Adagio Teas - Duplicate
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Awkward Soul was kind enough to send me a sample of this tea. Every other sample she has sent me was spot on as far as my taste goes. This one, well…the first thing I noticed when pouring the hot water over the pearls was that strong, strong smell. It was very unpleasant to me. My girlfriend immediately pegged it as floral, but I didn’t get that. I sweetened it and hoped for the best.
The first 1/2 of the cup was all right, as long as I didn’t inhale while I was drinking. It was light, sweet, a tiny bit fruity maybe? The more I drank, though, the more it tasted like that scent. Obviously it’s the scent of jasmine and I just don’t fancy jasmine. So I’m not going to rate this tea. It would be unfair. That would be like rating a chocolate bar a 0 because it tastes like chocolate. :-D
My first jasmine was sickening! Give it another chance someday when are ready. Some jasmines are phenomenal, and they can be so de-stressing! The ones from Teavivre are amazing!
Teavivre’s and Verdant’s jasmines are spectacular. I’ve tried Adagio’s, and they’re okay, but Teavivre’s and Verdants are wildly different (and much better imho)
I do enjoy this tea very much, though it sort of makes me uncomfortable to be in a category described as sexy, passionate and intense, haha. And to describe a tea that way! It seems a bit odd to me to have something so sweet and calming as vanilla rooibos in a blend that is categorized as dark and robust. I might have subbed in lapsang souchong. But still, very delicious!
Sorry about my clumsy description; I’m a designer and descriptions/reviews are not my strong point. The new description for the new re-blended Zodiac teas are much better (written by a Scorpio person). You might also like the tea and book combo:
“Quiet: The power of iIntroverts”
I think I had this tea tonight. We went to a friend’s place, and I thought they had a jasmine green tea from Adagio. I’m pretty certain they got it from a grocery store, too. However, when looking at the Adagio site, I can’t find green jasmine. Looking at the pictures here, this is the most likely candidate. Though, I could have sworn it had a green flavor rather than an oolong one.
Anyway, it was a lovely cuppa. And it made me look forward to the jasmine pearls waiting for me back at the office.
This is my first Darjeeling and I have a class in like 10mins, so this will be short and under-educated.
I most likely over steeped this because the first taste I’m getting is bitterness. Subsequent is the boldness I expect from any black tea with layers of what I’m gonna to say is floral with a bit of spices. I’n also tasting some notes that are like raisins but better. Nice clean astringent finish. I will have to re-steep and report back on that. Till then, I will refrain from rating it.