Anna Marie's Teas

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It’s been a nice bookends Saturday: a little time to begin and end the day with a cuppa in the backyard glider. Weather, delicious; day’s activities, ordinary but satisfying.

Since our weather pattern is finally shifting a little, I’ve also been shifting some tins to the front of the lineup that have been out of rotation during deep-fryer season. This one is perfect for early fall: a little raisin, a little pineapple, some white chocolate chips, carrot shreds which provide more atmosphere and color than they do flavor, and brown-sugary, cake-pixie goodness. (I made up cake pixies, but I’d sure like to meet one.)

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A year or so ago, we stumbled across a nice carrot cake rooibos at a nearby Amish market, and once it disappeared from the shelves, it just disappeared. I think we’ve found it again, this time in a nice tin instead of a bulk bag. Side by side, the two look identical. Roo, carrot, raisin, pineapple, a little calendula. It leans toward the lighter, fruitier end of the spectrum instead of the dark spice cake end, but it’s a lovely fall-into-winter nightcap.


Is it green rooibos? I wonder if it is the same as Simpson and Vail?

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Well, the upside down part is right: I turned the whole tin upside down in search of fruit chunks (there aren’t enough to suit me). And the cake part is just right: lots of brown-sugary pastry goodness. But pineapple? Not so much. No worries—it functions nicely as a fall dessert tea, but if I want more pineapple, I’ll have to toss in some dried chunks on my own.

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As with any tea embellished with chunky goodies, to analyze it accurately, you need to have just the correct balance of tea-to-goodies ratio when you’re spooning it out. My tin came to me so full, it was hard to woogle the spoon around without spilling the contents, which include dried pineapple chunks and dried cherry craisins.

So the jury is still out on this one. Anna Marie has the cake and brown sugar syrupy goodness thing down to a fine art. I am not sure the pineapple stands out enough, but multiple random samples will likely help me determine the median flavor profile soon. (Hey, I did remember something from college statistics!)

Anna Marie also recommends this as an iced tea. I can envision this holding up well on ice with a maraschino cherry on top.


Statistics- always get a large sample size, it helps to smooth out the curve. Easier to do with tea that is more pleasant to drink :)

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Don’t know if you’ve noticed the great big blobs of storms and tornados on national radar this weekend, but said blobs have kept us in clench mode since Friday, with a nice case of Stormus Interruptus about 1 a.m. (All is well; the bad stuff fizzled before it reached us.)

But lack of sleep and need for energy drove me straight to the chocolate this morning—cookie dough protein bar and this decent strawberry tea. The chocolate appears to come from artificial flavoring, which always tastes a little thin and chemically, but the strawberry is just about right. Not a fussy steeper, either, which, given my groggy morning state, was helpful.

Next time, I’ll see if a spoonful of cocoa nibs beefs it up a little.

Martin Bednář

Glad to hear wverything is alright! We are in the middle of dry seasons and Walpurgis Night seems to be without open fires. Actually I am not regretting it.


I had to look up Walpurgis Night! Always learning new things here!


Gmathis: glad you are safe and sound and hoping for sweeter weather for you.


It’s May. It’ll be around for a while, but we get a break for a couple of days. If the mud dries up, I’m celebrating by wearing my new bright yellow sneakers to work tomorrow. Whether they match my outfit or not.

Martin, thank you for continuing to broaden my international education! Walpurgis isn’t a thing in the American Midwest ;)

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Normally, I don’t care for chocolate-profile teas on ice, but I’ll make an exception here, since the tea itself is deliciously strawberry dominant. The chocolate in the background is still a little artificial tasting, but not obnoxiously so since it’s sitting way in the back of the bus.

This is a great dessert or little-kid tea party tea. Am I sharing it with my Sunday 10-year-olds? Not a chance ;)

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Well, hello there, dashboard, I missed you!

The Anna Marie’s dessert teas I’ve tried up to this point have been superlative. I temporarily have to back this one off to really, really good, but I’ve only had one cup and I may have underleafed it. The strawberry is strawberry-hard-candy quality (but tasty) and the chocolate gave off a little chemical vibe, but I think there’s some room to tinker with the leaf ratio, and with milk or ice. Aw, shucks, I guess that means I’ll just have to make more…


I didn’t know it was back! I just refreshed the Browse page. Yaaaaay!


Ah, sometimes you realize how helpful things are when they go away for a little while. It’s the little things that are easy to take for granted. I am thankful that steepster is still going after all these years :)


Every time it goes down I worry that this is the end of the site and it makes me sad. Glad to see it’s back up and running!

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Afternoon pick-me-up indeed! The scent leads with the chocolate, the sip leads with the pomegranate, not a bit tart or artificial or bitter (I’ve had many pomegranate flavored teas that quickly turned bitter and chemically.) I could just stick my nose in this cup and leave it there.

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Just a little sample tossed in with a prior Anna Marie’s order—it captured yeasty almond pastry perfectly! I regret not being able to savor it properly, especially as it doesn’t appear to be available at the moment. However, I had been sweating, hauling, and checking incoming boxes like a longshoresman (it takes a lot of supplies to prep five buildings for elementary summer school!), and I never cooled down enough to enjoy the backside of the cup. Maybe in December…

Cameron B.

I was (innocently) browsing their website and came across this one that mentions stollen too? Wondered if maybe they’d renamed it.


Aha! That’s got to be it. I am a little more impressed with Anna Marie with each sample!

Cameron B.

It seems like they offer some of the same wholesale teas that Della Terra used to, could be fun to revisit some of those he he.


You know, that makes sense, as I’ve always associated Della Terra with good dessert-y teas.

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Excellent flavored tea! Like little cream puffs of honeylemon sunfluff with just enough coppery kick from the black tea and some sweet tangy cream from the freeze-dried yogurt. Seamless cup.

One lemon for another — what a treat, gmathis. Thank you!


So glad you liked it! I’m glad I spooned up the right balance of all the bits and pieces. (Sometimes that’s hard to do with a tiny sample bag.)


Yes, thanks again!

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I got a big envelope in the mail from gmathis right before my biopsy results appointment.
First thing the doctor said was, “I have good-ish news.” I’ll take that! Spot precancerous and burning it off when biopsy heals. Yay!

Came home and smelled the tea gmathis sent and almost had a conniption. Oh my goodness. The aroma reminded me a bit of Lemon Swirl from Cuppageek. This is sooooo lemony and creamy smelling.

I made a big pot of it and cut up some fresh strawberries, drizzled them with chocolate sauce, popped in fridge to harden the sauce into a shell, and served with a shortbread cookie on the side.

Lemony and creamy just like the aroma, decadence in a cup. No cream or sugar but I bet it would totally be a full on dessert replacement that way.

This is going on my wishlist. What a tea.

Thank you, gmathis!

Edited to add: Found what I believe is this very same tea at Tin Roof Teas. Order placed so we shall see. They sell it as Lemon Biscotti but the description says almond panna cotta.

Maddy Barone

Hugs to you! I had a lesion on my liver microwaved. It’s called ablation. Sounds funny, but it was easy peasy, didn’t feel a thing. And the lemon tea sounds amazing!


Wow, Maddie, that sounds leagues harder! Mine is surface but in the area where I had radiation, so I concerned about how fast it might change. It was caught early, though! Whew! Hugs back at you!


Told ya ;)


Certainly better than bad-ish news!

Martin Bednář

Yay, good news!


Thank you! I am really glad. Have to hone my lymphatic drainage massage skills for June!


Oh I’m so glad to hear that!


Late to the party, but I’m so glad it was good news for you!


Thank you, tea-sipper and Rosehips!

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We’re past the halfway point of my 4-ounce packet. Straight up, this is lemon pastry or lemon pudding with meringue on top and absolutely delectable, but there’s enough fluff on top that you do kind of lose the tea base on the bottom end.

Fixed that this morning: half-and-half combo with Charleston Tea Plantation’s Charleston Breakfast (which reminds me of a good quality Ceylon), now on ice. Still plenty of lemony sweetness and a little more strength. Win-win.


I have been blending it with Queen Catherine!

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Happy Easter! It was a morning of holy chaos (spell that w-h-o-l-l-y) with 23 marshmallow-bunny-juiced 12-year-olds. We played 25 Words or Less and did trick shots with pom pom shooters. Try it sometime: knot the end of a balloon, snip off the top, pull it over a toilet paper roll, secure with tape. After chatting with a newcomer about his skills and interests, he asked to use the marker board, and while my back was turned, had mapped out an algebra problem that looked like something from “A Beautiful Mind.” Just another day at the Warehouse. (Oh yeah…I may have attempted to teach something, too.)

…which leaves me so very thankful for a quiet backyard, enough sun to warm my toes in, and one of my favorite “indulge” teas. I think we’ve hit its one year anniversary, so I’d better get on with drinking it, but is has not yet lost any of its lemon pastry goodness. The black tea base (maybe a Ceylon?) is mostly just a carrier for the lemon zest and yogurt granules that make it taste so citrusy-creamy.

Hoping you’ve found a reason to celebrate today, too!

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You know the Big Bang Theory episode where Amy tries to re-train Sheldon to live without closure? And the end of the episode where she leaves and he blows out the candles, topples the dominoes, and sings the Star Spangled Banner? After holding my breath for days, I can post my birthday tea! Ready, set, topple!

This tea will be served in Heaven, next to the buttermilk donuts and Mom’s homemade strawberry jam. Creamy, lemon, pastry, perfectly balanced; fragrant, strong enough to last multiple steeps; I just want to bury my face in the bag.



Happy belated birthday! (a little something may have left my house for you today)

This sounds like an awesome birthday tea!


D said he was originally looking for a Carrot Cake tea since we couldn’t find it at our little Amish Market and stumbled on this company. It’s about three hours up the road from us in Liberty, MO.


What a great birthday note! Happy belated!


Happy birthday, G! A little something is on its way to you.


I love my little tea family. You all are superlative.


Correction. Superla-tea-ve.


Heh heh!


Happy belated birthday! That tea sounds lovely!


ashmanra: strange – we both said and did the same thing. double trouble.


derk: I noticed! What’s more – I got a box from beerandbeancurd yesterday. I thought it was a really good tea swap box so I was tearing the labels off and realized it was the same box I had sent the tea to beerandbeancurd in, sent back to me. And that box – was a box that YOU had sent to ME with tea!!


Oooh, that sounds amazing!


Happy Belated Birthday :)

Martin Bednář

Happy belated birthday!

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drank Snickerdoodle by Anna Marie's Teas
1307 tasting notes

Second sipdown of the year and of Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge for January 2022! I divided this sample into two small cups so I could try it both straight and as a latte with oat milk & brown sugar. It’s definitely better as a latte. Both ways, the flavoring tastes like sugar cookies but I’m missing the snickerdoodle spice. Straight, the black tea is very present but pretty generic tasting – frankly I’d rather have the snickerdoodle flavoring be stronger at that point if I’m already having a dessert tea and there’s nothing interesting about the base. As a latte, the oat milk and sugar drown out the base tea and highlight the sugar cookie flavor, which definitely makes for a tastier and more enjoyable cup for my palate – think brown sugar black milk tea from the boba shop.

Flavors: Cookie, Sugar

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drank Raspberry Mint by Anna Marie's Teas
75 tasting notes

I’m not fond of fruity teas, but I received a sample of this in a recent order and decided to give it a try. It wants to be a mint tea but also a fruit tea, and frankly, I’d prefer if it just chose one.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This really should be called hot cinnamon with a hint of other spices and orange. I continue to hunt for a replacement for Della Terra’s Honey & Spice rooibos, as this is a nice tea blend, but not at all like that one, despite listing similar ingredients.

Flavors: Cinnamon

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I received a sample of this tea in a recent order. It’s really mellow – the flavor is there and has complexity, but it’s not smacking you around. I like that aspect, however the flavor profile isn’t one I gravitate towards. A little too cookie and not enough spice.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I got this from Anna’s Tea Shop because I loved Della Terras and they’re the same. I love this one too!
I bought this in April 2016 and I admit I’ve been hoarding it!
I’ve been enjoying drinking from my Harney Royal Palaces Teapot, Teacup & Saucer. It pours like a dream.


That’s good to know…Della Terra did dessert teas like no one else!


a bunch of ppl will now be visiting that website haha


Whaddya know … it’s in Missouri! (Still too far to be convenient; pooh.)


Della Terra DID do Dessert Teas like no one else!! All their teas were dense with twisty and turny flavors. I’ve purchased a large amount of Anna’s vanilla black and it’s a permanent staple for me.

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The bonus sample from my recent order. There is a nice mild black currant scent. The flavour is more raspberry. It is nice and lightly fruity.

Flavors: Berry, Black Currant, Raspberry

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