Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

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I do so love the aroma of earl grey. The flavour is earl grey, with a little bit of berry, and vanilla. I would have liked a little more berry taste, but it’s otherwise fantastic.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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Sometimes, this tea is pretty good. Sometimes it really, really isn’t. It is a difficult tea to brew without burning the green, but still getting full flavor out of the blacks. I think I’ve finally found the perfect time/temperature combo for me. It brings out the cinnamon, and earl grey green isn’t too bitter. I like this with a little honey and milk.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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I love this tea so much. It’s warmth and slight spice is absolutely phenomenal. I love it for it’s versitility as well! Alone, with sugar, with milk, with honey, with everything at all it is delicious. I find myself consistently coming back to Watson, and as my first blend by Cara it holds a special place in my heart.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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The taste was quite unique and at first wasn’t too sure about it. But the more I tasted I could defiantly taste the Earl Grey Green. The others teas complimented it well it wasn’t too mellow or too spicy. It was just right :)

4 min, 0 sec

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I was expecting a bit more out of this blend since it had Lapsang in it. But it wasn’t the least bit smoky, the tiger eye was more dominant. It had more of a chocolaty taste than I cared for.

5 min, 0 sec

hello Apothecary! do you still have some of this Tony Stark tea? i love lapsang blends and i would be happy to swap some teas with you cuz i’d love to try it. i could even send you some extra bags for packaging it if that would help?

The Apothecary

I no longer have my Tony Stark anymore. I gave it to a friend who was interested in trying it. I have an almost full bag of Aziraphile that I’m not overly fond of. I would be willing to swap, if you’re interested that is :)


aww, well i was interested in the stark because of the lapsang. so i guess i’ll pass on Aziraphile. (i’m currently drowning in swap teas and should really restrain myself if i can) but thanks for responding!!

The Apothecary

Hey no problem! I know the feeling it’s so hard to cut back, when there are so many good teas out there!

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OK, so now that I’ve tried a number of teas, I’m not as enamored of this one as I was at first. Whites are just not my thing, and I need more of a flavor burst than this one delivers. It’s not a cupboard staple, especially when compared to TARDIS or a few others I’ve tried. Sorry Clara, you’re just not for me. : (

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A beautiful blend of white and oolong teas that isn’t overpowered by the touch of cinnamon. This tea really does taste like cookies, but it’s not an overwhelming flavor. The tea is quite light and refreshing, and perfect no matter what the season. If you’re looking for a tea that’s very strong, this is obviously not it, but what would you expect with the delicate whites in this tea? Pretty darn good. This may be a staple for my cupboard.
2 teaspoons in 12 oz. of water, a teaspoon of sugar. Can be resteeped, but for about 5 minutes.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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First taste this morning. Not yet ready to do a full review, but this is going to be a cupboard staple for me. Light, gorgeous flavor that really does give hints of snickerdoodles. A hug in a cup.

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The bergamot in this today is just really not making me happy. Could be a couple of factors. This tea is old. I’ve really lost my taste for Earl Grey in general. I ruined my tastebuds this morning with a (delicious) marionberry greek yogurt. Possibly overleafed.

At any rate, not especially enjoying this today but it’s only one cup this time, not a pot because I hadn’t gone water gathering yet when I made it and soon it will be over and I can move on. Until next time, TARDIS blend. Until next time.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

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This is a really pretty tea. I like the artwork on the package too. Anyway.

I mostly pick up the earl grey flavour when I drink this. I normally like a pretty strong earl grey (hello double bergamot stash tea) so this is okay, but I’m not really picking up much of the other flavours, beyond a slightly stronger than normal fruitiness from what is presumably the blackberry (or blueberry? Other reviews are confusing). This is not my favourite tea, but I like it well enough and I haven’t had an earl grey that I liked in a while. Mostly earl grey creams which I have found that I don’t like so much.

and WOOT, this is my 100th review!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Congrats on 100~

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I drink this tea all the time at work, especially on days like today when my allergies have me DRAINED and I need a nice pick me up. I haven’t reviewed it yet because I pretty much have no idea how to describe it. The interesting thing about this tea is I don’t really taste the earl grey, blackberry, or vanilla. Somehow they have swirled together to make a flavor that is quite bold, yet sweet enough that I can drink it without sugar or milk (which is pretty rare for me when it comes to black tea). And I normally don’t even like earl grey of any kind.. Overall, I wish there was something more exciting? about this, but it’s good.

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Sweet & strong says it, I guess? Good tea. #nothingtoadd

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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Yum, this is pretty great! Thanks cavocorax! Although, agreed: would expect something not so mellow from River :DDD (She’s so totally my fave, can’t help it.)

Anyway, before I read the spoilers! I thought it was citrusy-caramel, and wasn’t far off – coconutty citrus, I guess? It’s a good mix.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

I totally love her too now that I know more about her.

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I’ve never been a big green tea drink but I find that this is my go-to in the morning. I usually steep it for about 3 minutes or until it’s a nice amber color and drink it. The spearmint is a lovely taste and the gunpowder gives it a smokey undertone.

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For a tea so evil, it tastes so good.

It smells really great in the bag. Once you take a sip the ginger practically explodes on your tongue. Further drinking lessens the ginger and you start to taste some of the other spices in the Masala Chai. Cinnamon is one of them, and cloves too. The cloves and the ginger work to leave a pleasantly herby and tingly aftertaste at the end of each sip.

I can imagine this tastes great with honey, sugar, milk, or even a dash of Bailey’s Irish Cream. Like Mycroft, I can imagine that this would make a great desert tea, but in a different way. If Mycroft is a chocolate cake, Moriarty is a gingersnap. If you wanted to enhance the effect, I’d even go so far as to say add a bit of fresh ginger to your desert tea mix and you’ve got yourself one spicy cookie in a cup.

Despite how much I love ginger and gingersnaps, however, of the Sherlock teas I’ve tried so far this isn’t a top pick. I think because I’ve had teas that have done the same ginger theme but better. I feel like this blend could be stronger, with more snap, but doesn’t quite get there. I’m not disappointed, though, merely wishing it had more of that Moriarty burn to it.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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Smelled great in the bag, tasted like nothing in the cup. To say this is dull is an understatement. Don’t get me wrong, you could argue that it has a nice light flavor. The bloodorange and grapefruit aren’t completely hidden. And it’s true, I’ve never been a huge fan of fruit teas or ceylon, so maybe I’m a little biased, but the let down between what I smelled and what I tasted was just too much.

I did so want to like it, but there’s honestly nothing that recommends this to me. It’s basically just tinted water. Boring.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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This tea is a very full tea. It’s got a great scent, a lot of flavor, and leaves you feeling like you’ve just had a meal. The gunpowder and the pu erh dante give this tea a really great smoky, rich flavor, while the hazelnut brings it down and lends it a homey scent and taste that makes it comforting as well. It’s very much a BAMF tea, but a BAMF that likes its muffins. I think it would lend itself well to whatever you wanted to try with it, be it honey, lemon, cream, sugar, whatever. But personally I think this makes a smashing cup without any frills.

The only downside, and this is pretty much exclusive to me, is that black tea tends to give me a stomach ache, and I can already tell that this is strong enough to cause some problems if I drank more than one cup in a couple hours. But if you’re not affected by such things, then no worries!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Ok, let’s start right off and say this tea SMELLS DELICIOUS in bag and steeped. It’s seriously a cup of scent heaven. And happily, the scent doesn’t disappoint. This tea is very obviously meant to be sweet, but it comes off as a nice balance between spice, a hint of chocolate, and tea-ness that makes it a really great desert tea. I probably wouldn’t drink it at dinner time, but I can see this making a great tea time treat.

And unlike a lot of teas, it would be a great one for kids as well. Rooibos is caffeine free, and the rest has very little caffeine either, so in small quantities it would make a nice treat for the tea drinking kid in your life. The cinnamon and orange scent is lovely and dominates the in-bag smell, but the overall taste is the vanilla chai with a hint of chocolate and cloves.

It’s frackin cake in a glass, seriously.

I betting this tea tastes great with cream or sugar. Sadly, I am lactose intolerant and I hate sugar in my tea (yes, even honey). Next time I try it I’ll have to go out and get some more almond milk, though, because I’m betting that would just make it taste even richer.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I really, really wanted to like this tea. I mean, it’s the title characters tea, and everything in it sounds exciting and slightly exotic. How can a Sherlock tea set be complete without an amazing Sherlock tea? So as you can see, I really, really wanted to like it.

Unfortunately, the only word I can think of to describe it is…dull.

I will admit, it SMELLS amazing. More so in the bag than in the cup, where it loses some of its sharpness, but if I could have a perfume that smelled like this I would wear it until the day I died. Overall the tea has a beautiful scent and a nice color in the cup. What it lacks is the zing I was heartily hoping for out of a cup dedicated to the sharpest mind in fiction. What I got was just plain old ordinary.

No, it’s not Lipton, I will at least give it that, but after the promising start with Watson, it was a real let down. What it needs is a touch of something sharp, something biting. I guess adding lemon would improve it, but that’s just a small fix. It doesn’t help the fact that the tea itself is sadly unimpressive. If I was going to suggest any changes, I’d say Sherlock would be better served with a hint of hibiscus, or something similar to give it the edge it deserves.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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It’s a very smooth tea, with just the barest hint of spice. It’s not overly strong, but it has a nice presence when you drink it. I think the word is “satisfying”. I took it without anything, but I can see this being a very good tea for early mornings in an armchair or late nights after a long day. I love that there’s a nice ratio of green tea to it, because black tea tends to upset my stomach, and the cinnamon lends it a very nice smell but doesn’t make it too spicy to drink when you’re tired. All in all, it’s a very relaxing tea. In terms of taste, it’s nice. I don’t think it stands out particularly one way or the other, but I’d want this one in my cupboard for those days when I just need a nice cuppa to help me unwind. It doesn’t demand too much attention when you drink it, but you leave the empty cup feeling better than before you had it.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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