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Well, I can really taste the Darjeeling today – not so much the cream or the orange…but then again my taster is off…but I think I am on the upswing…fingers crossed
This tea is very very interesting. I was a bit afraid of it. I mean, you know, hot root beer? I got up the nerve to try it today and was not at all disappointed. It’s really good.
The tea in the bag smells lightly of rootbeer and sweetness. Once brewed it smells like root beer. The dry tea leaves have big whole dried lilacs and jasmine flowers. It’s very pretty.
The tea tastes a little flowery and spicy at the same time. It’s actually a nice combination. The finish is where you really get the root beer float flavor. So, this tea went from being the scary bag in the tea drawer to a welcome addition. I actually glad that the root beer flavor in this is mild.
Finished up my stash today…I already miss it! FULL REVIEW HERE:
Thanks LiberTEAS – you ROCK!!!!
This is very VERY nice!!! Very creamy and Strawberry without being tart or fake tasting! VERY nice! I agree with the other reviewers and their comments! A bit of fruit, a bit of wine, and lots of cream! Ahhhhhh!
It is, however, sold out. I checked. Oh well, there are other fish in the sea. (Such as for example the tropical explosion which I’m missing way more than I thought I would. I wonder if I can defend placing an order for that at this point… I’ve been good at emptying tins and I’m getting through teh black samples relatively quickly.
Yes! Apart from my Kusmi blacks (4 red fruits, St Petersbourg, Caramel and a couple of samples) I don’t have anything substantial in black at the moment. It’s just not okay. I really prefer the blacks in many ways, but it’s SO hard to find the one where you think "This tea is IT! "
I’ve found a number of really yummy ones but they have almost always been samples from swaps so I couldn’t restock or they are no longer available at all (Tan Yang Te Ji from TeaSpring cries )
This tea WILL be reblended. Just waiting on some supplies. In the meantime, you guys should see the sale I just posted: http://www.52teas.com
Any estimate possible on when? And uh… what are the odds of there still being any of the tropical explosion left when that happens?
@Angrboda, I really wish I could say for sure, with the company I am working with, it could be a week, it could be two or three weeks. If you guys want to include some pouches of the Strawberry Zabaglione in your Inventory Reduction Sale order, I could hold your shipment if you like.
All right. Well, good luck. (Someday, I’m going to go to Vegas. In the meantime, I’ll just keep playing in our local poker league.)
I would definitely like that, because I Want some more of the Tropical Explosion. That one completely ambushed me. :) And I would also like to try this one, but it seems silly to me to order one thing two times.
I also have a different wish to do with sending, that may or may not be relevant, because I’ll be going on holiday in August and I wouldn’t want it to arrive while I’m gone and can’t pick it up. Would that be okay?
Sure, just let me know the approximate date you would like your order shipped and I will hold it until then.
Since you mentioned being ambushed, I have to say, I was completely flabbergasted yesterday by the demand for our new Jasmine Grey. In our brick and mortar shop, we keep the tea in jars behind the counter for making beverages with. We had to refill the Jasmine Grey jar TWICE last night, which I can’t recall ever having a tea go that fast. Everyone really loved it. I kind of wish I had made a bigger batch.
This tea is pretty amazing. It taste just like a pina colada. Since I usually only drink a pina colada when I am sitting by a pool, I wasn’t sure how I’d like it. I do like it though. It’s coconutty and then there is a sweetness from the pineapple. Not sure I am getting any rum flavoring.
The dry leaves are beautiful too. There are pretty shreds of coconut and giant pieces of dried pineapple.
The funny thing about this tea is that while I didn’t like the pineapple upside down cake tea, I really like this one and wish the cake tea had had this much pineapple flavor.
I’m definitely going to have to try this one iced. I wonder if it will be too much or if I will really feel like I am drinking a pina colada.
On a “rum flavoring” note, I had a killer rum (N/A) latte in Seattle last month. Sometimes recreating the flavor of an alcohol as well as the bite from the alcohol itself can be really hard, but they nailed it. So maybe hunt down a rum syrup? I think this would be amazing in slushie/granita form.
I’m drinking this iced today. I just got back from a run and it’s 83 out and we don’t have A/C… so the last thing I want is hot tea. I thought I would love this iced. It’s ok iced, but not nearly as good as it is hot. As I feared, when iced, it starts to taste like flat cherry coke. I don’t get the feeling of flat when I am drinking it hot. It still tastes good, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll drink the rest of this bag of tea hot.
Maybe cuz it tastes like flat cola cold? You could steep it in just a bit of hot water and then top it off w/ soda water. And maybe sweeten it too? Just some suggestions.
I think I might love this one. How do they get that fizziness feel into it?
Backlogging – had this tea last night.
Seriously, how do they get his to taste like Cherry Coke. Unbelievable. Tastes exactly like cherry coke. I occasionally get some other flavors like Smarties candy but the flavors all go well with the tea. I love this tea.
2 tsp to 11 oz; sweetened with a dash of agave nectar.
This tea is so full of flavor and depending on steeping conditions and temperature of the tea when I drink it, the flavors seems to subtle-ly change. Always there is the pop of raisin /grape. But sometimes, I get a whiff of butter and other times a whiff (but barely of cinnamon). Lately, I have decided to quit adding sugar to tea (or at least not so much or frequently), but this is one flavored tea that does not need any sugar at all to bring out the flavors.
Whoa! This has a strong grape/raisin flavor. As it cools, and if I close my eyes, I can sort of taste raisin toast. Honestly, no raisin toast tastes as raisin-y as this tea. Does this mean I don’t like it? No. I had 2 cups last nite and 2 cups this AM. So, would rank this as a winner…..
I went out on a limb and decided to purchase this from 52teas (my first order from them actually) and even though black teas aren’t really my thing, this sounded too good to pass up. Trying this hot right after it was done steeping and it was mainly black tea that I could taste and a buttery pecan flavor. After it cooled down a bit I could pick up on the sweet vanilla taste. This is quite good for a black tea, but I would prefer a bit more of the pecan taste in there.. perhaps I will find another good black tea with nuts in it and mix it with this to see if that will give it that extra nutty taste that I am seeking ;-)
After my previous super tart tea I decided to try this tea that I have been wanting to try for a while now and thanks to the ever so nice Rabs I am able to do so! I sipped this tea right after it was done being steeped and with it being so hot I could only detect a bit of cherry and honeybush. Now that it was cooled off a bit to where I can sip it without being overly cautious I can taste the pineapple, the sweet cherry, and the honeybush…which BTW I think honeybush was an awesome pick for this blend as it gives the tea that “cake” taste…very impressed! This is a fun tea and a very well done bled :-)
This tea is ok, but not one of my favorites.
The smell of the tea in the bag is something akin to potpourri. I was a little scared. I brewed it as directed (160 F) and got mostly hot water taste. So I brewed it again at boiling temp and got much better flavor out of it. I tried it unsweetened and didn’t like it much and then I sweetened it pretty well with agave nectar and the pear flavor started to pop. This has a nice pear flavor and definitely has spice. I taste cinnamon and I think cloves. Luckily it tastes much better than it smelled in the bag.
This is so good. So good, in fact, that it is difficult to be typing about it because, it’s… yeah, it’s that good. I think I even like this better than Chelsea’s Chocolate Banana.
I can’t even talk about it because this is too ridiculously good.
Haha! I hadda laugh @ your 1st line cuz my ex would say that right before exclaiming “Wow! That’s orgasmic!” :)
@TeaEqualsBliss – I don’t know if I have some of this packaged up for you or not, but if not, I’ll be sure to so that I can add it to the next box.
Last night, as I was sorting through some of my stash (it seems a never ending process!) I came across the last little bit that I had of this. It seemed like it was just enough to brew up a pitcher of iced tea, so that is just what I did.
This is delicious iced. The green tea is prominent, but the berry notes give this an almost-wine-like quality to the background. Sweet and delicious, with hints of tart to keep things interesting. I’m glad I found this… but sad now that the pitcher is empty! This tea will be missed.
This tea was not one that I immediately ordered when it was announced… I’ve never really tried an elderberry, but after reading the comparison of “something between a sour grape and a blueberry” – I wasn’t really that intrigued… I like blueberries ok, but generally, grape is just not my favorite flavor, especially sour grapes.
So, I figured, Hey, I could resist ordering this particular tea (a good thing, because I order MOST of Frank’s teas the day that they are announced, and I probably have more of his tea than he does)
But, then I read Meghann’s tasting notes of this tea, and I decided that I needed to try it.
And I’m really glad I did! I’m surprised at how much I really like this tea… although I really shouldn’t be surprised because I can’t think of a time when I’ve been disappointed in a tea that I’ve tried from 52Teas. (I still won’t try the peanut butter teas though, just won’t do it, and you can’t make me. I like peanut butter ok, but, it doesn’t belong in my tea.)
The flavor is nothing like a sour grape to me. I can taste the blueberry-ish note to it though. It’s like a slightly more tart blueberry… not a sour-tart… but, kind of a tingly tart that hits your tongue after you’ve eaten a fresh berry tart. It’s a very light, delicate kind of taste, and I like it.
The green tea base is perfect for this particular fruit, because it is not too aggressive so it allows the delicate berry flavors to come out a bit more. If this were a black tea, I think that some of the subtleties of the berry would be lost.
Very good!
Yay, glad you enjoyed it. I think it is my favorite flavored green from 52teas. It just does the flavor so well!
Frank evidently blended a tea that is irresistible to my cat Sangye (pronounced San-jay). I put 2 tsp of leaves into a paper filter and walked away to do some other things while I waited for the water to boil. I came back to find my cat Sangye eating tea leaves. So, I didn’t get to taste that first cup.
I made another cup. The dried leaves have a laffy taffy smell to them (not necessarily a bad thing). The brewed tea has a strawberry candy flavor to it (could be that I over sweetened it – next time I’ll taste it before sweetening). I like it a lot. I am thinking this will be fabulous iced.
Here is a picture of Sangye in case you wanted to see him too:
KITTEH!!! implodes
He looks an unusual shade of orange there. Or is that just the light playing tricks?
He is a Devon Rex and has short soft curly fur. He is light orange. Here is another pic:
and a pic of his sister, Willow:
He’s gorgeous! I have an orange kitty too, but he’s a butterfly tabby and a little lighter in color.
Oh, and by the way, I love the butt warmer. I used to have a cat (my favorite of all time) who would turn on the tv through the set top box and sleep on top of it for the warmth.
@Morgana – that’s hilarious. They love sitting on the laptops. I close them and hook them to my monitor and keyboard so they are actually running and getting warm.
One of my current cats used to sleep on my printer for the warmth, in the curved area where the paper would come out. It was just the right size for a cat bed, which was awful. My docs would come out covered in cat hair. Eventually it got so clogged I had to buy a new one, and I cleverly bought one with an uncomfortable scanner do dah at the top. ;-)
Your cat is beautiful. If I ever get another cat, I am going to get an orange one. (Right now I have a black and grey striped tabby). My cat loves green tea so I feel your pain. I have to keep my eye on him because he’ll be drinking out of my cup when I’m not looking.
I feel kind of wrong for liking this, because I know I shouldn’t… but theres something about the cherry lipbalm notes in this tea that I’m inexplicably and ashamedly drawn to.
This tea is so good… it’s especially good iced! My brother-in-law even loves it, and he has one of the fussiest palates that I know of.
When I was little (like 3 or 4) I actually ate Cherry Chapsticks! I thought they smelled so yummy—like lollipops. :)
I still can’t believe how much this reminds me of actual neapolitan ice cream, when I drink this!
This time, I’m distinctly reminded of spumoni—must be the strong cherry note I’m getting—and I swear I’m tasting some pistachio in here as well?
Speaking of which, wouldn’t a Spumoni Honeybush tea be great?? :)
My packet arrived today—so quickly too! Yay!!! :)
Even though I have countless teas to try, I just had to rip this open as soon as possible. I needed my honeybush fix! :P
I’m sipping this piping hot. I’m getting the sweet honeybush flavor very strongly. Then there’s the definite ice cream vibe—I’m not sure how I’m getting that since the liquid is hot, but somehow I perceive “ice cream”. Must be the vanilla with its sense of creaminess. The chocolate is bittersweet. The strawberry has cherry notes.
The scent screams Neopolitan Ice Cream! The classic boxed variety (just like in the picture). Makes me want to run out and buy a box right now. ;)
I like this very much and will reach for it often. As usual, 52teas doesn’t disappoint!