Adagio Teas

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drank Chestnut by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

Had it this morning. I’m almost out! It reminds me of the holidays. I love how it has the bits of chestnut in there.

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i love this tea. it’s dark, rich and smoky, like drinking incense! i did not get beef jerky or any meaty flavor from it, as some have suggested… i think it really is a love it/hate it sort of thing. i like it plain, or with a bit of milk and brown sugar.

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
7 tasting notes

i didn’t really notice a lot of caramel flavor… a little sweet. just ok.

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light chocolatey flavor, not too rich (not sure if this is good or bad) but overall enjoyable. i think steeping it in the ingenuitea helps as the chips have a chance to melt and mix with all of the water, not seep out of a little strainer/tea ball. good with milk and sugar.

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drank Green Chai by Adagio Teas
64 tasting notes

I love this chai. I love chais in general, but this one really hits the spot. The green and the cloves together are a perfect blend. Soymilk, as always, makes it a little thicker and delicious-er.

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drank White Monkey by Adagio Teas
10 tasting notes

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drank Sencha Overture by Adagio Teas
10 tasting notes

A good, if not distinguished, sencha. Definitely worth a try. Go easy on the temp and time, and it will turn out right.

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drank Golden Monkey by Adagio Teas
10 tasting notes

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drank Genmai Cha by Adagio Teas
10 tasting notes

Great! This has been my go-to tea for a few years, although I’ve since moved on to sencha.

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drank Gyokuro by Adagio Teas
10 tasting notes

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As a Roobios junkie, I just knew I would LOVE this tea. Wrong. This blend tastes nothing of Roobios and is super overpowering with the cinnamon. Maybe it would be better iced or mixed into a cider of sorts…I don’t know. Not a fan.

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drank Rooibos by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Another Rooibos morning. This tea is great in any ratio…I used a heaping spoonful today it is just great. This Rooibos has never tasted too strong…only richer. Off to get another cup.

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drank Rooibos by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

A perfect tea for a rainy and cold day.

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drank Rooibos by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Still in love with this tea. I used half a package of Splenda. Nothing beats the plain ole Roobios…all of the flavors I’ve tried are pretty gross.

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drank Rooibos by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

The first sip I did not love but after a full cup, I quickly made another. Now, I’m totally hooked and drink it all the time. Roobios has a rich, earthy and woody flavor. Drink a cup while reading The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series and you’ll enjoy it all the more.

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drank Yunnan Jig by Adagio Teas
104 tasting notes

Steeped this one for a minute or two less than yesterday, and the smokey flavor didn’t come through as strongly. Gave it a much smoother taste, though I think I liked the smokey flavor a little more.

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drank Yunnan Jig by Adagio Teas
104 tasting notes

A very smokey flavor that I love, though I wish it had a smokey aroma as well. Nice, dark color when brewed right, making this a great tea to drink by itself.

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drank Ceylon Sonata by Adagio Teas
263 tasting notes

Backlogging this mornings doings…I went all out with Ceylon Sonata this morning. about a teaspoon in a large mesh ball (plenty of room) and HOT water at a full roiling boil! 4 minutes and I had a perfect cup of tea. As I’ve noted in the past, this is a good tea, not an outstanding tea…I’ve had better “Kenilworth’s”, but all things considered, I’m talking about the difference between really good and really, really good…not between trash and good.

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drank Ceylon Sonata by Adagio Teas
263 tasting notes

Finally got this one right today and it is particularly good. I like the fact that the tea leaves are in large pieces, leaves no fines the cup.

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drank Ceylon Sonata by Adagio Teas
263 tasting notes

tried this again in my 2 cup teapot. Don’t know what the issue was a few days ago, but this is fine today. Not as noteable as some other “estate” ceylon’s I’ve had. I wonder if this is a blend….

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drank Ceylon Sonata by Adagio Teas
263 tasting notes

Didn’t care for this too much…not enough to thumbs-down, but its not a thumb’s up either. I like my tea very plain…nothing added…and this tea has a very “flowery” taste. Sort of like the sweet you get smelling a fresh bloom of honeysuckle. Not unpleasant..but distracting from the flavor of the tea.

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drank Yunnan Noir by Adagio Teas
11 tasting notes

Very interesting tea. It is very dark in color and almost reminds me of coffee. It definitely has a cocoa smell and flavor to it. What sticks out to me is the smoky flavor.

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drank Ceylon Sonata by Adagio Teas
104 tasting notes

It’s hard to over steep this tea, as I let it steep for about 10 minutes and it didn’t get bitter. In fact, I liked the longer steep a little more as the flavors come through a bit better.

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