I’m Sherlock Holmes, the world’s only consulting detective.
I’m not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn’t understand. If you’ve got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please.
This is what I do:
1. I observe everything.
2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
3. When I’ve eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.
i brewed this in my timolino to take to the movies.
we were gonna see Lincolin and i felt like the Lapsang was properly oldtimey and candlelight toned to match.
but at the last minute we changed our mind and saw The Hobbit!!
and i’m so glad i did!
honestly had i known, i probably would have brewed my Watson tea for Martin Freeman of course.
or maybe i would have chosen Love Tea #7 for Bilbo’s endlessly endearing honesty.
but in the end, the assam gently softens the lapsang in this deeply grounding tea, and the earthiness of this blend always tastes like home to me.
i had a great evening.
this tea is exactly like it’s described. exotic and mysterious and i’m not even exaggerating.
it smells and tastes like thoughts and sensations. like the air pressure dropping in the weather. or your legs hitting a pocket of cold current while swimming in a warm ocean.
this is a tea for when i am in a serious mood. which is often.
this tea is goth.
wha what?!
all 10 seasons of MI-5 are on netflix? and huh? Rupert Penry-Jones is in it too?!?!
i spent ALL of xmas last year watching ALL of robin hood. nonstop. no exaggeration.
apparently i will be spending ALL of this xmas watching MI-5!! hah!
Em! thanks for ruining my productivity,…i MEAN ….. thanks for the exciting and timely nudge towards HOURS of FUN! yay
:) I hope you like it. Also has Matthew Macfadyen of Mr. Darcy fame and Max Brown who is on the new show Beauty and the Beast. All of the actors play in different seasons, but it’s worth watching all the seasons. In fact, this discussion has inspired me to watch season 7 where Richard’s character is introduced :) Keep me posted on what you think of the show!
Macfadyen! I liked him as Darcy but I LOVED him in Any Human Heart. (a pbs/bbc creation) Something about it was like watching a poem. an actual poem.
I guarantee that I will watch MI-5. fo sho.
:) I’ve not watched Any Human Heart, but now I’m going to have to check it out. I just played around on Adagio and made some Robin Hood blends. That’s what you do when you don’t feel like going to sleep :)
OMG!!!! your guy of gisborne tea is so awesome! haha i’m gonna buy some, eventually. probably.
oh sigh, robin of locksley.
i have too much tea!!!!!!!!
also i wanna re-watch all of robin hood immediately.
also i want to drink robin & guy tea! (and i’ll add single rose from another tea, so lady marian can join in too) it’s a threesome, …er…a….i mean teasome.
(steepsters, thank you in advance for letting me dork out as much as i embarrasingly want and not immediately unfollowing me. like seriously.)
I love your “dork out”! I should make a Lady Marian tea too. It was getting late and I decided to go to bed :)
bed shmed!!!
haha kidding
i mean, i drink tea so i don’t have to sleep. right?
…i stayed up till like 2am watching the two recent episodes of Elementary.
Bummer about MI-5, but I feel honored at your ordering of the teas :) I still haven’t, but I think I will with the Christmas money I have!
(umm, and who’s seen bbc robin hood? hello richard hi there.)
:) Love BBC Robin Hood & Mr. Armitage. Have you seen the show MI-5? He’s beautiful in that.
wha what?!
all 10 seasons of MI-5 are on netflix? and huh? Rupert Penry-Jones is in it too?!?!
i spent ALL of xmas last year watching ALL of robin hood. nonstop. no exaggeration.
apparently i will be spending ALL of this xmas watching MI-5!! hah!
Em! thanks for ruining my productivity,…i MEAN ….. thanks for the exciting and timely nudge towards HOURS of FUN! yay
:) I hope you like it. Also has Matthew Macfadyen of Mr. Darcy fame and Max Brown who is on the new show Beauty and the Beast. All of the actors play in different seasons, but it’s worth watching all the seasons. In fact, this discussion has inspired me to watch season 7 where Richard’s character is introduced :) Keep me posted on what you think of the show!
Macfadyen! I liked him as Darcy but I LOVED him in Any Human Heart. (a pbs/bbc creation) Something about it was like watching a poem. an actual poem.
I guarantee that I will watch MI-5. fo sho.
:) I’ve not watched Any Human Heart, but now I’m going to have to check it out. I just played around on Adagio and made some Robin Hood blends. That’s what you do when you don’t feel like going to sleep :)
OMG!!!! your guy of gisborne tea is so awesome! haha i’m gonna buy some, eventually. probably.
oh sigh, robin of locksley.
i have too much tea!!!!!!!!
also i wanna re-watch all of robin hood immediately.
also i want to drink robin & guy tea! (and i’ll add single rose from another tea, so lady marian can join in too) it’s a threesome, …er…a….i mean teasome.
(steepsters, thank you in advance for letting me dork out as much as i embarrasingly want and not immediately unfollowing me. like seriously.)
I love your “dork out”! I should make a Lady Marian tea too. It was getting late and I decided to go to bed :)
bed shmed!!!
haha kidding
i mean, i drink tea so i don’t have to sleep. right?
…i stayed up till like 2am watching the two recent episodes of Elementary.
That’s a good reason to stay up until 2!
a week later…
i have not watched MI-5 yet
i have ordered the guy and robin teas
Bummer about MI-5, but I feel honored at your ordering of the teas :) I still haven’t, but I think I will with the Christmas money I have!
Em! the Guy of Gisborn tea smells amazing!!!
AWESOME!! I plan to buy some when I get a little cash. Looking forward to your reviews :)