Adagio Teas
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<3 well i havent been doing as much lurking because ive been doing research on betta fish because i have a 10gallon tank and wanted more than 1. i knew you could put females together but i read that you need 4 or more in a 10 gallon so no1 gangs up on another 1 :p because i felt my brian was fried from reading about fish i wanted something good and easy for my fiancee to make me. :D this is an all time back up! i LOVE this tea i swear every time i drink it i get reminded of how much i enjoy this
A male betta (or Siamese Fighting Fish as the species was oh so dramatically called) was my first pet when I was small. Are you getting a male aswell or just females?
i already have 2 males (in separate tanks) and now 4 females :) there was 1 other male that i liked alot at petco but we were on a mission for ladys :p ive already introduced them to the tank and 2 are trying to assert dominance but the larger one backs off last minute. they are very fun fish! my 2 males have completely different personalities and already 1 female when i look in to check on them will swim over to my face and get in my line of sight :)
no, ive tried b4 years ago. i had a successful spawn but went to school 1 day came home and all the fry had gotten a fungus because the father was not taking care of them. i tried to salvage them but sadly they all ended up dieing. i think breeding will be eventually in the future, far in the future (my fiance is interested in doing it, we start school this week and cannot afford to be away for too long in case spawning happen) i wanted a comunity tank and i wanted more bettas lol. i didnt know how many i needed to keep the peace which was y i did so much reading.
:D another cup today! it is very late but luckly for me i have a very high tolerance for caffeine and will more than likely doze off to sleep without a problem. oddly enough my consumption of tea has increased and i seem to be sleeping more soundly at night (im weird lol) i really like how much the blueberry flavor comes through with this tea and the fact that i LOVE blueberries helps too :D
so i have a head cold thats so weird and is messing with my mind (i seriously thought today was Wednesday) anyway. to comfort myself i decided on one of my favs! <3 the color is a nice amber, the scent is blueberries and it tastes amazing :) LOVE this!
i LOVE this, maybe too much :p i got distracted and this cooled down ALOT as in its now cold. its still delicious! the color is such a nice pale golden brown and smells like dried blueberries…more please!
Blended with Celestial Seasonings Raspberry Zinger (2 bags) again. This time I extended the brewing time by just a little, and used 11 teaspoons instead of 9. I had hoped to give the tea a stronger flavor, and it worked. I added sugar and cold water, eyeballing the amounts, and now it’s cooling in my fridge. My ingenuiTea is half-full of leaves when I’m done.
Blended 9 teaspoons of this plus two bags of Celestial Seasonings Raspberry Zinger. Made 2 quarts of delicious chilled raspberry tea. I will definitely do this again. I bet this kind of English Breakfast blends well with lots of different flavors.
Very standard, but good. I find that brewing it with a little more than a teaspoon makes it more flavorful, but not bitter. Right now I’ve got a hot cup of it, sweetened with three packs of Sugar In The Raw because that’s how we do it in the deep south, dammit! Actually, I think it’s probably just a bad habit of mine. Anyway, I like this tea a lot. It would be good to keep around for everyday pots.
I tried this again, steeping it longer and at a lower temperature. This time, the spice is mellower, and the tea flavor shines through a bit better. It definitely upped the yummy factor a lot.
Dang. This is not making my next tea order any smaller.
One thing Adagio does well is their chai blends – the spice is always rich and well balanced. This green tea is not my favorite of their chai tea blends, because they are all awfully good, but it is well worth drinking.
I do love their chai blends but I’ve never had a green chai before. How do you prepare it? I would think doing it the same way as their black chai blends the green would get bitter?
I actually prepared this with boiling water, figuring that a lower temperature would not extract the spices as well. I may try it again at a lower temperature and for a longer steep, to see how that affects the flavor.
I’ve been waiting for another “Be Brave” day to try Lapsang Souchong. I like the salty, smoky way it smells dry but I have a hard time seeing it as a tea. I can picture using it as a marinade over seitan or tofu and I may try that at a later point.
I brewed it light with less leaves than I normally do and for less time, just 3:30 minutes. (It smelled so strong in the sample, I couldn’t imagine doing my normal kamikaze tea routine.)
It brews up into a light honey colored amber, though I’m sure that if i brewed it for four or five minutes it would be darker. It has a campfire smell that is reminiscent of smoked food, as someone said it smells like bacon or smoked meats. It has a light sharpness in the smoky taste. I can definitely see using this tea in cooking, especially to soak seitan or tofu in. I don’t mind it too much as a tea drink, either. Though I put it in the same category as drinking pickle juice: something fun and strange to do to wake up my taste buds, but not an everyday quaff.
I liken it to liquid BBQ. It’s just too strong and too smokey for me to drink it plain so I prefere it blended with other teas like in Russian Caravan.
It does have a sort of liquid BBQ taste. I was even thinking that a tea BBQ sauce might be an interesting use.
Mmmmm, Darjeeling!
This has a lighter, more delicate flavor than Darjeeling No. 22. I still like 22 better, but I wouldn’t say no if someone offered me a cup of this tea. Lightly sweet, with a faintly grassy taste. This tea is very coarse in texture, so it pays to add a larger volume when I steep.
Revisiting this tea, and still not impressed. The spice does add to the flavor, but it overpowers the pumpkin, and you just end up with a spicy black tea.
Maybe the spices infuse into the water faster than the tea leaves? 5 1/2 min seems a bit long to me for my personal tastes. Maybe try 200-210 degrees (I don’t completely boil my water cuz it kills the health benefits) for 4-5 min. Hopefully that’ll give you a more even flavor profile. I’ve noticed that over steeping can actually produce a duller, flatter flavor- this is really common w/ Adagio’s whites. Let me know!:)
Steeped for longer today, and still didn’t get the flavor I was looking for. Has a great aroma, but that just doesn’t transfer to the taste, and you end up with a bland (and when over-steeped, bitter) taste with a bit of spice and no pumpkin. If you’re looking for a tea that tastes like you’re drinking a pumpkin pie, then this isn’t it.