1598 Tasting Notes
I started with this today and while it should have been amazing and wonderful, I didn’t time it properly and left it in too long and it’s too strong.
But I’m awake now after having had it!
(And that coffee from Tim Hortons that was hidden in a Lowe’s. Why are there Subways and Tim Hortons tucked away in hardware stores now? I don’t care – it’s where my bus gets off so I can always have Timmies before work if I want it!)
Happy Friday!
And another sipdown! :O
This was so good. I’m totally relaxed for bed. :)
Good night, Steepsterites! Good night!
Would you like some more Cavo? I haven’t quite sealed up your package. I think I counted 23 teas though and 24 is such a nicer number :P
I am learning from you MissB! I just keep adding and adding. I think I opened and resealed the swap package to Roswell Strange like 4 times. I have to say though, it is very satisfying to both reign in my own cupboard and share with others.
This was a quick and obvious sipdown as I get so excited about this tea that I MUST HAVE IT immediately. I’ll miss it, but it’s one less baggy floating around my collection, making it untidy. :P
(file that under weird reasons to drink a specific tea)
Thanks again MissB for surprising me with this!
Not weird at all! I’ve even had a tea before just for the mere fact that it was sitting in my cupboard/box a certain way and I didn’t want it there haha.
Woah! I just dumped a scoop of this in my timolino full of milk, shook it and left it in the fridge for 2 days.
THIS IS GREAT. It’s so dark and creamy. I love it.
Oh Cavo, you always inspire my matcha prep practices. I will have to give this a try once me and my matcha are reunited.
Do I inspire you with how lazy I am with my matcha? :P I always feel like it’s matcha abuse, but it turns out nicely!
Haven’t you heard that lazy people will always find the most efficient way to do a task so they can get it over with quickly? You taught me to mix matcha in cold milk and most of the time that is far easier and tastes much better than prepping it in hot water like a tea.
That is if you’re not too lazy to do it in the first place, VariaTEA! ;) I need to try this. I still have the Bubblegum matcha to try (I think). I’m a little suspicious of it…
So my throat feels less scratchier now than it did this morning. Let’s hope it stays that way! My head, OTOH, feels like crap. Advils, water and tea haven’t made a dent in it. :O Is it a sinus headache? Is it because I’ve had too little/too much caffeiene? Yipes.
I’ll just sit and sip away at this and eat carrots and dip and try not to think about it. I love Paris. Thanks MissB for the awesome sale on this one. :) I’ve got enough to last me awhile and now I have no reason to pay $15 shipping from the U.S.
I was going to say I am glad you are feeling better and then I continued reading only to realize one symptom left but another took it’s place. In that case, I will say that I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks! I can stop complaining now. Paris took my headache away. Or seems to have! :D
And Tuscanteal – if you’re only looking for Paris, check Chapters – sometimes you can get it from there. Also, I think other places in Canada do too… (Just to save you the outrageous H&S shipping fees)
Yay! You’re feeling better. Yeah I can ship to the states… I’m sure if Miss B wanted a vacation, I could step in a tea mule, as I live about 20 mins from the American border.
I could only drink half of that DT Cold 911. I imagine it’s one to drink when your sinuses are so full that that would be the only tea you’d still taste.
It was too strong for me.
I like this one though. It’s one of my top picks from the Herbal Infusions set. That minty coolness at the end of each sip is quite nice!
I’m so done with cold teas now that I am feeling better. The whole time I was sick I wanted nothing more than cold teas, but deep down wanted a nice black. Then I’d make one and it would be such a waste. Now that I can have black again… I look at those chamomile/lemon/ginger/whatever blends and scoff.
Must…. resist…. this…. cold.
It’s only a sore throat. And maybe a little bit of light-headedness (although I get that sometimes just bc?). So maybe I can fight this before it becomes an issue? At the very least I hope I can avoid getting the kid sick as I don’t want to miss work at my new job because the daycare doesn’t want her there that day.
First step: drink this tea. Second step: no kisses! Third step: get better. :)
At least I haven’t lost my sense of smell/taste. :D
Hopefully the sore throat doesn’t linger and you feel well soon!
JustJames – how do you use the oil of oregano?
I second oil of oregano.
I use it straight under my tongue, or I put it in warm/hot tap water and swish it around in my mouth and let go slowly down my throat to coat it. Usually if I have it right before I feel truly sick, I can kick the cold to the can.
I’m going to have to try that today, hopefully it works for me! My bff is getting married this weekend, and as her maid of honor I definitely don’t want to be sick.
Thanks for that info, Tuscanteal! I’ll have to get some of this as have a lot of oils but not oregano.
oil of oregano: proper use: four drops under the tongue straight for two minutes… then dunk your tongue in a shot glass of milk (unless you’re lactose intolerant).
the ’i’m afraid’ method: 4 drops in water and chugged. with much more fluid then chugged.
it is the strongest natural INTERNAL anti microbial to my knowledge.
So I had another cup of this today, as it was free with my Teavana order. It still had too much sweetener, even after I picked out some of the rock sugar. The first cup was good as a sweet treat, but I couldn’t drink the second.
I made the mistake of steeping DAVIDs’ Chai on Life afterwards and couldn’t taste too much bc my mug/steeper were still contaminated. Yikes!
If you buy them (as opposed to getting the free sample) does it come with the rock sugar? BC I’d be all over this if it didn’t!
I bought 100 g of this and it does not come with the rock sugar. I actually have way more than I need so I am happy to send some your way Cavo. You would actually be doing me a favor :)
Well I think I’d be interested in a trade then VariaTEA! I’ve got more tea then when you last look so let me know if anything catches your eye!
Will do and feel free to rummage through my cupboard and let me know if anything appeals to you. I will measure how much of this blend I have and let you know, that way you can tell me how much you want me to send your way.
Sounds good! To the cupboards I go! :O
I think I “owe” you a few samples from last time too as you were extra generous. :P
MissB surprised me with a few cups of this one, so I knew I had to have a cup today. Sadly I over steeped it and it was a little too strong (but still good). American Tea Room has a sale on now where you get 2oz of Brioche for free if you spend $30 but aside from Brioche there’s not much else there that’s tempted me yet. And I’m not spending $40 (w/shipping) on “free” tea. :P I"M NOT FALLING FOR THAT AGAIN.
Also, I have a well stocked cupboard.
is it brioche or brioche free? i was thinking it was brioche free, which is an herbal that to me anyway bears little resemblance to brioche (it’s more like david’s forever nuts).
anyway, i’m on hiatus so it’s moot for me. just checkin’.
Oh it was Brioche Free! :O Thanks for pointing that out – I’m not as interested in that. (lurks back into hiatus)
Happy Friday! :-)
Happy Friday! And it’s a long weekend, too! (In the USA.)
Is it? Even better for you guys! :D