Celestial Seasonings

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This time I brewed 2 bags of this in a tea pot and left it for about 5-6 minutes, the time it brews really makes a difference in this tea, I noticed that the spice aroma came out a lot more than before. I was worried that it would taste like a spiced chai rather than gingerbread but I was relieved.

After the first few sips I decided to add milk with this, to tone the spice down, as I do with most of my chai teas. The aroma now smells more like gingerbread than spice, which I’m very glad of. The taste is more of a spiced ginger, can’t quite write the bread part, it just didn’t reach that real gingerbread taste.

As for the texture, it was alright, nothing I could hint that really made a difference there, not light but not a smooth or heavy tea. Overall this tea is drinkable, for a quick sit down with a book or laptop. I personally wouldn’t serve this tea for guests, it doesn’t spark enough… For the price and for an everyday tea (which I will stick by) it was a good tea to drink whilst doing something, rather than relaxing and sipping in pure bliss, I still have yet to find a gingerbread tea to sit and enjoy sipping

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I mean, this tastes alright, Not my favourite of gingerbread teas.. After a while it tasted like almonds, so I guess as an almond tea it’s alright haha.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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SIPDOWN! only took a year to get through this box. I will not succumb to the temptation again this year. On my way to owning I now own only 100 teas. Woot! :-)

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For some reason the CS box says to add milk and/or sweetener if desired. So, for some reason, I did. (I added a splash of unsweetened almond milk.)

Blegh. It turns a muddy greenish-brown color and tastes just the same.

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At some point about 2-4 weeks after opening the box, the mint fades into the background and the cinnamon/orange/vanilla take over. And I find myself struggling to recall just what was so amazing and compelling about this tea…

Happens every year like clockwork.


whomp whomp.

but good to know. if i get it, drink it fast!

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I bought two boxes of this last year, and didn’t open the second (until now). I must be a creature of habit, because looking back at my notes, I see that I first had this last year at the end of DST. I was having a “don’t want to get out of bed” morning, and this just seemed like a simple treat to reward myself for finally doing so.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Congrats on getting that far! (Some days, it takes the carrot-and-stick approach just to stick my toes out from under the covers!)

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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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