon flavors and the sweetness, which must be caused by the licorice root. I added a Sun Crystals packet because frankly I’m going through sugar withdrawal and my office doesn’t need to be subjected to that reality.

For a bagged tea, this is really decent! :)


This tea has COLA flavor? SWOON! I may have to see if I can find it even though my last attept with Celestial Seasonings holiday teas was less then setller…


I’ll send you some if you want – just PM me your addy and I’ll put in the mail by tomorrow. :) If you like cola flavors, you’ll enjoy this. :)


I’m interested, although I’m not a big licorice fan—I gather it doesn’t overpower the other ingredients? Love cola tea—I can buy it straight up in bulk from local health food store…I may have to play with that and cinnamon together.

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