Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

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This has got to be the oldest tea in my collection… to the point that the packaging still says Fili lol.

Prepared like a chai; small amount of agave and a touch of milk

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Note #600!!
Ahh Fili. This was one of my favourites in the Hobbit blends :)
I only have 3g of this left so I’ll save it for when I really want it!

Lovely chai/cinnamon taste to it so it reminds me of christmas hehe :) Great tea to go with milk and sugar :)

((this note is lazy, I know. It’s been a very lazy but tea filled day hehe))

Flavors: Cinnamon


SIX HUNDY!!! whoooo hoo!



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I haven’t had this tea in so long because I was without milk for the past month and I FORGOT HOW GOOD THIS TEA IS.
I love it was just a packet of sugar and two dashes of milk :)

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Crying because Fili is going to run out just as quickly as Kili.
I reeeeally like chai, and this tea is sooo good! It’s like apple pie with yummy goodness.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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Fili was good!
I drank him yesterday so I forgot things.. umm.. he’s good. I approve.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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Dude. This is definitely one of the older teas I have and I’m very VERY happy that it’s a sipdown!
I love my Hobbit blends, but I’ve had them for a smidge too long so I definitely need to drink them all :)

I used to hate Smaug? I never really got used to the smokiness of the lapsang, but I’ve had other straight lapsangs, and fandom blends with lapsang in it so I’ve grown to love it :) I’m with shmiracles on this one! Lapsang, Ginger and Candy Cane!? Definitely a funny blend, but one that works for such a beautiful dragon :)
Sweet and smoky and bright and just a nice beautiful and unique cup. Probably won’t be purchasing again, but I’ve definitely enjoyed my time with this gorgeous beast :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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SMAUG. You are a funny one.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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I might cry bc I’ve had this tea for well over two years (oops) and I’ve finally grank it all! This and Bilbo were my teo FAVES from the sampler pack. Yeah. I’ve had this tea when it was called Kili.
But I love it tons and I want more <3

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Seriously. I’ve had him twice and he was amaaaazing.
When I drank him yesterday, I have no idea what I did, it just… tasted so off.

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Kili again today :)
He definitely is my FAVOURITE in the entire The Hobbit sampler set.
This is probably going to be the first to run out and when it does, I’m definitely going to buy the bigger 3ox bag!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Yuuuuuum. From the aroma right out of the tin, you know this one’s going to be good!
A really nice chai blend, perfect with milk and sugar. Definitely one that I’ll be upset with when I finish it all up!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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Had this blend for a late breakfast before heading out. I really like strong smokey teas, so I was excited for this one. The oriental spice in this one seems to tone down the lapsang, without really showing itself. At first, I was disappointed with the lack of smoke, but I like how smooth the other elements make this tea. It’s not bitter at all and honestly better than I was expecting.

On a mostly unrelated note, I found out that Zhi Tea is near me and I plan on going soon! I just have to find someone I can convince to go with me..

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

yay! someone else who likes lapsangs more than most people!
i actually prefer the blends, just cuz they are so diverse and interesting.
and if i had some Smaug tea left, i would send it to you immediately. i just finished it last week and i’m gonna have to get more of that one. maybe i’ll contact you when i do :)


I love the idea of a lapsang blend. Neat!!!


I haven’t really tried many lapsang blends, though I did mix some with a maple tea a while back. That was really good!

Would you like to try some of this one Stephanie?

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And another Hobbit tea sipped down!!

So I only had 2g of this tea left, and usually if I have this little tea for a sipdown, I usually drink out of one of my favourite mugs, the topsy turvy Alice in Wonderland mug:

I heard the kettle tick and my hand kinda nudged my mug a little and…

Dude. I was actually pretty sad, but then after a minute of sadness, I remembered I’m starting with Disney again in less than a month soooo I’ll just have to visit Downtown Disney after Traditions so I can replace this mug! This was actually the first thing I purchased when I was a Cast Member in Florida, and no this is for SURE going to be my first purchase as a CM in California!
I was more upset with the fact that this was the PERFECT size for my sipdowns. All my other ones are either too big or too small.
But when I went home over the weekend, I brought this little beauty with me and it actually holds the same amount as my topsy turvy mug, surprisingly! Say hello to my Mickey Butt mug, everyone :)

Yes. Like 75% of my mug collection is Disney and I love it oh so very much :)

This tea is okay? I like picked out the apple pieces and ate it a couple months back ahha. But this isn’t my favourite Hobbit blend, but it’s decent. Sorta turned a bit sour to me though. These black/green blends, dang. Totally burnt the gunpowder but ehh, what can I do? Burnt and oversteeped. I’m the worst person ever.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

That alice in wonderland mug was seriously cute


It was my favourite! But I was afraid of purchasing it at first. It was screaming to get toppled over since the base was so narrow! But the cuteness took over and I bought it haha. Two days later, Disney was all out of stock!


Super cute!


Cutest. Mug. Ever.

carol who

I love that mug. Do you know if I might be able to get one at the local Disney Store at the mall?


I checked the bottom of my mug and it is a Disney Authentic, and with that stamp, I thought it was exclusive to the parks, but I looked online and they have a couple Authentic Disneys available! But none were this mug :(

If anything, if you reeeallyyy want this mug, I could totally buy you one and ship it to you! And just pay me back in tea or something hehe :)


Amazon has everything. Literally, everything!


Dude. That’s $30!? I didn’t know people would up the price so much!
Disney mugs are usually in the $12.95 range so definitely waaay cheaper than amazon!


Are you serious?? That’s over twice the price!! So not cool


Dude I know. They put a 6 item limit on all their merch for this reason. You should check out the prices for their limited edition pins! My friend collects pins and we celebrated May the 4th a couple years back in the parks. Bought for $13, on amazon for $75!!

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Ugh, I’m running out of tea to drink.
Okay. Thorin and company. I’m not a big fan of apple pieces in my tea so when I spoon the leaves into my cup, I pick the apple pieces out and eat them :)
I loooove the smell of this blend! Kinda sad that the gunpowder overpowers the apple when it brews

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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You can smell the apple right out of the tin! Right out of the tin, the aroma smells sooooo good. The Apple and Sour Apple overpowers a lot of the other flavours, but it’s lost in brewing. When it brews, the smokiness of the gunpowder and the cocoa nibs take over.
Tastes pretty good with a bit of milk and sugar.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Kili is the reckless one. the younger one. definitely the flirty-er one.
this tea is all chai-ish with it’s cinnamon and it’s cloves and it’s cardamom. and it has a strange scent that i cant quite place and don’t quite like. perhaps it’s due to the way the SLIGHT vanilla mixes in?
i love ginger and i love vanilla too. but i don’t get much of them in this cup.
i don’t know. this tea is confusing. kind all over the place. but it does blend in the end i suppose. haha, just occurred to me, this is probably appropriate for ADHD Kili.
(i’m thinking about making a ginger-nilla lapsang blend via adagio? or maybe just lapsang vanilla.)

a powerful dwarvish head bonk to you Shadowfall!

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Fili is the careful older brother. i’ll translate that into more patient and loving. cuz this cup is definitely kind and gentle.
this tea smells really good. and i’m gonna say it’s the hazelnut. with this cup i’ve figured out that every single adagio blend that has hazelnut in it smells great to me. and so i like it. that’s all.

this weekend i went to the Bilbo Baggins Cafe. and in this picture is a Hobbit’s Lemonade cocktail.
i also had beer with blueberry mead in it. i would totally drink that again.

Pippin: What’s that?
Merry: This, my friend, is a pint.
Pippin: It comes in pints? I’m getting one.

thank you very much Shadowfall for sharing all these blends with me. i’ve had a great time. cheers!


You go to the most interesting places.


oh my goodness, i need to go to this place.


Have I told you how obsessed I am with The Lord of the Rings? AGH!!! I guess I’ll be driving to Alexandria next weekend…

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Oh, Thranduil.
You taste very elvish and earthy and perfect for your character, but I’m very happy that I’ve finished off the last of you!
You were a joy to be with, but alas, you weren’t my favourite cup of tea. Goodbye, and maybe I’ll be united with some of your friends in the future :)

2 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

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Oh Thranduil!
Dude. I haven’t had my Hobbit blends in so long! I don’t know if I brought any of them with me to Florida because the tins just took up so much space?
Thranduil definitely smells funny. It’s the hojicha. It smells nice and fruity in the tin, but oh whoa does the hojicha take over. Veeeery earthy.
This tastes very much like how I had it way long ago. Still that weird earthy taste that is very MUCH like Thranduil. Not the biggest fan, but it does reflect the character so I can’t get mad about that :)

I was talking to my roommate about the hojicha and she has never heard of that tea before. I picked one out of the blend, gave it to her, and she decided to eat it ahhaha Oh she’s an interesting one :)

Flavors: Earth

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Okay this one. It smells all nutty in the tin and then the nuttiness like gets lost in brewing. It’s good but still, not my go to tea.
Aftertaste is still there and.. yeah.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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HE’S GOOD? Ish..
Like.. It’s a nice green tea, but it had a weird aftertaste?
But still, it smells sooo good coming right out of the tin.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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“What are you captain of? The Innuendo Squad?”

idk what the descriptor is talking about, this tea is rooibos heavy (at least the sample i got is) so i don’t think it would keep me “up all night”. ..unless john barrowman served it to me personally i suppose??
har har
this IS a nice tea. i can taste the almond and the light chocolate hints.

in related news
someone made this.
and then i watched it.
oh internet.

Single Ladies – John Barrowman

thanks Shadowfall!


That video completely made my day!


Hahaha! I like how they offset the clip used for backup dancers by a few frames to make them feel like separate entities. Very clever!

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“Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don’t you think?” – Mycroft Holmes

thank you Shadowfall for this taste of the Queen. haha tv joke.
anyways, i don’t really prefer chai’s but even though this smells very chai it tastes mellower. which makes me like it. (perhaps i should just short steep all my chais?) plus it’s a vanilla chai AND there is the chocolate chip tea too. so it’s good!
i LIKE it.

i’ve spent the past 24 hours reading a looooong post-Reichenbach fic which is kinda Mycroft heavy, in a lovely way, so i thought this was an appropriate tea for the evening. here’s to the CCTV warrior.

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backlog Sipdown! thanks terri! I had this last night while testing – it’s not something i love with that familiar weird adagio taste i don’t like but for whatever reason i kept drinking it. None of the tastes really popped with this one – it seemed to boil down to just a meh cup of tea. Oh well, can’t win them all! :)

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