Since I liked it quite a bit, this morning I decided to have Darjeeling Goomtee again. I tried steeping it 30 seconds less. It was noticeably weaker. I drank it, but I don’t think I’ll be steeping it less than 4 minutes again. Oddly, the 2nd steep was almost too weak to be drinkable. I drank it anyways.
I noticed LeafSpa’s description of the taste earlier after posting my first note. "A light honey muscatel flavor and a balanced nutty briskness linger as a delightful aftertaste. " A balanced nutty briskness could definitely describe the lovely full taste that starts in the middle of each sip and carries on til the end. I like this component of the tea. It adds more to it rather than just being a good florally black.
I had planned to drink a green mid-day. Not one of the new LeafSpa ones, just something from my cupboard to get a bit more tea but be able to drink it mindlessly. I’ll want to pay attention for the new LeafSpa greens. But after two less than satisfying cups of this, I found myself over tea-ed oddly.
2nd steep: 6 min.