I really, really wanted to like this tea. I mean, it’s the title characters tea, and everything in it sounds exciting and slightly exotic. How can a Sherlock tea set be complete without an amazing Sherlock tea? So as you can see, I really, really wanted to like it.
Unfortunately, the only word I can think of to describe it is…dull.
I will admit, it SMELLS amazing. More so in the bag than in the cup, where it loses some of its sharpness, but if I could have a perfume that smelled like this I would wear it until the day I died. Overall the tea has a beautiful scent and a nice color in the cup. What it lacks is the zing I was heartily hoping for out of a cup dedicated to the sharpest mind in fiction. What I got was just plain old ordinary.
No, it’s not Lipton, I will at least give it that, but after the promising start with Watson, it was a real let down. What it needs is a touch of something sharp, something biting. I guess adding lemon would improve it, but that’s just a small fix. It doesn’t help the fact that the tea itself is sadly unimpressive. If I was going to suggest any changes, I’d say Sherlock would be better served with a hint of hibiscus, or something similar to give it the edge it deserves.