Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

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I’m Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective.
I’m not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn’t understand. If you’ve got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please.
This is what I do:
1. I observe everything.
2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
3. When I’ve eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.

i brewed this in my timolino to take to the movies.
we were gonna see Lincolin and i felt like the Lapsang was properly oldtimey and candlelight toned to match.
but at the last minute we changed our mind and saw The Hobbit!!
and i’m so glad i did!
honestly had i known, i probably would have brewed my Watson tea for Martin Freeman of course.
or maybe i would have chosen Love Tea #7 for Bilbo’s endlessly endearing honesty.
but in the end, the assam gently softens the lapsang in this deeply grounding tea, and the earthiness of this blend always tastes like home to me.
i had a great evening.

this tea is exactly like it’s described. exotic and mysterious and i’m not even exaggerating.

it smells and tastes like thoughts and sensations. like the air pressure dropping in the weather. or your legs hitting a pocket of cold current while swimming in a warm ocean.

this is a tea for when i am in a serious mood. which is often.
this tea is goth.


(umm, and who’s seen bbc robin hood? hello richard hi there.)


:) Love BBC Robin Hood & Mr. Armitage. Have you seen the show MI-5? He’s beautiful in that.


wha what?!
all 10 seasons of MI-5 are on netflix? and huh? Rupert Penry-Jones is in it too?!?!

i spent ALL of xmas last year watching ALL of robin hood. nonstop. no exaggeration.
apparently i will be spending ALL of this xmas watching MI-5!! hah!
Em! thanks for ruining my productivity,…i MEAN ….. thanks for the exciting and timely nudge towards HOURS of FUN! yay


:) I hope you like it. Also has Matthew Macfadyen of Mr. Darcy fame and Max Brown who is on the new show Beauty and the Beast. All of the actors play in different seasons, but it’s worth watching all the seasons. In fact, this discussion has inspired me to watch season 7 where Richard’s character is introduced :) Keep me posted on what you think of the show!


Macfadyen! I liked him as Darcy but I LOVED him in Any Human Heart. (a pbs/bbc creation) Something about it was like watching a poem. an actual poem.

I guarantee that I will watch MI-5. fo sho.


:) I’ve not watched Any Human Heart, but now I’m going to have to check it out. I just played around on Adagio and made some Robin Hood blends. That’s what you do when you don’t feel like going to sleep :)


OMG!!!! your guy of gisborne tea is so awesome! haha i’m gonna buy some, eventually. probably.
oh sigh, robin of locksley.
i have too much tea!!!!!!!!
also i wanna re-watch all of robin hood immediately.
also i want to drink robin & guy tea! (and i’ll add single rose from another tea, so lady marian can join in too) it’s a threesome, …er…a….i mean teasome.

(steepsters, thank you in advance for letting me dork out as much as i embarrasingly want and not immediately unfollowing me. like seriously.)


I love your “dork out”! I should make a Lady Marian tea too. It was getting late and I decided to go to bed :)


bed shmed!!!
haha kidding
i mean, i drink tea so i don’t have to sleep. right?

…i stayed up till like 2am watching the two recent episodes of Elementary.


That’s a good reason to stay up until 2!


a week later…
i have not watched MI-5 yet
i have ordered the guy and robin teas


Bummer about MI-5, but I feel honored at your ordering of the teas :) I still haven’t, but I think I will with the Christmas money I have!


Em! the Guy of Gisborn tea smells amazing!!!


AWESOME!! I plan to buy some when I get a little cash. Looking forward to your reviews :)

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appropriately drinking this tea as i read this
the scent of this tea is very strange to me, sweet but ‘off’. and it intrigues me over and over.
i think i like it?
i’ll have to get back to you on that.


I completely agree with you. The scent is sweet but off.

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This was one of my favorite blends from this Adagio fandom series. It has great sturdy flavor and stands up well to multiple brewings. It’s smooth. I can’t detect hazelnut as a separate note.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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What am I doing with my life right now.
So I moved to Florida because of an internship and I only managed to bring like half my teas with me and I’ve already drank them all so now I’m blending them together and tonight is LESTRADE WITH CARAMEL AND IRISH BREAKFAST. It’s okay. But I just want the rest of my tea now. And I know I can’t buy more because I’ll have to bring them back home when my internship ends.

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Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

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Because Lestrade is my faaaaave.
I needed some waking up to do and the last time I drank him, I couldn’t sleep till 3 or 4 in the morning. It’s noon right now so I’ll be fiiineeee.
I really like Lestrade. Smoky and musky gooood.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Oh this one does looks good! a little like the ninth doctor blend too. it’s going on my shopping list :)

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It’s a green/pu erh/black tea blend so don’t drink at night or else you’ll be up at 3am wondering why you thought it would be a good idea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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First time I drank this tea, I was testing Cara (the one who made this blend) AND SHE PASSED. Lestrade definitely would taste like this if he was turned into tea. Seriously. The second you open the pouch, it’s screaming Lestrade.
Slightly smoky and musky flavour, but oh it was good.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I’d been pretty disappointed by some of the custom blends I’d had, but this one is the perfect blend of sweet/classic black. The almond really comes through. It is nice and smooth. Will definitely have a few more cups. Sweet and strong, just like Captain Jack.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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SIPDOWN! (228) Bumping the rating up a bit on this one. Today this is a much nicer blend,though it’s still largely a cinnamon blend with a bit of substance to it with the addition of the sweet potatoes.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Another adgio tea from my swap with terri. She was kind enough to toss a bunch of these into my swap with her as i won’t willingly touch the stuff myself because of a bunch of bad experiences with adagio previously.

I’m not sure how i feel about this’s sort of like a sweet black tea with a dash of cinnamon. My brain can’t figure this one out this morning. It’s not bad, though i’m still not a fan of adagios tea bases apparently. Interesting tea for now :)


Hobbit tea, really?

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It’s sipdown Saturday! I’m not quite ready to sipdown anything else but I’m getting oh so close with a lot of these.

I think I’ve got one cuppa left for this one!

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This looks like a crazy mix of ingredients, but it’s pretty tasty. I can smell apple, cinnamon and various spices. I really shouldn’t drink this now – every sip makes me think of fall! I like it, but the base doesn’t seem to be too pronounced.

Mmmmm. Apple Chai.

Thanks Shadowfall for the sample!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Not bad. It’s very spice chai-y and I get the apple coming through. I tried it with both brown sugar and my regular Truvia. I liked it better with the brown sugar ‘cause it seemed to bring out the apple a little better.
I’m coming to the realization that I’m not really a chai person ‘cause every chai blend I try, I don’t really like. I don’t think I’ll ever drink this again but it wasn’t bad to try. Lol.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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I probably shouldn’t have steeped this the same time as Mycroft as they have similar ingredients. I was worried I’d mix them up but the almonds in this gave it away.

I can taste the almond/marzipan goodness over a basic black base. Some people don’t like Adagio’s black bases, but I find that if I steep it for 2.5 minutes at slightly less than boiling, they taste quite nice.

I can take or leave this tea. Sadly, the same can be said for the namesake character too. He had some good moments in Doctor Who, but not enough to get me to try Torchwood.

Thanks for the sample Shadowfall

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Awe…I like touchwood. Also, how else will you know more about the face of bo grin


*toRchwood. Stupid phone


Lol. No problem. Sounds like you like it, at least better than I did. I couldn’t get past the almond. Ugh. XD

Awww, poor Jack. I love his character. I just don’t agree that this tea is his, so to speak. I really need to put together the blend I made up for him. XD Torchwood is pretty good. One of these days I’ll get around to finishing the first season. Lol!

Terri HarpLady

I’ve watched a few episodes of Torchwood, but it takes a lot to get me to sit down in front of a tv for any length of time. One of these days I’ll do an all weekend marathon & watch all episodes back to back. That’s usually my method.


Well maybe someday I’ll check out Torchwood but I don’t get much tv time alone so maybe I’ll try it after I get through Downton Abbey!

I know people really adore Jack, and I liked the Face of Bo thing, but I just didin’t get the appeal I guess. But then a few episodes as a side-character might not be the best introduction.

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, I loved the whole face of bo thing too! I loved captain Jack on the Dr, but I’m not always a fan of ‘spin offs’, and also, I was just getting into Dresden Files (which admittedly started out a little lame, like so many scifi channel series do, but having read the books, I had to watch it, & I thought it was just getting good). We watched the entire first season on Netflix, then they cancelled it. Initially I thought they had replaced it with Torchwood, so I wouldn’t watch it in protest. Later I realized they had actually replaced it with Warehouse 13, which I had also watched. Oh well…so much for holding a grudge, :\


oh man. i watched ONE episode of dresden files and swoer never again since it was so unlike the books and i hated the guy playing harry. they ruined it for me because i ADORE the books.

Terri HarpLady

The books are great! The guy playing Harry actually grew on me by the end of that first season, but the guy I REALLY loved was Bob! LOL!


Jack is my favorite. Right up there next to River Song. I can understand why he’s an aquired taste. Between the character himself being a little over the top, and the actor playing that up, it could be grating.

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Farewell my other doctor :) A nice accompaniment to the breakfast i made myself…no it wasn’t pancakes but it was a delicious omelet!

I likely won’t reorder this one but it was one of my favourites from the 10 pack sampler that i picked up. :)

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having a cup of this – it’s nearly my last before i say good by to the doctor, probably forever heh

Sami Kelsh

Aww, don’t say goodbye forever! Doctor Who is love!!!


heh just to the tea…just to the tea :)

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So i’d forgotten that I’d had this one before courtesy of Terri. What’s more fun still, is that this is a MUCH tastier cup this time around. Apparently the last time i tried it via terri, i got all the coconute flavouring in the tea she sent. This time, it’s a much more balanced cup with both the vanilla and coconut coming through. Bumping the rating up, since it’s in this tin, it’s quite nice. It makes me curious though as to how consistent Adagio is with their creations. it’s possible it was the sample terri sent me, but sinceit’s not coconut bits, it’s the flavouring, how consistent are the varying incarnations of their blends? :) Anyway, i like this one much more this time around!

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sipdown backlog on this one as well. Still a very coconutty blend, which just doesn’t scream “eleven” to me but hey, to each their own :)


I wouldn’t pick coconut for him either. Fish fingers and custard? For real though I think his blend would be strong and maybe tart or nutty. Now I wanna make character blends.

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sooo this is pretty much a coconut tea. There might be a hint of vanilla hanging around to cut the edge of the coconut but i am not picking up any of the apple bits. It’s not a bad tea but i was hoping for so much more from a “eleven” tea. Actually, stick dr who on anything and i want it to the best damn thing in this world. :) not bad, but not as wonderful as i hoped that it would be.

thanks again Terri!

Hesper June

Well…honestly, what flavor could they do?
Fish Sticks and Custard? ;)


Lol that sort of appeals to me a little…

Hesper June

Oh, yeah. I would certainly be ordering some to try too:)
But, it would take a brave tea company to attempt that flavor;)


11 is not coconut (for me). Something classic and aged. Maybe a puerh. He’s kicked around a lot but he’s still got some spunk most of the time. Maybe an earl grey puerh if such a thing existed.

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You know, when I first tried this, it was my favorite tea in the world. It smelled so intriguing and sexy. I recently got a bag of this which had too much Lapsang in it, and it put me off the blend, even after they sent me a correctly-mixed replacement bag. (Adagio really is awesome.) I will have to leave this one alone for a while.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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It tastes like drinking a hug. This is a much better comfort tea (in my opinion) than Reichenbach Recovery. It smells like a snickerdoodle and tastes like heaven. Milk and sugar definitely required and highly recommended.

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backlog! Sipdown!

bumped the rating up on this one a little since i enjoyed my last cup of this a little better. Still nothing to write home about but i wouldn’t turn my nose up at it immediately :) thanks again terri!

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The first of many adagio teas that Terriharplady was kind enough to send my way. I had terrible luck the first few times i tried adagio teas, which soured me against them. Since terri had a bunch in her cupboard i asked if she’d be kind enough to send me some in case there were SOME adagio blends out there that were nice enough for them to redeem themselves.

This one? It tastes pretty bland. I suspect i could have brewed it for a bit longer but i’m always wary of getting that bitter taste from adagio blacks. If i concentrate i can taste the puerh and the chocolate notes. But over all, it’s a fairly lackluster tea. Once again, happy to have the chance to try so many teas :)

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec
Terri HarpLady

Agreed, I was also disappointed with this one. It sounded like it would be really interesting, & it didn’t deliver. I even tried doctoring it up with stevia, creamer, & that only made it worse. I guess everything can’t be awesome, right? But we can continue to hope!

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